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协和教育始创于1993年,是上海最早的国际化教育的学校之一。一直秉承“中西融合”的宗旨,坚持“以学生为本”的教育理念,为学生提供自幼儿园到高中一贯制教育体系,并全面贯彻及实施全人教育计划,致力于儿童的心智与体魄的全面发展、和谐发展、持续发展。协和教育浦东课程中心,是协和教育在上海开设的第八家校区,中心由协和教育统一调配和招募优秀人才,与协和浦东校区联动管理。校区地处浦东三林社区,参照英制 Sixth Form College 的硬件标准,打破封闭的传统校园格局和围墙,采用开放式校园的布局。学校与周边社区保持亲密互动并实现设施互补,资源共享,致力于打造多元自由的公共综合体。协和教育浦东课程中心实行英式A-Level课程,目前已有五届毕业生,其中50%的学生进入全球Top50的顶尖大学,包括牛津大学、帝国理工学院、伦敦大学学院等。



家长开放日 Open House Day

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In order to promote and implement the concept of home-school education and to explore the potential of home-school cooperation, the "Parents' Open House Morning" of SUIS Pudong Sanlin Campus was held on 22 September as scheduled.

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通过“课堂体验”,“A Level选课宣讲”,“升导1对1面谈”三部分活动,让家长们能够近距离观察学生和教师上课状态的同时,也对孩子的未来规划建立一个清晰的基础认知。

Through "Classroom Experience", "A Level Option Selection Lecture", and "UGC 1-on-1 Interview", parents were able to observe the students and teachers in action in the classroom, and at the same time, establish a clear understanding of their children's future plans.

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在Period1和Period2两个时段,学校分别为IG1,IG2, Alevel的家长们安排了丰富的课堂体验,让家长们尽可能多得去体验不同年级,不同学科,不同层级的教学场景。

During Period 1 and Period 2, school arranged a variety of classroom experiences for IG1, IG2 and A Levels parents, so that they can experience as much as possible the teaching and learning at different grades, subjects and levels.

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A Level课程选课

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在三林校区,学校践行小班化分层教学,宣讲会现场,水一帆主任和Bastian Tsui副主任以现有学生课表为例,对不同课程进度与艺术专长学生的课时情况做了对比分析,以解答各位家长们对于A Level课程设计的疑惑。也借此机会,对家长们的日常常问问题做了解答。

At Sanlin Campus, school practise small class teaching. At the presentation, Head of Campus Wendy Shui and Deputy Head Bastian Tsui used the current student timetable as an example to make a comparative analysis of the different curriculum schedules and the contact hours of students who specialised in arts. This addressed some of the parents' queries on the design of the A Levels curriculum. They also took the opportunity to answer parents' frequently asked questions.

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1对1 升导面谈


This annual event provides parents with the opportunity to be in the classroom with the students to better understand what we teachers and students do at school on a daily basis. It also promotes communication between schools and families, which bridge the gap between home education and school education. This is in fact a realisation of home-school education as well cooperation. By doing this, the school and parents can work together to build a suitable educational environment for the children and a future that we all hope for.






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