为大家分享的是:高考英语核心词汇 02(附拓展+例句),收藏备用!在平时学习和考试答题中提供思路,希望对大家有所帮助。

21. adopt /ə'dɒpt/ v. 采纳;收养


adopt a suggestion/view/way采纳建议/观点/方法

adopt a child/dog 收养孩子/狗

adoption n. 采纳;收养

adoptive a. 采用的; 有收养关系的

adopted a. 被收养的


①The aged couple adopted an deserted baby. 那对老夫妇收养了一个弃婴。

②She treated her adopted son as if he were her own child.她对待养子好像他是自己的孩子一样。

③If you can not have children of your own, why not consider adoption(adopt)?假如你自己不能生育,何不考虑收养一个呢?


The old man adopted the suggestion sending his adopted daughter to college. 老人采纳了送他的养女上大学的建议。

22. advance/əd'vɑːns/ v. & n. 推/前/促进;进展/步;提前;预付;a. 预先的


in advance预先,事先,在前面

in advance of在……之前,优于,比……进步,超过make advances 取得进步/进展

advance on (upon)更向前进,朝……前进

advance to 使晋升到…,使提前到…

advanced a. 先进的;高级的;高深的

advancement n. 前进,进步;提升


①We advanced on the enemy's position under the cover of darkness.我们在夜幕掩护下攻击了敌人的阵地。

②Because of reform and opening,China's industrial technology is advancing to ever-higher levels.由于改革开放,中国的工业技术正向着越来越高的水平发展。

3We must acquire advanced science and technology.我们一定要把先进的科学技术学到手。


We plan to order an advanced course in advance.我们计划提前预定一个高级课程。




23. advantage /əd'vɑːntɪdʒ/ a. 优势;有利条件;优点 (反disadvantage )

(1) be of advantage to有利于

have(get,gain)an advantage over优(越)于,比……优越

take advantage of利用,占……便宜;趁……之机

to one's advantage=to the advantage of sb.对某人有利

have the advantage of (doing) sth.有(做)……的有利条件

(2)disadvantage n. 劣势;不利条件


①Take full advantage of this opportunity to perform and you will have an advantage over your rivals in the performance.充分利用这次表演的机会,你就会在表演方面胜过你的对手。

②It might be to your advantage to take a computer course of some kind.学习某种计算机课程可能会对你有利。

③Men usually have an advantage over women when hunting for jobs. 男人在找工作时通常比女人有优势。


We have an advantageof resource over Japan. Now the situation is to our advantage. We must take advantage of the advantageto make advances. 我们对日本有资源优势。现在形势对我们有利。我们必须利用这个优势取得进步。

24. advise /əd'vaɪz/ vt. 忠告,劝告,建议


advise doing sth. 建议做某事

advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事

advise sb.of sth.把一报告(通知)某人

advise that … (should) do sth. 建议某人做某事

advise with sb.on(about)sth.同某人商量某事

advice [U] 建议;忠告

give advice on 就/关于……给予忠告

follow/take/adopt advice 遵循/采纳建议


①He gave us some advice on how to improve my English. 他就如何提高我的英语水平给了我一些忠告。

②The chief physician advised with the patient's

husband on the operation.主治医生就手术问题与病人丈夫商量。

③I will keep you advised of the state of the market.我随时向你报告市场行情。

④I advise you to reconsider your decision.我建议你重新考虑你的决定。


My adviser advised the boss should adopt the doctor’s advice. 我的顾问建议老板采纳医生的建议。


advise后面可以接sb. to do sth. 名词advice不可数;

suggest不可以接sb. to do sth.;名词suggestion可数。

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25. affect /ə'fekt/ vt. 影响(同influence);感染(同infect);vi. 喜爱


affection n. 喜爱,爱慕;感/爱情(常复)→affectionate a. 深情的

effect n. 影响;效果,作用 →effective a. 有效果的

have an effect on 对……有影响

greenhouse effect 温室效应

side effect 副作用

in effect实际上,生效

bring/put …into effect 使生效

take effect 生效起作用

come into effect开始生效/实施


No one can change you; others can only affect you. 没有人能改变你,别人只能影响你。


Your affectionsfor her may affect her study. Though love is a rich great affection, it has a bad effect on an immature teen.你对她的感情会影响她的学习。虽然爱情是丰富伟大的感情,但是对不成熟的少年有不好的影响。



Reading in bed has affected his eye sight.在床上读书影响了他的视力。

Influenced by a high school biology teacher,he took up the study of medicine.他受一位中学生物教师的影响,开始学习医学。

26. afford /ə'fɔːd/ vt. 负担得起(……的费用);承担得起(时间、后果等);抽得出(时间);提供


(1)afford to do sth.负担得起做某事(的费用)

afford sb. sth. = afford sth. to sb.


(2)affordable adj. 能承担得起的

affordably adv. 付得起地


①The price of homes goes up and people from the area cannot afford to buy a house there.


②Television and the Internet afford many people much pleasure.=Television and the Internet afford much pleasure to many people.电视和网络给许多人带来很大的乐趣。

③Those poor and needy teenagers were excited to find a shop at the corner where they could buy affordably priced bikes.那些贫穷的青少年兴奋地发现在拐角处有一家商店,在那里他们可以买到价格实惠的自行车。


afford意为“买得起,负担得起”时,常与can, could, be able to连用,后接名词、代词或不定式。


The work will afford me a chance

of promotion and lots of money. I can afford to make a trip abroad, but I can’t afford the time.这个工作将会为我提供晋升的机会以及大量金钱。我有钱出国度假,但是抽不出时间。

27. afraid /ə'freɪd/ a.害怕的(同scared);担心


be afraid of 害怕 (同fear)

be afraid of doing sth. 担心/害怕发生某事

be afraid to do sth. 不敢做某事

be afraid (that) 从句 担心某事

I’m afraid. 恐怕(同fear);遗憾


All people like to be successful but afraid of failure. 所有的人都喜欢成功,但是却害怕失败。


I am afraid ofstrangers. I’m afraid to go out in the daytime. I’m afraid of meetingnew people because I’m afraid (that) they will laugh at me. 我怕陌生人。我不敢白天出去。我担心遇到生人,怕他们嘲笑我。

after ad. 在后;后来;prep.在……之后;在后面;conj. 在……以后 (反before)


after all 毕竟,终究

look after 照顾

go/run/hunt/seek after 追赶/逐;追求


the day after 第二天

one after another 接连地;一个接一个地

afternoon 下午

afterward(s) 后来,以后


Go on to do the other exercise after

you have finished this one. 你做完这道练习以后,接着再做其它练习。


I know what you seek after is to have something named after you. But, after all, you are too young to look after yourself. 我知道你追求的是有以你名字命名的东西。但是,毕竟,你太年轻了,不能照顾自己。

28. against /ə'genst; ə'geɪnst/ prep.对着,反对(反for);违背;对抗;防备;依靠,对着;以……为背景;衬托


be/go against 违反;反对

argue/fight/compete against 与……争执/战斗/竞争

protest …against 保护……防备……

against one’s wishes/will 违背某人的意愿


No matter what we do, we should at no time go against nature. 无论我们做什么,我们都决不能违背自然规律。


Because he fought against his desk mate, which went against the rules. The teacher told him to stand against the wall. Of course, it was against his wishes. 因为他跟同桌打架违反了规定。老师叫他靠墙站着,当然他不情愿。

29. agree /ə'griː/ v.同意;应允(反disagree)


agree with同意(观点、看法);一致;(食物、气候等)适应(某人)

agree to 同意(计划、决定、安排等)

agree on(在某事上)达成一致

agree to do sth.同意做某事

agreeable a.令人愉快的;适合的;易相处的

agreement n.同意;一致;协定,协议(书)

arrive at(come to)an agreement达成协议

in agreement with与……一致,按照,符合

make an agreement with与……达成协议


①We agree with what you say.我们同意你所说的意见。

②They agreed on a date for the next meeting他们就下次会议的日期达成了协议。

③We agree to their proposal.我们同意了他们的建议。

④This bill doesn't agree with my calculations.这份账单跟我的计算结果不一致。

⑤The climate here does not agree with me.这里的气候对我不适合。


Though I disagree with some items in the agreement, I will agree to sign it. After all, you’re an agreeable boss. 虽然我不同意协议中的一些条款,但我同意签署。毕竟,你是个和蔼可亲的老板。

30. aim/eɪm/ n.目的(同purpose);目标(同goal);v.计划,打算(同plan);瞄准;针对


(1)take aim at ... 瞄准……;对准……

with the aim of ... 目的是……

achieve one's aim 达到某人的目标

(2)aim at/be aimed at (doing) sth.瞄准,对准;旨在(做)某事

aim to do sth. 目标是做某事

(3)aimless adj. 漫无目的的

aimlessly adv. 漫无目的地

①I'm aiming tolose 4 kilograms before the summer holidays.我的目标是暑假前体重减轻四公斤。

②Don't argue aimlessly. Let's sit down and talk things over.别漫无边际地争论了,我们坐下来讨论一下吧。

③Aimed at improving the level of English, English Corner is held once a week. 为了提高英语水平,英语角每周举办一次。


While at high school, Bill aimed high, when he entered college, he led an aimless life. Joining in a project which is aimed at helping those lost aim, he aimed tochange his life. 比尔上高中时目标很高,当他上大学时,他过着没有目标的生活。参加一个旨在帮助那些失去目标的人的项目,他的目标是改变他的生活。

31. alarm /ə'lɑːm/ n.警报;警告器;闹钟;惊慌;vt. 警告;使惊恐


(1)raise/sound the alarm 拉响警报

alarm clock 闹钟

(2)alarmed a. 惊恐的

feel alarmed about sth.对……产生恐慌

get alarmed about 对…大惊小怪,对…感到吃惊

be alarmed by 被…吓一跳

alarming a. 使人惊恐的


①We were much alarmed by the fire in the forest.森林失火使我们大为惊慌。

②The instant they heard the alarm, they fell in for action.他们一听到警报,就立即集合准备战斗。


When the alarm sounded, all the people fled in alarm. The alarm caused great alarm in people. 警报声一响,所有的人都惊慌地逃走了。这一警报在人们中引起了极大的恐慌。

32.alive /ə'laɪv]/adj.有活力的;有生气的;活着的;仍然存在的


alive and kicking 生气勃勃,活蹦乱跳

be alive to 注意,对…有敏感

be alive with 兴旺,拥挤,(热情)洋溢

come alive  变得活跃起来

bring ... alive使……变得活跃

keep ... alive 使……有活力/仍然存在

①She only came alive when she sat down at the piano.她一坐在钢琴旁就精神起来。

②His humourous story brought the atmosphere of the meeting really alive. 他的幽默故事使这次会议的气氛变得真正活跃起来了。

③He is alive to his own interests. 他斤斤计较自己利益。


alive通常作表语,如作定语用时,一般后置,多用于人。live指“活的,有生命的”,作定语时,放在名词前,通常只用于动物,如live fish, live duck,用于人时,则转意为“生气勃勃的”; 除了表示“活的”外,还表示“现场直播的”;living指“活着的”,尤指“现存的”、现在活着的”人或物,可用于一切事物,语义比 alive 广,既可作表语,也可作定语。既可前置也可后置。


I watched a live TV program. There was a boy liking all living things. He kept a livefish in a small jar. Later on he decided to free it and kept the fish alivein the river.我看了一个电视直播节目。有一个男孩喜欢所有的生活。他把一条活鱼放在一个小罐子里。后来他决定释放它,让鱼在河里活着。

33. allow /ə'laʊ/ vt. 允/准许(同permit);使…有可能


allow doing sth. 允许做某事

allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事,

allow sb./sth. to do sth. 使某人可能做;使某事可能

allow for考虑到;估计到;连……算在内

allowance n. 津/补贴;零用钱


Why didn't he allow me to operate the machine.他为什么不准许我开这台机器?


Allowing for his age, the boss allows him to have a rest and won’t reduce his allowance.考虑到他的年龄,老板允许他休息,不会减少他的津贴。

34. alone /ə'ləʊn/ a. 单独的,仅仅的;ad. 独自地



let alone更不用说,更别提

all alone孤单的,孤独的


①Money alone cannot make you happy.光有钱并不能使你幸福。

②I have not seen him,let alone talked with him.我见都没见过他,别说跟他谈话了。

③Please leave me alone. I need to focus on this project. 请别烦我。我需要把精力集中到这个项目上。


While the expert lives alone in a lonely island, he never feels lonely.虽然专家独自一人住在孤岛上,但他从不感到孤独。


lonely a. 孤独的,寂寞的;偏僻的(表示内心的感受);

alone a. & ad. 强调单独,独自,仅仅。

35. amaze /ə'meɪz/ v.使惊奇/叹;使震惊


(1) It amazes sb. that ... =What amazes sb. is that ...


(2) amazing adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的

It's amazing that ... 令人惊讶的是……

(3)amazed adj. 吃惊的,惊奇的

be amazed at/by ...对……感到惊讶

be amazed to do sth.做某事感到惊讶

(4)amazement n.惊奇,惊愕

to one's amazement令某人惊讶的是

in amazement惊愕地


①We were amazed to learn that she had left the hospital $18 million.得知她把1 800万美元留给了医院,我们感到很惊讶。

②What amazed me was that the old man devoted all his money to supporting the local school.

=To my amazement, the old man devoted all his money to supporting the local school.

=It amazed me that the old man devoted all his money to supporting the local school.让我吃惊的是,这位老人捐出所有的钱来资助当地学校。


To our amazement, the face of the city

keeps changing every day. However, what is amazing to us can’t make him amazed. 令我们惊奇的是,这座城市的面貌每天都在变化。然而,让我们惊奇的事情并不能让他感到惊奇。

36. amount /ə'maʊnt/ n. 数量;v. 总计


an amount of 一些,许多(接不可数名词)

(large/huge) amounts of 大量,许多

amount to 相当于;总计达到


Please charge the amount to my account. 请把这笔金额记在我的帐上。


A large amount of allowance is afforded to the boy. It amounts to 3,000 dollars. 这个男孩得到了一大笔零用钱,总共是3000美元。





37. amuse /ə'mjuːz/ vt.(使人)快乐,逗乐


amuse oneself with…拿……来消遣,以……自娱be(feel)amused at(by,with)对……觉得有趣(好笑),被……引逗得发笑

amusement n.娱乐,快乐;消遣,乐趣


①His foolish mistakes amused all of us.他那愚蠢的错误使我们大家发笑。

②He amused himself with his books(by reading).他以读书作消遣。

③We were very much amused to see the seal perform its tricks.我们被海豹的特技表演给逗乐了。


Mr. Wang is an amusing person who often amuses us with amusing stories. So staying with him is really a kind of amusement. 王先生是个有趣的人,他经常用有趣的故事逗我们。所以和他在一起真是一种娱乐。

38. anger/'æŋgə/ n. 生气,愤怒;v.使生气,激怒


(1)in a moment of anger 一时之气,一阵气恼

in anger 生气地

tremble with anger 气得发抖

(2)angry 生气的,愤怒的

be angry at/with sb. 对某人生气

be angry about/at/over sth. 因为某事生气


The employer got very angry at his employees about their poor performance. 雇主对他的雇员表现不佳很生气。


“Even though you got angry over your work in the office, don’t get angry with me at home.” the wife said to her husband in anger. 即使你在办公室对你的工作感到生气,也不要在家里对我生气。妻子生气地对丈夫说。

39. announce/ə'naʊns/ vt. 宣布/告;发表(声明等);预示


announcement n. 公告;宣告;发表;通告

announcer n. 广播员;宣告者


I have an important announcement to make.



The announcer phoned me to announce

his decision to call off the announcement. 播音员打电话给我,宣布他决定取消广播。

40. annoy /ə'nɒɪ/ vt. 使恼怒;使烦恼;骚扰


1)It annoys sb. that... ……使某人恼怒

(2)annoyed adj.恼怒的; 烦闷的

be annoyed about 为…感到烦恼

be annoyed at 为…而生气

be annoyed with 对(某人)生气

(3)annoying a. 令人恼怒的; 使人烦闷的

annoyance n 恼怒; 烦闷


①The young man annoyed the bull with a red rag.那个年轻人用一幅红布把公牛激怒了。

②I'm very much annoyed at his behavior.对于他的行为我十分恼火。

③I am very annoyed about that bus conductor.我很生那个公共汽车售票员的气。


Our children bring us both joy and annoyance. Though sometimes their annoying behavior annoystheir mum, they never make me annoyed.我们的孩子给我们带来欢乐和烦恼。虽然有时他们令人讨厌的行为惹恼了他们的妈妈,但他们从不让我生气。