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2023 THIS Volunteer Teaching

in Weixian County

For close to a decade now the Tsinghua Volunteer Teaching Project has grown to symbolize and epitomize the mission and philosophy of Tsinghua International School by not only fostering fosters creative critical thinkers, but also developing the whole child, nurturing individuals of exceptional character who will make positive contributions to the world. Founded by Tsinghua University High School and the China Next Generation Education Foundation, Cheng Zhi Talents Development Fund, teachers and students from Tsinghua High School and partner schools have participated in volunteer teaching initiatives in the summer in Sichuan, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, and other places. The summer of 2023 was no different, as the project reached out to Weixian County, Hebei, for a five-day volunteer teaching initiative at the Fourth and Eighth Primary Schools.

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This summer, 5 middle school students from Tsinghua International School joined the project under the guidance of Chinese teacher Ms. Wei Rong. With passion and enthusiasm the students served as assistant teachers. Together with high school students from Tsinghua High School (Chaoyang), lessons and teaching resources were carefully planned and designed. Primary school students at Weixian learned and explored some of the core subjects , received assistance with homework, and immersed in arts, crafts, music, technology, and sports, providing a rich and enjoyable summer classroom.

This program may be a starting point for the dreams of the local children of Weixian and at the same time, a stepping stone for the growth of the five THIS students. As the Ms. Rong said, “It gives the children a dream to dream, and a chance to grow."

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Here are some of the heartwarming moments in the words of the students and teacher:

Words of Students

Lucy Du:

"The most memorable moment for me was when the third-grade students were learning the song 'Farewell.' They clapped their hands to the rhythm, and their loud and innocent voices filled the classroom. We were all immersed in the music. Even the shyest students opened up their voices. 'Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, the fragrant grass stretches to the blue sky... In life, what is rare is joyful gatherings, but partings are numerous.' After the performance, we truly faced the moment of farewell. We bid farewell with reluctance, giving the little ones small gifts and postcards. Some of the young teachers were even moved to tears. When I returned from Weixian, I pondered carefully: Why did we go there to teach? What roles do we play on this journey? I realized that this teaching program was to expose the young students to a vast world, to assist them in setting sail for their dreams! We are not just mentors; we are also older brothers and sisters and, most importantly, their friends. These three roles harmoniously blend together, allowing us to grow and leaving us with unforgettable memories."

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Vicky Wang:

"The children are so adorable, some are extremely outgoing, while others are reserved and shy, but it doesn't stop them from eagerly soaking up knowledge like little sponges. This is also my first opportunity to be a teacher, and I'm truly overwhelmed with emotions. Being around children makes me naturally gentle."

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Andy Wang:

"I gained a lot from this teaching program. I experienced the efforts of the young students and witnessed the conditions in many underdeveloped areas. At the same time, I felt a sense of accomplishment from the hard work. Although it was physically tiring, helping the children made me happy and fulfilled. During the music class, singing along with the young students was a completely new experience for someone like me who couldn't sing, and it allowed me to feel the joy that music brings. Teaching them Sudoku puzzles during math class made me proud."

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Lucas Yang:

"In this program, I served as an assistant teacher responsible for teaching third-grade students. I made sure to interact with the children in the class during every lesson and prepared for classes until at least 9 o'clock after school. I was so tired that I fell asleep as soon as I lay down in my dormitory. I insisted on waking up at 5:30 every morning just to spend more time doing Sudoku and preparing for classes. The innocent smiles of the children moved me. The writer Zhou Guoping once said, 'What makes a person mature is not time, but experience.' In these short five days of teaching support, I saw a lot, heard a lot, and learned a lot. It truly is an unforgettable time in life, and I will surely cherish it in the future."

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Freya Chen:

"This was my first time participating in a volunteer teaching program, and I was excited and nervous at the same time. I wondered if I could set a good example for the primary school children and inspire them. The most memorable part of the whole program was the 'Farewell.' Whether it was the profound poem of 'Recently, I have suffered from partings, which happen frequently,' or the sad song of 'Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, the fragrant grass stretches to the blue sky,' both left deep impressions in my heart. Few gatherings, many farewells. I feel fortunate to have spent these five days with the children, experiencing the beauty of innocence."

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Words of the Mentor

Ms. Wei Rong:

"My hometown is in Yan'an, northern Shaanxi, and my childhood was spent in a hopeful elementary school where yellow dust filled the air. This volunteer teaching program felt like fulfilling a my own long-forgotten wish. How wonderful it would have been if I had met a group of older brothers and sisters from Beijing's capital back then! Looking into the eyes of the children in Weixian County, I felt like I had traveled back in time, seeing my shy self from those days. The short five days of may seem like a one-time opportunity, but the primary school, THIS students and I will remember this for a lifetime. I feel fortunate to witness the mutual growth of our five young teachers and the primary school children. May everyone always remain sincere, kind, brave, and genuine."






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