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本文为北京德闳幼儿园外方副园长Stacy Andell专访。


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Stacy Andell



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北京德闳幼儿园外方副园长Stacy:有趣的事情每天都在幼儿园里发生着,但要说印象最深刻的是去年我们一个中班,当时他们正在学习探索太空。在德闳,我们与中国航空航天有着密切联系,在小学阶段开设了航天育种的志闳课程,其中培育过的太阳花种子就是德闳学生们自己挑选的曾搭载神州十二号飞船返回地球的种子。当神州十三号载人飞船升空时,德闳学生画的图画电子版被选中带到太空,其中有一张被选中的照片正是我们这个中班孩子们的作品。这是一个非常难得的学习机会, 让学生们可以在了解中国太空计划的同时培养他们的民族自豪感。学生不仅可以近距离地接触和了解这一伟大的航天事业,更可以在过程中建立身份认同感和民族自信。



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English Version

KingLead: Could you please tell us the original intention of the kindergarten?

Stacy, Deputy Head, Dehong Beijing Kindergarten:As sister schools to Dulwich College International schools, they have the same ducks program, which is their earliest program. And so the inspiration for Dehong was to figure out how to take the best things from the ducks program and adapt them to our bilingual model that combines both the English curriculum and the Chinese national curriculum.

KingLead: What's the developed goals of your kindergarten?

Stacy, Deputy Head, Dehong Beijing Kindergarten:Our kindergarten is designed to help our student to prepare for entering our Dehong elementary. So this involves the language and cultural by environment where we have a bilingual and bi-cultural model. And it's also about instilling the inquiry mindset which is the idea of children figuring out how to explore the environment, how to ask questions, how to investigate things.

KingLead: What are the mission and vision of the kindergarten?

Stacy, Deputy Head, Dehong Beijing Kindergarten:So here at Dehong, we focus on the whole child, so that's not just academic things, but also the social, emotional, and other kind of factors as well. We are a play-based kindergarten, meaning that we believe that children learn best through exploring their environment, through following their interests, and we also emphasize a strong connection to nature. So we have a beautiful outdoor space in our campus, and we encourage children to think about our connection with nature and how we can have a sustainable future.

KingLead: So, what are the major educational philosophies of the kindergarten?

Stacy, Deputy Head, Dehong Beijing Kindergarten:Our kindergarten philosophy is based on three main things. First is positive relationships, which means the relationships between students and other students, between students and teachers, between parents, and the other people in our community. For us, relationships are key.

The second one is we have our enabling environments which means we set up our environments in order to give our children the opportunity to explore, to try new things, to push their own limits and build their own independence and resilience.

The third one is the idea of unique child. This is the foundation of all our school. Every child is different, every child likes different things, develops at a different rate, so it's our job here at Dehong to nurture every child to achieve their personal best.

KingLead: What words and phrases would you like to use to describe the core culture of Dehong Kindergarten?

Stacy, Deputy Head, Dehong Beijing Kindergarten:We are very child-centered, so we focus on caring and attention to the individual. Since every child is unique, every teacher seeks to build a relationship to find out what's important to each child and to their families, so that we can best show our care and attention to them.

To be more specific, our campuses are student-centered every day, so from the moment that children are dropped off in the morning, all the teachers, even the teachers aren't their class teacher are enthusiastic and welcoming students. We know that some students struggle when they come to school in the morning to separate from their families. So, our whole teaching team knows which students need extra attention, and which students need just that little bit extra set, to help them successfully come into the school every day.

KingLead: What aspects of the kindergarten embody the philosophy and culture of your kindergarten?

Stacy, Deputy Head, Dehong Beijing Kindergarten:I would say back to positive relationships. Since we see our relationships as the key, what we hear again and again from parents is that they've never seen another kindergarten that is so warm and so inviting that the teachers show so much care and personal attention on each child.

KingLead: In terms of building the relationship, what kind of measures and methods did you have to let your teachers to build this strong bonding and relationships with every student that you are asking for?

Stacy, Deputy Head, Dehong Beijing Kindergarten:One of the things that we use in some of our classes is called ‘a focused child’. So basically, maybe one day a week we'll decide for example, student A as the student that we are going to observe, so we will see what is going on the student A and follow what s/he's doing the whole day, in order to try to figure out everything that's going on with each child.

And as we rotate this idea of ‘a focused child’ to different kids within the room, we build this very strong understanding of what motivates that child, what's special about that child, and how we can help that child to form a partnership with other children who are interested in the same things.

In terms of the relationship with parents, on a daily basis, we use the Seesaw platform. So on Seesaw, we can post pictures and videos of what's happening at school. And we can also ask parents to post pictures and videos of what's happening at home, so we can build the connection of like how parents can see what we're learning in school and what’s happening at home.

Then we have many opportunities within the year where we check in with every parent. For example, within the first month of school, every single parent has a quick, about 15-minute check in with their teacher, just to see how students are settling in, how are students feeling at home, just to make sure that we catch everything as soon as possible so that we can support students in the school.

Then later in the year we have longer conferences where we show student work, and we get feedback from parents about what they're seeing their child doing at home.

In addition, we have many other opportunities for parents. We have a parent representative group, and each one has a parent rap. On a monthly basis, we invite them in and discuss issues that might be going on in their class, so we can better to help resolve them. We also invite groups of parents coming in to taste our school’s lunch and give us feedback on that. Moreover, we have parent clubs that meet to read books about education or parenting. We also have a football team from parents where parents and teachers who play on a football team together. So we have a wide range of things for parents.

KingLead: As the top leader of the kindergarten, how do you lead stuff and students to practice your core culture of the campus?

Stacy, Deputy Head, Dehong Beijing Kindergarten:We follow the EYFS at the early years foundation stage as our core curriculum in combination with the Chinese national curriculum. So how we do that in practice is we follow them called in the moment planning. So what that means is that we have a very sophisticated method of like observing what children are doing, documenting what sort of interests they're showing, and then thinking about how we can extend their learning, how we can provide next steps for them so that they can get to the next level in terms of what they're interested and what they're learning.

This is how we work within our school to lead staff to all understand how to do this kind of observation, because they're not just watching kids play, instead, they are looking for like, ‘what are they interested? What are they really exploring? What are some of the conversations they're having with each other’, in order to build on that, to extend their knowledge, to give them opportunities, to take it further.

KingLead: In your opinion, what is the most competitive aspect of Dehong kindergarten that can be distinguished from other kindergartens?

Stacy, Deputy Head, Dehong Beijing Kindergarten:I think the real difference here at Dehong is that students who come from other kindergartens usually have a certain way of thinking about how to do things more than challenge, but we are helping students to become active learners.

For example, we had students last year who entered our campus from other schools, and when they entered the class, they sat down at a table and they just waited. They waited for a teacher to tell them what to do, where to go, etc. But by the end of the year, that same child was able to come into the class and immediately go to the learning station that they're interested in to start a conversation or an export exploration to be able when the teacher asked them a question to confidently explain their point of view.

You can see this huge difference from when they started, where they just sat at the table and waited obediently for the teacher, then by the end, where they're really able to be part of our inquiry curriculum, our growth mindset. So I think this change is our competitiveness.

KingLead: Could you introduce us about the advantages and features of the teaching team of your school? And how do you lead or train your teaching team to have this kind of skills to help students to play?

Stacy, Deputy Head, Dehong Beijing Kindergarten:We have a co-teaching system. Our English teacher,Chinese teacher and assistant teacher in the classroom all the time. All of our classrooms are different. When people come to Dehong, they are not going to see the same classroom repeated over and over. Instead, they’re going to see different, distinct classrooms because each classroom must reflect the children who are in it. So here's a lot of room for the expression of individuality.

I think this is something that our school different from other schools to have much more of a systematic model.

In terms of training our teaching team, this is from when we select our teachers during recruiting process. So during the interviewing process, we're always looking for teachers who have experience with play-based learning.

And when they describe their ideal class or their ideal activity, these are things where we can see that they have an attention to child development that they understand how children's brains develop, how their bodies grow.

KingLead: What kind of curriculum do you think is suitable for kids at kindergarten? What is the biggest feature of the curriculum that used at the kindergarten?

Stacy, Deputy Head, Dehong Beijing Kindergarten:Our school is play-based which a lot of people think just means that the kids just go and play, but that's not really what's happening. The way we taught is all based on our understanding of how the brain develops in early years. It's all through experience, and that's what play is experience. So when we watch children, when they play, they are able to show extremely high levels of focus and concentration.

You see the difference a child who doesn't go to a play based earlier center who instead is doing strict academic work, when they get to elementary, they have real trouble focusing and concentrating. Because they never developed those skills in their brain. And this is extremely important in how we think about the use of play in early years, because I know from the outside when children are playing, when they're following their interest, they are performing at a deeper level. Playing isn’t something that can be skipped or shortened. So this playing time is essential to building a human who can be creative and a critical thinker, and be able to really focus their attention and do great things.

Thus, we tried best to make an environment that has stimulating things going on, then children have opportunities to really take their play to the next level where they can really think about how things work.

KingLead: What are the goals of your kindergarten in terms of cultivating talents?

Stacy, Deputy Head, Dehong Beijing Kindergarten:We're always looking to find children's interests and find ways to extend them within our art, our music, our sports programs, and then to give students opportunities to extend their learning or to perform in some way.

KingLead: What kind of abilities or inner qualities you think is important for students to have in the early childhood? And what aspects does your kindergarten pay more attention on to teach them?

Stacy, Deputy Head, Dehong Beijing Kindergarten:I think what we talk about most are our social skills like how people get along with each other. Because these are the key skills that children will need as they continue throughout their schooling, throughout their life. Students need to understand how to get along with other people, how to understand other people's feelings, how to understand their own feelings.

Because usually when children are upset, they don't really know why they're upset. So that's something that they need to start to understand about what causes their feelings, and then what they can do about it. This is how children develop the sort of calm and focus that allows them to be successful students in the future.

Thus, what they also need is great amount of experiences. Experiences are what can build brains, so children need creative experiences, critical thinking experiences. So we provide these kind of things within our classroom, within our art and music and sport curriculum, where they have the chance to experience a range of things. As the more things they experience, the more things they can figure out, how this relates to them, or what sort of interest they want to pursue.

For our school, a big part of our school is about building bridges between China and the world, to let students think of themselves as both Chinese citizens and global citizens. And I think that's something special to our kindergarten where kids can actually start to think about what it means to be Chinese, but also what it means to be part of the world.

KingLead: In your opinion, what could be the biggest change and growth that Dehong kindergarten bring to children when they graduated?

Stacy, Deputy Head, Dehong Beijing Kindergarten:What we see is children who have developed a lot of self-confidence who are ready to try new things to take new risks. They're able to show leadership among themselves in their classmates.

Moreover, as they go on to grade one, they're able to take all the skills that they learned in kindergarten and then apply them to the inquiry-based system that we have Dehong elementary as well within the Chinese national curriculum.

KingLead: Are there any unforgettable stories of you kindergarten during its development?

Stacy, Deputy Head, Dehong Beijing Kindergarten:We do a lot of interesting things every day, but when I thought of unforgettable stories last year, we had one of our four-year-old classes. They were doing exploration about Space. Because here at Dehong, we have a lot of connections to Space at the elementary, for example, we have a lot of programs with Space science. When our 4-year-olds were studying Space, they were able to get a picture from their class actually sent out to the Chinese Space Station and was able to like to see it on their photo out in space. So that was a really special opportunity that they had.

At our elementary level, we have our principal, April. She has a lot of connections to space research and development, so she can help us connect our students with what's going on in space. So the Chinese space program is a real sense of pride for our students to feel that they're connected to something so important in, and to develop their Chinese identity from it.

KingLead: So, in your opinion, what is the biggest achievement of this kindergarten that you are proud of in term of cultivating talents?

Stacy, Deputy Head, Dehong Beijing Kindergarten:We have a very holistic approach. So when we are looking at a child, we're not just seeing one or two things. We see them as a whole person. And so we're really proud to see the personal develop element that they made their ability to take care of themselves to be independent and responsible.

Also, because here at Dehong, we care a lot about nature and sustainability. So we can also see that as they go on from Dehong, these ideas that they're carrying with them when they go into elementary, in terms of understanding the natural world being interested in protecting the environment.







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京领 KingLead