






Anda Union, a nine-piece ensemble from Hohhot, capital of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, made their debut performance on Aug 18 on the popular reality show, The Big Band, produced and broadcast by streaming platform iQiyi.

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Clad in traditional Mongolian robes, leather boots and headgear, the nine musicians played acoustic instruments that included the morin khuur (the horse-head fiddle), and the topshur (a two-stringed Mongolian lute), along with percussion and a box-shaped double bass. They all sang, swapping on lead vocals, as well as singing in harmonies that evoked the lonely grandeur of the vast grasslands.


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“我们都是听着《江格尔》的故事长大的,这里面有很多英雄人物,身怀绝技,各显神通,但是《江格尔》很长,我们节选了其中的部分内容改编成了这首歌曲,” 安达组合的那日苏说到。“就像这部史诗一样,音乐也是蒙古族文化很重要的一部分,我们将二者结合呈现出来,是让我们很骄傲的事情。”

Nars says that all the members of the band grew up listening to the legend. In the song, they sang the parts of the warriors accompanying Jangar, each of whom has special abilities. "The epic of Jangar may take days or even months to tell. We are proud to share it with the audience. Like Jangar, music is integral to Mongolian culture, so we are proud to present it to more people," says Nars, co-founder of Anda Union and its lead musician.

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当节目进入第二赛段,1V1的改编赛,安达组合演唱的是陈奕迅的《孤勇者》,融入了非常多的蒙古元素,气势宏大,蒙语的改编让观众直呼 “太燃”,“太好听了”,“掀翻天灵盖”。

The second song Anda Union performed was a combination of a Mongolian folk song and a popular Mandarin song, Gu Yong Zhe (Lonely Warrior), originally performed by Hong Kong singer Eason Chan. The band translated the song and performed it in both Mandarin and Mongolian.


As part of the adaptation, two lead vocalists: Biligbaatar and Tsetsegmaa, gave a signature urtiin duu performance. Also known as "long song", urtiin duu is a style of lyrical chant, characterized by its abundance of ornamentation, falsetto, extremely wide vocal range and free compositional form.

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"We were not sure about being part of a reality show because fans expect to watch rock bands. We are not a rock band. The language we sing in is Mongolian, which also worried me about connecting with the audience," says Nars.




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In 2006, Anda Union won first prize for ethnic music during China Central Television’s Youth Singing Competition, giving it the opportunity to perform at the national level. With albums, including Homeland in 2006 and The Wind Horse in 2011, the ensemble has toured the country. They have also taken their unique sound worldwide, touring the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.


