


China is currently better than us, but we must strive to tap into our own potential to achieve their accomplishments.


China is a global economic and infrastructure giant, and some of its achievements can often be eye opening.


Guangdong Province is the largest province in China's economy, with a GDP of 1.3 trillion US dollars, accounting for approximately 45% of India's GDP. Our largest economy, Maharashtra, has a GDP of only $430 billion.


China has the world's highest GDP purchasing power parity of $25 trillion (2.5 times that of India) and the second highest nominal GDP of $12.5 trillion (5 times that of India).

中国拥有世界上最高的GDP购买力平价25万亿美元(是印度的2.5倍)和第二高的名义GDP 12.5万亿美元(是印度的5倍)。

The People's Bank of China has assets worth $3.21 trillion, which is larger than our GDP.


China has the world's largest foreign exchange reserves, reaching $3.2 trillion, approximately 8 times that of India.


China is the country with the highest share of industrial design in the world and also the largest manufacturing base in the world. About half of the world's goods are manufactured in China.


Among the top 50 companies in terms of revenue, 11 are Chinese companies. There is no Indian company on the list.


The Chinese economy can generate a millionaire in just three days. Therefore, China has the world's largest number of millionaires and billionaires, second only to the United States.


The size of China's economy is 18 trillion US dollars, with an annual growth rate of 5.5%. The size of the US economy is 22 trillion US dollars, with an annual growth rate of 2.3%. According to this approach, China will surpass the United States to become the world's largest economy by 2030.


The key is that in terms of economy and infrastructure, India is far from China. China is competing with the United States to become the world's largest economy, while we Indians are patting ourselves on the back, saying that we are better than failed countries like Pakistan. The reality is that Chinese people do not even recognize India as a considerable competitor!


The industrial era has come to an end, and the world is moving towards an era of innovation. What can determine a country's power and wealth now?


How many factories are there? Number of workers? The number of soldiers? Foreign exchange reserves? Gross Domestic Product?


Only innovation!


What is China's current position in innovation?


In 2019, China surpassed the United States of America to become the largest source country for international patent applications submitted to the World Intellectual Property Organization. This year, the organization's international intellectual property services, treaty compliance activities, and revenue base have once again grown strongly.


Src - China became the country with the most international patent applications in 2019


Do you see India on the chart?


Okay, we only submitted 2053 copies, while China submitted 58990 copies, surpassing the United States for the first time in history.


The first step in competition is to acknowledge the strength of competitors. Yes, China today is powerful, and the United States is running around like a headless fly opposing China. Isn't that obvious?


Instead of feeling angry about China's success or disdainful of its people's hard work, we should find our own path of development and competition.


The fact is simple, China is wealthier and more developed than us. To get closer to them, we still have a long way to go, and we must work hard for it.


If we recognize this simple truth, it means we are walking on the right path.


网友Imran Hamza的回答

Dreaming is a typical habit of Indians, and we always dream of a better future.


In the movie, the hero defeats the politician, and we applaud because that is the scene of our dreams.


So Indians have a habit of comparing themselves with China because both countries have similar cultures and both emerged from colonialism under similar economic conditions after World War II, but in fact, China was even worse at that time. Despite partition, India inherited many British made things, which means it is more stable and ready to become a superpower in the next 50 years.


In the past 40 years, China's policies have been simple, welcoming investors and bringing them employment and foreign exchange.


In the past 40 years, India has changed many policies, resulting in complete distrust from investors.


As of 2021, India is an economy worth $2.5 trillion, while China is an economy worth $15 trillion. China has maintained double-digit growth for a considerable period of time. I conducted a quick survey: from 1978 to 2021, there were 16 years in which China's GDP growth exceeded 10%, and 41 years in which it exceeded 5%. On the other hand, during the same period, India did not grow by more than 10% in one year, and grew by more than 5% in 30 years.


Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, China's railways have increased from 21000 kilometers to 155000 kilometers, including 42000 kilometers of high-speed railways.


At the same time, India increased from 58000 in 1947 to 68000 in 2023.


Unlike GDP, infrastructure is difficult to adjust or falsify. In order to make India's GDP look good, Modi changed the calculation method twice in 2015 and 2018.


And India has included slum shacks in market prices, cow manure in GDP, and reset the growth baseline from 2005 to 2012. Because 2012 was even weaker. In China, even up to now, sellers and housing rents are still not included in GDP.


India will not change anything, the same corruption, the same politicians, the same attitude, the same Bollywood movies, the same poverty and comparison with China.


People have also been talking about India's potential and how its democracy will support its development in competition with China.


In my opinion, this is just a way for Indians to feel bad about China, giving them confidence and causing trouble for China.


My suggestion is that India should truly start doing hard and real work, rather than creating more artificial wonders.


The invitation of Modi to the United States does not mean that the United States will make every effort to make India a superpower. The United States only wants India to provoke China and delay its development. Once China no longer poses a challenge, India will soon be abandoned and suppressed.


网友Pawan Jain的回答

China is much stronger than most Indians imagine. I won't share common things like GDP, but rather some anecdotes (quantitative information I personally encounter) because this is something I can personally contribute.


I was at a business conference when the German general manager of a very large semiconductor company (to be fair, they are all very large) was speaking. He shared some data on China's share of global manufacturing capacity, especially in the field of green technology:


• Tower -60%

• 风塔- 60%

• Wind Power Cabin -60%

• 风电舱- 60%

• Lithium batteries: 70%


• Semiconductor wafer: 94%


Please note that this is not the share between China and India, it is the ratio of China's share to that of other countries in the world.


These are all installed capacity, once purchased, replacement cannot be expensive, so these things can not only make money through direct sales, but also continue to generate revenue through services, maintenance, parts, etc.


They are not just manufacturing goods, they are reshaping the manufacturing industry, just like you have a complete application ecosystem based on SAP ERP, these capital goods will establish new standards, which will require new companies.

他们不仅仅是在制造商品,他们重塑了制造业,就像你有一个基于SAP ERP的完整应用生态系统一样,这些资本货物将建立新的标准,这将需要新的公司。

Another story. Last year, I celebrated my birthday in Hamburg, Germany (I live in Berlin). It has a very impressive port. I want to know Hamburg's ranking among the world's top ports, as well as India's ranking.


This is the port ranking list. Can you see a common trend?


The first Indian port ranks 35th.


Traveling to Europe or other tourist destinations, you will find that Chinese tourists are much more numerous than Indian tourists, and not by a few percentage points, but by an order of magnitude.


These are all rumors, but since I left India, one thing has become clearer than ever: China has become a true global superpower and is becoming increasingly powerful.


As an economy, India has performed quite well - in fact, better than many developed economies including China - but in terms of strength and influence on the global stage, India lags behind China for decades. There is indeed no comparability. Hey, today is Dassehra. If you search for home portable temples on Amazon (or purchase from nearby stores), you will get a product made in China.


It won't change unless we really start asking, "How can we be as strong as China?", rather than whether China is really as strong as we imagine.


网友Veerappan Laxman的回答

India has always held a unique and powerful position on the world stage, with advantages not only in its size and population, but also in its rich heritage, diverse culture, and extraordinary potential. Here are several direct viewpoints that highlight why India is powerful and has a unique position compared to Eastern powers:


1. Consistent with the West, democracy and freedom: India takes pride in becoming the world's largest democratic country. The democratic principles and individual freedoms enshrined in its constitution make it stand among the world's great powers. India's commitment to freedom of speech and the rule of law has strengthened its global influence.

1. 和西方一致民主和自由:印度以成为世界上最大的民主国家而自豪。其宪法所载的民主原则和个人自由使其伫立在世界强国之林。印度对言论自由和法治的承诺加强了其全球影响力。

2. Cultural diversity: India's diverse culture, language, religion, and traditions make it a true melting pot of humanity. This diversity promotes innovation, creativity, and adaptability. By contrast, we will not stifle diversity and creativity.

2. 文化多样性:印度多元的文化、语言、宗教和传统使其成为一个真正的人类大熔炉。这种多样性促进了创新、创造和适应能力。相比之下,我们不会扼杀多样性和创造力。

3. Global Soft Power: India's soft power, including its vibrant film industry (Bollywood), music, art, literature, and spirituality, has global appeal. Indian expatriates have played an important role in spreading Indian culture and values globally.

3. 全球软实力:印度的软实力,包括其充满活力的电影工业(宝莱坞)、音乐、艺术、文学和灵性,具有全球吸引力。印度侨民在向全球传播印度文化和价值观方面发挥了重要作用。

4. Economic growth: India's economic growth has always been impressive and is expected to become one of the world's largest economies. Its vibrant private sector, thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem, and entrepreneurial spirit all contribute to this advantage.

4. 经济增长:印度的经济增长一直令人印象深刻,预计将成为世界上最大的经济体之一。其充满活力的私营部门、蓬勃发展的创业生态系统和创业精神都有助于这一优势。

5. Innovation and Technology: India's influence in the global technology industry is increasing. India is a major player in the field of information technology and software services, with Indian professionals having strong influence in Silicon Valley and technology centers around the world.

5. 创新和技术:印度在全球科技行业的影响力越来越大。印度是信息技术和软件服务领域的主要参与者,印度专业人士在硅谷和世界各地的科技中心都有很强的影响力。

6. Strategic location: India's geographical location is crucial. It connects South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East, making it a central player in regional politics and trade. The Indian Ocean region, which has important maritime channels, has significant strategic significance.

6. 战略位置:印度的地理位置至关重要。它连接着南亚、东南亚和中东,使其成为地区政治和贸易的中心角色。拥有重要海上通道的印度洋地区具有重要的战略意义。

7. Space and Nuclear Energy: India has made significant progress in space exploration and has successfully carried out missions to Mars and the Moon. India's reliable nuclear deterrence has enhanced its strategic strength.

7. 空间和核能:印度在空间探索方面取得了显著进展,成功地执行了火星和月球任务。印度可靠的核威慑增强了其战略实力。

8. Peaceful Foreign Policy: India adheres to a foreign policy of peace and non aggression. It has a history of participating in United Nations peacekeeping operations and seeks to maintain good relations with neighboring countries.

8. 和平外交政策:印度奉行和平、不侵略的外交政策。它有参与联合国维和行动的历史,并寻求与邻国保持良好关系。

9. Global Migration: Indian immigrants are one of the largest and most influential immigrants in the world. It plays a crucial role in promoting economic connections, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic relations.

9. 全球移民:印度移民是世界上最大和最有影响力的移民之一。它在促进经济联系、文化交流和外交关系方面发挥着至关重要的作用。

10. Sustainable development: India has made significant progress in sustainable development and green energy initiatives. It positions itself as a global leader in renewable energy, mitigating climate change, and protecting the environment.

10. 可持续发展:印度在可持续发展和绿色能源倡议方面取得了长足进步。它将自己定位为可再生能源、减缓气候变化和保护环境方面的全球领导者。

11. Young workforce: India has a young and vibrant workforce, which is a wealth in the rapidly developing global economy. This demographic dividend provides significant advantages in innovation and productivity.

11. 年轻的劳动力:印度拥有年轻而充满活力的劳动力,这在快速发展的全球经济中是一笔财富。这种人口红利在创新和生产力方面提供了巨大的优势。

12. Cultural exports: India's cultural exports, including yoga, Ayurveda, and traditional medicine, have gained global recognition and contributed to the country's soft power.

12. 文化出口:印度的文化出口,包括瑜伽、阿育吠陀和传统医药,已经获得了全球的认可,并为国家的软实力做出了贡献。

13. English proficiency: India's English proficiency is an asset in the global business world. It can effectively communicate and interact with international partners.

13. 英语熟练程度:印度的英语熟练程度是全球商业世界的一项资产。它能够与国际伙伴进行有效的沟通和互动。

14. Resource Base: India has abundant mineral, coal, and arable land resources. Its resource wealth puts it in a favorable position in terms of self sustainable development and trade opportunities.

14. 资源基础:印度拥有丰富的矿产、煤炭和可耕地资源。它的资源财富使它在自我可持续发展和贸易机会方面处于有利地位。

15. Global Partnership: India has established strategic partnerships with many countries, including the United States, Russia, Japan, and ASEAN countries. These partnerships contribute to regional stability and economic growth.

15. 全球伙伴关系:印度与许多国家建立了战略伙伴关系,包括美国、俄罗斯、日本和东盟国家。这些伙伴关系有助于地区稳定和经济增长。

Although India faces a series of challenges and opportunities, its democratic values, cultural diversity, soft power, economic growth, and strategic positioning make it a powerful and influential participant on the global stage. India's unique identity and potential make it unique and make it play a prominent role in shaping the future of the world.
