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The burgeoning field of generative artificial intelligence (AI), exemplified by tools like OpenAI's ChatGPT, is bringing to light a critical environmental concern: the increasing water footprint of major technology companies.


What Happened:A study led byShaolei Ren, a researcher at the University of California, Riverside, delvedinto the water consumption required to operate these advanced AI models.


Ren's research discovered that ChatGPT consumes about 500 milliliters for every 10 to 50 user prompts, which varies based on the model's deployment specifics.


This data highlightsthe significant water usage by AI technologies, considering the vast number of users these platforms attract. CNBCreportsthat, if not addressed, the escalating water footprint of AI could hinder the technology's sustainable and ethical application.



MicrosoftandGooglehave reported significant increases in water usage, primarily attributed to the demands of AI development.


For instance, Microsoft's water consumption escalated by over a third from 2021 to 2022, amounting to nearly 1.7 billion gallons.


Google's water usage at its data centers and offices reached 5.6 billion gallons in 2022, marking a 21% increase from the previous year. Both companies are actively working towardreducing their water footprints.

2022 年,谷歌数据中心和办公室的用水量达到 56 亿加仑,相较去年增加了 21%。这两家公司都在努力减少用水量。

"We are using tested practices to reduce the carbon footprint of workloads by large margins; together these principles can reduce the energy of training a model by up to 100x and emissions by up to 1000x," the spokesperson said, according to CNBC.

据 CNBC 报道,谷歌发言人说:“经过测试,我们的方法大幅减少了工作所产生的碳足迹;这些方法一起使用,可以将训练模型的能耗减少 100 倍,排放量减少 1000 倍”。


However, introducing AI-driven services like Microsoft's Bing Chat and Google Bard could lead to further increases in water consumption.


“With AI, we're seeing the classic problem with technology in that you have efficiency gains but then you have rebound effects with more energy and more resources being used,” Joshi from the Stockholm Environment Institute told CNBC.


"And when it comes to water, we're seeing an exponential rise in water use just for supplying cooling to some of the machines that are needed, like heavy computation servers, and large-language models using larger and larger amounts of data," she added.


This growing environmental challenge poses a dilemma for Big Tech: advancing AI innovation while ensuring it does not exacerbate the strain on vital water resources.



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