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泰山为五岳之首,有“天下第一山”之称 。它位于山东省中部,绵亘于泰安、济南、淄博三市之间,海拔1532米。泰山相伴上下五千年的华夏文明传承历史,集国家兴盛、民族存亡的象征于一身 ,承载着丰厚的地理、历史、文化内涵。自秦始皇起至清代,先后有13代帝王登泰山祭祀。泰山将历史文化、自然风光、地质奇观和谐融为一体,具有特殊的历史、文化、美学和科学价值。


Mount Tai, the greatest of the Five Sacred Mountains of China, is known as the best mountain in the world. It is located in the central part of Shandong Province, stretching between Tai'an, Jinan and Zibo, with an altitude of 1532 meters. Mount Tai, which witnesses five thousand years of Chinese civilization, is a symbol of national prosperity and national survival, bearing rich geographical, historical and cultural connotations. From the First Emperor of Qin to the Qing Dynasty, 13 generations of emperors climbed Mount Tai to offer sacrifices. Mount Tai is a harmonious integration of historical culture, natural scenery and geological wonders with special historical, cultural, aesthetic and scientific values.



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