


来到上海8½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA


As Chinese Valentine's Day approaches, the moon is full, and the stars are bright.On this most romantic of occasions, look up to the night sky and celebrate a galaxy of love and then come back down to earth with a romantic meal at 8½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA.

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回望牵手那一刻的心跳和悸动,在餐盘中品味平凡中的美好和希冀。以食物之美,描摹爱情的模样。七夕浪漫相聚时刻,上海8½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA特别推出七夕限定套餐,售价人民币¥2480元/位,共同品味爱情的味道。

In celebration of Qixi Festival (22nd August), 8½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA Shanghai has created a limited-edition romantic menu, priced at RMB 2,480 per person.

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月上黄浦江,叠映浪漫波光粼粼。上海8½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA身处上海历史建筑协进大楼中,或坐于窗前餐位凝望江景,或坐于静谧包间中私语情话,或在屋顶露台俯瞰浦东天际线,都将会是一次浪漫而难忘的七夕寻爱之旅。

8½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA Shanghai is located in the historic Associate Mission Building on Shanghai’s iconic Bund. Whether seated by the floor-to-ceiling windows, in a private dining room or on the terrace, guests can enjoy panoramic views of the Pudong skyline, the perfect backdrop for a romantic occasion.

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Chef Gabriele Delgrossi

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Chef Gabriele Delgrossi出生于厨师世家,于2015年前往米兰四季酒店,师从意大利烹饪大师塞尔吉奥·梅(Sergio Mei)学习深造。Chef Gabriele在米兰四季酒店担任两年的副厨师之后,来到巴黎乔治五世四季酒店,担任主厨 Simone Zanoni的第二副手。在法国的三年时间,Chef Gabriele于2017年获得他人生中第一颗米其林之星,也令餐厅摘得意大利大红虾指南(Gambero rosso guide)的“海外最佳意大利餐厅”荣誉,并由此开启了他的米其林摘星之旅。

Chef Delgrossi was born into a family of chefs. In 2015, he joined the Four Seasons Hotel Milano, working under Italian culinary master Sergio Mei, before moving to Paris to work under Simone Zanoni at Four Seasons Hotel George V. During his three years in Paris, Chef Delgrossi won his first Michelin star in 2017, and the restaurant was named“Best Overseas Italian Restaurant” by Gambero Rosso.

2018年,Chef Gabriele受邀前往中国,在北京宝格丽酒店Niko Romito担任主厨,于2019年为餐厅摘得第一颗米其林之星。2021年,Chef Gabriele得到Umberto Bombana先生器重,来到上海8 ½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA餐厅。在这里,Chef Gabriele挥洒着自己的才华和创想,为上海食客带来纯正而优雅的顶级意大利美食艺术享受。

In 2018, Chef Delgrossi moved to China to served as Chef de Cuisine at Niko Romito of Bulgari Hotel in Beijing, winning a Michelin star for the restaurant in 2019. In 2021, Chef Bombana invited him to Shanghai to manage the kitchen at 8 ½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA, where he uses his considerable talent to create some of Shanghai’s best Italian cuisine.