

It's probably China. Compared with China and Russia, China's Comprehensive National Power is definitely stronger. But there are two obvious points: China, as a superpower, cannot be compared to the United States, but in the future, it can be seen that Russia clearly has no hope. Compared to Russia, China has only a slight deficiency.



This is similar to the technical field. Perhaps in the comparison between China and Russia, these two are the saddest for Russians. As a standard country in the Middle income trap, Russia's per capita income is not as high as China's, with a population of only 150 million. One of the sharpest comparisons is that China has a population of 1.38 billion, of which 100 million are in Guangdong Province, while Russia's total national economy is even lower than that of a province in China with only 100 million people.


area: 6,602,000 mi2

area: 179725 kmi2 (red region in first Chinese map)


That's what I said. Compared to China, Russia's economy is very poor. Russia's economy is not as good as China's Guangdong Province and South Korea. The impact in the world is negligible. The economy relies heavily on natural resources, and apart from selling weapons, I will explain the reasons from a technical perspective below.


Therefore, since the start of sanctions in the Crimean crisis in 2014, the United States and the West have not come to purchase Russia's natural resources, while China has become a major buyer, and Russia, which relies entirely on selling natural resources to maintain its economy, has not grown at all.



China's military bases are currently inferior to Russian military workers who have inherited the legacy of the Soviet Union. For example, Russia still has strong accumulation in aviation engines, fighter jets, missiles, nuclear submarines, aerospace and other fields, leading China. But Russia's advantage cannot be maintained for the long term. The disadvantage of Russia is that it does not have sufficient financial support, coupled with the backward manufacturing and electronics industries, as well as the decline of the shipbuilding industry, which limits Russia's military development.

In summary, returning to the economy is still necessary. The gap in military spending between China and Russia is huge. China's military spending is several times that of Russia, and its proportion to GDP also varies. The following pictures can clearly illustrate this gap. China's military spending accounts for less than half of Russia's GDP, but it is four times that of Russia. That's why the military strength gap between China and Russia is getting smaller and smaller.

There is also a very important point: Russia has more nuclear weapons than China.



Russia's technological level is currently as frustrating as its economy. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia has never made any significant breakthroughs except in the military and industrial fields. In the Soviet era, they only focused on heavy industry, especially military industry, with other industrial levels in a mess. That is why Russia inherited the strong military strength and military and heavy industrial foundation of the Soviet Union, making it impossible for people to ignore its existence, but in other fields of the 21st century, it has no sense of existence. Russia's military technology is significantly stronger than China's in areas such as aviation engines, nuclear warhead technology, and some military and weapon technologies.


Compared to Russia, China has significant technological advantages in addition to military aspects. China was the leader of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the most powerful country in it. For example, like virtual reality, artificial intelligence, quantum communication, robotics, biotechnology, and clean energy, China is the most powerful country in the world. For the Third Industrial Revolution, although China was not a leader, it belonged to those who came from behind and took the lead. In the fields of computer science and information technology, atomic energy has become the best level in the world.


From a small point of view, to say a cruel truth, China's civil industry has some aspects leading the world, and some aspects are not as good as the United States, Japan, and Germany. But they are all stronger than Russia. For example, China's best civil technology fields: drones, smart phones, high-speed rail, building technology.



According to the USNEWS World College and university rankings, College and university rankings in the United States rank first, with 227 in total. China ranks second, with a total of 161, including 130 on the mainland. The UK ranks third and 78th. Japan and Germany tied for fourth place, 62nd place.


The data is collected by others. I didn't personally count the total number of universities in Russia because it was really troublesome. However, China ranks second in terms of the total number of countries on the list. It can already explain everything. Russia's higher education institutions are not as good as China's.


For high school education, if we measure it by academic performance (exam results), China is the best in the world. PISA shows that Chinese high school students perform best among the world's high school students.


Cultural soft power/软文化

Before the 21st century, China's cultural output was basically zero. Many people learn about Chinese culture through American Hollywood and Disney movies. Of course, they express a huge deviation from Chinese primitive culture.


China, Japan, and South Korea all belong to the category of Confucian culture or Chinese culture. So the cultural heritage of their film and television works is very similar. Japan excels in animation, South Korea excels in TV dramas, and China excels in online dramas.

In recent years, China's cultural exports have flourished and its cultural soft power has been increasingly strengthened. In Asia, China's cultural exports are no longer inferior to those of South Korea. In addition to TIKTOK, there are also numerous TV dramas that have captivated many foreigners. I can give you some examples of online dramas here, and you can find some of them on Wiki:

Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia has had very little cultural output, but a film called Черная Молния (Black Lightning) made in 2009 is still very good.


The Soviet Union is truly a country with soft cultural influence, not Russia. Lenin was a well-known figure in the world in the last century. He is known as a Revolutionary and a liberator of the world's people. His thoughts have influenced many countries, including China. But with the upheaval in Eastern Europe and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, his influence gradually declined.


However, the impression left by the Soviet Union is still greater than that of Russia. It is likely that people who are interested in the Soviet Union, like China, have demonized the Soviet Union through American cultural products such as the Red Alert. However, the weak cultural industry of Russians cannot reverse the impression that Russians have always been the imaginary enemies of the United States in the American game.


China's cultural industry is developing rapidly, and its cultural soft power is also superior to Russia. Chinese has gradually become one of the most popular foreign languages in the 21st century world. China is still stronger than Russia in terms of cultural soft power.


In summary, China’s national strength index is stronger than that of Russia.


I wrote a lot and it took me a long time. I originally wanted to say something, but I was very tired. Afterwards, I would like to introduce the differences between China and the United States. My English is not good, please forgive me for making a bunch of mistakes.



I want to talk about China because it has defeated Russia in all possible factors that could affect international politics. China has a much larger population (10 times that of Russia), so it also has greater cultural influence (soft power) in neighboring areas. Although China is certainly still influenced by Western culture, we believe that almost every heritage unique to Western culture has its own version. The cultural connection between Russia and Europe is closer than any East Asian country, as 70% of Russia's population lives in Europe.


China has a more populous and military. It's technology and training still doesn't match the US, but China certainly rivals Russia in what matters most in modern warfare: power projeciton. It's also worth noting that Russia's military are suffering from demographic torubles, which is the reason that foreign nationals are now able to enter the armed forces.


China has more friends, although it has never allied with Western alliance systems such as the European Union, Japan, and South Korea, their economy and diplomacy are deeply tied together. Russia's geopolitical influence is not something to be proud of. Although it has good diplomatic relations with many countries, it has had a real impact on only five rather insignificant countries: Armenia, Belarus, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan (members of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Collective Security Treaty Organization) (on the international stage)


Obviously, China has also surpassed Russia in terms of industrial capacity and economic health. Unlike Russia, China's economy is larger and more stable, especially without falling into recession. China has recently performed well and its relations with the West are much better than Russia's. Russia has been facing joint sanctions from the European Union and the United States, which has always been one of Russia's great dangers.


Overall, what I want to say is that China's influence on the world stage is much greater, even if it does not attempt to intervene in conflicts and expand its sphere of influence.



Before obtaining an accurate answer to this question, you must define what you mean by 'stronger'; That is to say, what are your criteria for judging strength? That is to say, I will decompose some standard indicators below.


1) Population: China has a larger population.

1) 人口:中国人口较多。

2) Economy: China is a global Economic power ("superpower"), but Russia is not. In addition, Economy of Russia's economy is relatively stagnant and heavily dependent on limited exports of natural resources, while China's economy is growing and does not rely on natural resources. Both countries heavily rely on foreign trade.

2) 经济:中国是全球经济大国(“超级大国”),而俄罗斯不是。此外,俄罗斯经济相对停滞,严重依赖有限的自然资源出口,而中国经济正在增长,不依赖自然资源。两国都严重依赖对外贸易。

3) Military: Russia and China are both regional powers and not global powers ("superpowers"). When comparing these two armies side by side, you must once again provide a measure to judge them. For example, if you compare the navy, then Russia seems to be stronger; When you compare the military, you will find that China is stronger.

3) 军事:俄罗斯和中国都是地区大国,都不是全球大国(“超级大国”)。当并排比较这两支军队时,你必须再次提供一个衡量标准来判断它们。例如:如果你比较海军,那么俄罗斯似乎更强大;当你比较军队时,就会发现中国更强大。

If they fight a nuclear war, who will win? Not all of them will lose (the whole world will also lose). Even a "small" nuclear exchange would destroy both countries and cause large-scale radioactive fallout.


3b) If they fight a non nuclear war, who will win? Undoubtedly, China. This is because the war between them will depend on cash (economic strength), available manpower (population), and land warfare (rather than sea and air). China ranks among the top. Side note: Russia will initially have an advantage in air power, but due to the lack of stealth technology, this advantage has been alleviated. In other words, China's Anti-aircraft gun make up for their lack of air power.


4) Positive long-term trend: There are no objective, long-term predictions indicating that Russia (under its current leadership) will once again become a global superpower. In contrast, China will soon become the world's largest economy (if not yet) and is expected to join the United States as a global military superpower within the next 25 years.

4) 积极的长期趋势:没有客观、长期的预测表明俄罗斯(在其目前的领导下)将再次成为全球超级大国。与此形成对比的是,中国将很快成为全球第一经济体(如果还没有的话),并预计在未来25年内加入美国,成为全球军事超级大国。

5) Negative long-term trends: Both countries have a series of long-term challenges that must be addressed. From a demographic perspective, they all have long-term problems: Russia, which has a declining birth rate and talent turnover rate (graduates from technical universities often leave the country), and China, which has an imbalanced and aging population (the proportion of elderly to young people is constantly increasing), will bring enormous pressure to each country.

5) 消极的长期趋势:这两个国家都有一系列必须应对的长期挑战。从人口统计角度来看,他们都有长期问题:出生率和人才流失率不断下降的俄罗斯(技术大学毕业生往往会离开这个国家)和人口不平衡、老龄化的中国(老年人与青年人的比例不断上升)将给每个国家带来巨大压力。