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“风带来的故事的种子,时间使其发芽。” 在一个微风渐渐的早晨,伴随着行李箱轮辘辘的转动声,德胜学校(国际)九年级学子踏上了去往深圳的大巴车,共四天三夜,属于他们和当代先沿科技的故事缓缓拉开了帷幕。

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Part 1:出行日记

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Day 1


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Day 2


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Day 3


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Day 4

同学们在学校进行Gallery Walk。大家灵活地学以利用,将对产品的奇思妙想转化到笔下,通过小组分工合作,制作出精美的海报。大家真切体验到了每一个创新的来之不易,同时也在小组合作中锻炼了沟通及动手能力。

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Part 2:你问我答

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1. 在研学过程中,请分享一个最让你兴奋的环节?

SCH Andy Han




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SCH Elterence Wang

在整个研学过程之中,最让我兴奋的环节是在大疆科技的Robot Master模拟赛。我们亲自使用平板参加比赛,互相对抗,让我体会到了无边的乐趣。在去了大疆之后,我体会到创新引领科技发展,青年人才是科技发展的重要动力。我辈青年要努力学习,争取为未来科技的发展出一份力。

2. 在研学过程中,请分享一个最具有启发性的环节?

KPL Susana Wang


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KPL Wendy Li


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3. 作为组长,你在研学过程中遇到了什么困难?


PAS Esther Wu


PAS Nicki Zhang


4.你们的Gallery walk能从11个队伍中脱颖而出,靠的是什么?可以分享几个秘诀吗?

KPL Kingsley Zhao

我是在本次gallery walk中获得最有创意奖小组组长,我认为我们能够获得这个奖项是来源于我们的小组合作,沟通协商,优化他人想法。当然,最特别的事莫过于是在筹备演讲的时候,我们准备了我们在同理心思维导图时所设计的产品,组内一半的人都展开了丰富的想象,我们甚至想象到了未来所推出的款式、销售、版本等更多有关该产品的信息。该产品是一个读书翻译器,对于阅读外语的纸质书阅读者带来了许多好处,比如便携,大面积翻译,支持多语言,夜灯并超越了那些阅读翻译文章的应用:我们所设计的产品比翻译笔一行一行扫更快,比手机从开机到打开翻译软件拍照翻译效率更高。由此,我们看出了这件产品是比较现实的,所以我们将它加进了我们的演讲里,成为了我们介绍专利,知识产权的媒介,这也是我认为我们组最特别的方式。

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SCH Jerry Yang

在LEP结营仪式上我们组得到了最佳合作小组的奖项。在这一次的LEP中我们小组学到了很多东西,像是深圳的经济与科技发展等等。在每一次答题中我们小组都努力的去拿分,而我们的努力也得到了回报,我们拿到了每一条线索,虽然没有第一个答出password有些小可惜。但在gallery walk的时候我们小组仍然认真的完成了海报,在完成海报的同时我们还进行了激烈的讨论,在大家都明白了我们的主题之后我们海报的内容变得更加充分了。并且每个人都练习了演讲以确保每个人都知道问题的答案,最后也不负众望拿下了最佳小组合作奖。在这一次的小组合作中我学到了什么时候都要积极地带领小组去争取而不是气馁。

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SCH Scott Wu

我们之所以能够获得Best Presentation Price,最主要的原因是因为我们团队无时无刻都是一直以获奖为目标前进,目标一致是我们团队的精神。在途中,我们也遇到了很多的困难,比如说在思考如何去设计自己的专利的时候,每个人对于这个专利都有自己不同的意见,很难去磨合大家的建议。所以我们小组成员将自己认为自己专利好的地方以及优点及缺点都一一列了出来,然后大家综合这些优点缺点,又再次设计了一个新的专利,也就是我们最终的产品,农业无人机。不仅仅是对于产品本身的思考,更多的是大家对于深层次的研究以及对日常生活中认为不足的地方。所以说我们才能想到很多的不一样的想法,这一切都归功于我们小组成员不断的思考,创新以及汲取他人的建议,缺一不可。

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"The seeds of stories carried by the wind, sprout with time." On a gently breezy morning, accompanied by the rolling sound of luggage wheels, the ninth-grade students of Desheng School (International) embarked on a four-day, three-night journey to Shenzhen. This journey marked the beginning of their stories intertwined with contemporary technological advancements.

Part 1: Travel Diary

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Day 1

We explored the history of technological development at the Industrial Museum, visited remarkable technological achievements, and gained insights into the current state of technology. At the waste incineration power plant, we learned about resource recycling methods, engaged in a garbage recycling game, and realized the importance of resource recycling.

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Day 2

Visited Da-Jiang Innovation Center to see drones and AI technology exhibitions, and experienced the convenience brought by innovative technology. Engaged in technology-themed sharing sessions to expand our knowledge. Learned to operate drones, participated in robot competitions, and directly experienced technological applications. At the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shenzhen Institute, we delved into the lives of researchers and observed the world's most advanced research products and technologies. In a lively classroom, we discovered fascinating applications of 3D machine vision in daily life, gaining a more realistic understanding of technology's integration into our lives.

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Day 3

Visited BYD Co., Ltd., learning about BYD's development, technological innovation, and corporate culture. Experienced the convenience of BYD's electric buses, understanding the comprehensive development of a large corporation. Visited BGI Genomics, learned about DNA-related knowledge, and explored the mysteries of genetics in BGI's nature-inspired architecture.

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Day 4

Conducted a gallery walk at school. We creatively transformed our thoughts on products into beautifully crafted posters through collaborative group work. We experienced the challenges and rewards of innovation, while also honing our communication and hands-on skills through group collaboration.

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Part 2:Q&A

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1. What was the most exciting part of the study tour for you?

SCH Andy Han

Before this trip, my impression of Shenzhen was: modern streets, straightforward engineering students, and a famous dish called "Lung Gong Pig Feet."

However, this three-day trip has truly changed my impression and perspective on the city of Shenzhen.

Throughout the journey, the first pleasant surprise was the forward-thinking design of the buildings.

The second exciting part was the Q&A session after each visit to technology companies. Besides knowledge-based questions, there are also questions about observations and displays of exhibits. To my surprise, I scored three points in that first round. I personally believe that this part of the program is well-designed, allowing students to absorb more knowledge rather than just skimming the surface of their studies.

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SCH Elterence Wang

The most exciting part for me was participating in the robot master simulation competition at DJI Technology. Using tablets for the competition was engaging and brought endless joy. After visiting DJI, I realized that innovation leads to technological development, and young talents are crucial to this progress. It inspired me to study hard and contribute to the future development of technology.

2. What was the most inspiring part of the study tour for you?

KPL Susana Wang

The reflection sessions at the end of each day inspired me to think differently. Questions guided us to consider "empathy" and technology, helping me understand how technological products are created and needed. "Empathy" as an essential factor in product development represents the innovator's creativity and speculative ability. Reflecting on products developed with empathy always impressed me and demonstrated how technology can provide convenience to people's lives.

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KPL Wendy Li

The most inspiring part for me was the environmentally friendly landfill. It converts waste into electricity for the city and uses non-burnable waste to make bricks for the construction industry. This not only solves the problem of difficult waste disposal but also makes me think deeply about environmental protection and how waste can have positive impacts on society.

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3. As a group leader, what challenges did you face during the study tour, and how did you overcome them?

PAS Esther Wu

As the group leader, my biggest challenge was how to boost the enthusiasm of group members to participate in activities. During the study tour, I motivated them by allowing members to voluntarily choose tasks they wanted to be responsible for, thus piquing their interest in completing tasks. Leading a group is not easy, and it requires wisdom to unite group members, such as using inspiring language, a friendly attitude, and an open communication style. I learned that being a leader requires continuous improvement of one's abilities.

PAS Nicki Zhang

As a group leader, the biggest challenge was motivating them to do their daily assignments. I would encourage them to do the assignments at night and guide them through using Padlet. If I encounter similar issues in the future, I will check the assignment deadlines and patiently guide group members.

4. How did your Gallery walk stand out among 11 teams? Can you share some secrets?

KPL Kingsley Zhao

Our group won the Most Creative Award in the gallery walk. I believe it came from our teamwork, communication, and optimizing others' ideas. The most special thing was during the preparation for the speech; we presented a product designed during our empathy mind map session. Half of the group had rich imaginations, envisioning future styles, sales, and versions of the product. The product was a reading translator, bringing many benefits to readers of foreign language paper books, such as portability, large-area translation, multi-language support, and a built-in night light. It surpassed traditional reading translation applications in terms of speed and efficiency. This unique approach made our presentation stand out.

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SCH Jerry Yang

In the closing ceremony, our group received the Best Cooperation Group award. In this LEP, our group learned a lot about Shenzhen's economic and technological development. In every quiz, we tried hard to score points, and our efforts paid off. We got every clue, although we missed being the first to guess the password. During the gallery walk, our group earnestly completed the poster and had intense discussions. After everyone understood our theme, our poster became more comprehensive. Each member practiced their speeches to ensure everyone knew the answers, and in the end, we won the Best Group Cooperation Award. I learned that being proactive in leading the group is essential.

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SCH Scott Wu

The main reason we received the Best Presentation Prize was our team's constant focus on winning. Our team spirit was unified toward this goal. Along the way, we encountered many difficulties, such as designing our own patent. Each member had different opinions, making it challenging to reconcile everyone's suggestions. So, each group member listed the strengths and weaknesses of their proposed patent, and we collectively designed a new patent, our final product, an agricultural drone. Our group members' continuous thinking, innovation, and acceptance of others' advice contributed to our many unique ideas. It all boils down to our team members' constant thinking, innovation, and absorbing others' suggestions; all are indispensable.

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The wonderful time has come to an end, and this exceptional story has reached its conclusion. In these few days of the study journey, knowledge, friendship, collaboration, joys, and sorrows have been added to the students' life experiences. Simultaneously, everyone has transformed into better versions of themselves. Unbeknownst to them, the essence of interdisciplinary learning has been mastered, and design thinking has been elevated. The end of this story is not the endpoint; their next story is just beginning.






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