
1、sth. accelerates

Inflation continues to accelerate.


2、accelerate sth.

Exposure to the sun can accelerate the ageing process.



Expedite economic reform加快经济改革步伐

Expedite the clearance 加快清关;加速清关

Expedite shipment 速运;加速发货



Precipitate crisis加快引发危机

Precipitate political crises促发政治危机


The assassination of the president precipitated the country into war.



They also called for action to accelerate the work on the development related mandate concerning the TRIPS Agreement and the implementation related issues in the Doha Ministerial Declaration, especially on the issues of making intellectual property rules of TRIPS supportive of the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity as well as trade-related aspects of the TRIPS and Public Health.

他们还呼吁采取行动,加快制定与贸易有关的知识产权协议方面与发展相关的任务规定,尽快落实 《多哈部长级宣言》中与执行相关的问题,特别是关于制定支持《生物多样性公约》目标的与贸易有关的知识产权协议规则的问题,以及与贸易有关的知识产权协议和公共卫生在贸易方面的问题。

He also pointed out that many applications are pending for longer periods, but no action is taken by any member of the Committee to expedite the decision on them, and called on Committee members to deal with all applicant organizations in a non-selective manner, arguing that the result of the vote would allow the Committee to continue its interaction and dialogue with the organization to alleviate the concerns expressed by different members.


It was noted that the growth process in the LDCs, which was largely externally propelled, did not precipitate any progressive changes in the composition of gross domestic product (GDP), diversification of exports, reduction in commodity dependence, broad-based investment flow, substantial strengthening of trade-related infrastructure, and development of science, technological and innovation capability.



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