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Spring rolls, a traditional Chinese folk food, are popular throughout various regions in China. With a long history in China, at the Beginning of Spring, spring rolls are prepared by spreading thin pancakes made from flour on a plate, adding exquisite vegetables. As cooking techniques have developed and improved, spring rolls have evolved into petite and exquisite creations. They have not only become a popular snack among the general public but have also found their place in the imperial court as a delicacy. In the "Manchu-Han Imperial Feast", which consists of 128 dishes served during the Qing Dynasty, spring rolls are among the nine main desserts.

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They are known for their golden color, crispiness, delicious taste, and high nutritional value. Spring rolls come in various types, with different preparation and consumption methods in the north and south of China. In the south, they are called spring rolls, usually deep-fried and salty, with a diverse range of fillings. In the north, they are referred to as spring pancakes, not deep-fried, and consumed immediately after wrapping.

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Eating spring rolls in the spring season brings the taste of spring with every bite.
