院校简介】ESC Clermont: “School for Life”


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培养方向 Cultivation Direction

Clermont-DBA 项目通过高级企业经营者必须具备的四个维度的能力,即全球化能力、可持续发展能力与学习能力、科学逻辑能力、以及理论应用能力的专业性培养,具体从以下几方面促进学员提升:




项目优势Program Advantages


Clermont-DBA Program will leverage the sino-french and global research ecosystem (Programmes /Labs /Research), be in close cooperation with our public and private partners,produce and publish knowledge together with students, and improve development in companies and organizations as well as support the regional economic development and attractiveness.Following the centennial history of Group ESC Clermont, the Clermont-DBA Program has five dominant advantages:



Academic excellence

Groupe ESC Clermont is one of the oldest business schools in France. Since its establishment in 1919, the School has continually been successful in graduating business leaders through its faculty of experienced professors and professionals.Therefore, students of Clermont-DBA Program will be provided with high quality teaching and academic services.



Strong partnerships

Groupe ESC Clermont has partnerships with over 100 leading international business schools and universities. The school also has close ties with many national SMEs and international corporations. Clermont-DBA Program will be taught in English, so that students can improve their international thinking and cognition, and meanwhile their international language ability will be improved,which will better promote the globalization of students' career development.


在AACSB认证的商学院中,克莱蒙高等商学院名列全球前5%——AACSB认证是全球商学院最重要的认证之一。根据英国《金融时报》和费加罗(Figaro) /“Etudiants”排行榜,它也是法国和欧洲最好的商学院之一。

World’s top 5% of business schools

Groupe ESC Clermont is counted amongst the world’s top 5% of business schools that is AACSB-accredited ---one of the most important accreditations for Business Schools worldwide. It is also one of the best business schools in France and Europe according to the Financial times and Figaro/”Etudiants” rankings.



Top quality of student life

Clermont-Ferrand, located in the heart of France, is recognized as one of the best student cities in the country with a total of 42,000 students. The city is also among the most suitable places to study.

Students of Clermont-DBA Program will enjoy good opportunities for international study Tours and visits to study in the Alma mater.



Leading GDA alumni platform

As a leader in the field of higher business school education in China, CPMC (Co-progess Education Group) has the unique ability of education globalization and a two-way alumni resource platform, which coincides with the Group ESC Clermont of highly international partnerships and enterprise networks. Both parties will work together to provide students with high-quality learning programs and education services.清培商领院”小编“菲菲老师”编辑发布