
As We Rush

As we rush, as we rush in the train, The trees and the houses go wheeling back,

But the starry heavens above the plain Come flying on our track.

All the beautiful stars of the sky, All the silver doves of the forests of Night,

Over the dull earth swarm and fly, Companions of our flight.

We will rush ever on without fear; Let the goal be far ,the flight be fleet!

For we carry the Heavens with us,dear, While the Earth slip from our feets.

火车载着我们朝前急驶, 树木和房屋向后飞逝,

原野上星空一片灿烂, 沿着铁轨扑面而至。

满天的星斗多么美丽, 有如夜空林中银色的鸽子,

在蒙笼的大地上成群聚集, 陪伴我们一起飞腾冲刺。




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