

"A female university teacher forgot to turn off her computer during the break The students were embarrassed to see the search content


"Getting into college will make things easier," is what many parents and teachers say to students.



In reality, this ease is relative. In college, you still have to attend classes, complete assignments, and participate in various organizational activities. Many college students are even busier than they were in high school. Of course, there are also so me college students who have it easy, staying up late, skipping classes, sleeping and playing with their phones during lectures. Their college life passes by day by day, and of course, it's very easy.


The reason college students feel that attending classes is easy is because the teaching style of college professors is different from that of high school. High school teachers, in order to get students into college, are eager to supervise your studies 24 hours a day. Even the most unambitious students can learn something under the pressure of their teachers.


However, college professors are not obligated to supervise students' studies. Whether to study or not is entirely up to the students themselves. After all, college professors are not evaluated based on students' performance. Even if a student fails a course, it doesn't affect the professor's salary, so few professors bother to meddle in students' affairs.


However, some professors do have expectations for their students' behavior during class. One college student uploaded several photos, indicating that they accidentally saw the teacher's search history.

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In a calculus class at a certain university, the lecturer was a female teacher. Teachers in college rarely use blackboards; they almost always connect their computers to project onto screens. During the break, this female teacher turned off the front projection but forgot to turn off the computer's screen at the back, and the students saw the search history projected onto the screen.

页面显示着一句话: “为什么很多大学生上课不听讲?是大学老师讲课水平不行吗?”

The page displayed a sentence: "Why do many college students not pay attention in class? Is it because college professors are not good at teaching?"

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It's quite obvious that this female teacher was discouraged by the students' attitude in class. The college students laughed heartily, saying that the teacher was too cute.


However, soon many students stopped laughing, and some even felt embarrassed and ashamed because they didn't pay attention in class, and some played with their phones or slept. The fact that the teacher was wondering if it was her fault made them feel really sorry for the teacher standing at the podium.




Why do many students become less attentive in class after entering college?



In fact, this situation is not uncommon. Before the college entrance examination, students strive to get into college as if nothing could stop them from acquiring knowledge. After the college entrance examination, there are many plans for college life, such as winning national awards, participating in competitions, and applying for graduate school, but once they enter college, it seems as if they have been assimilated. Even attending classes has become a luxury.


This situation is mainly due to the students' lack of discipline. Without the supervision of teachers and parents, students with poor self-discipline begin to indulge themselves. Coupled with the fact that many students are used to staying up late at night, they naturally lack energy in class the next day, and if the teacher doesn't pay attention, they may even fall asleep at their desks.


The students' attitude in class and the examination system in college are also related. There is no ranking system in college exams; as long as students don't fail, it's fine.


Many college students lack a clear understanding of the future. They think it's enough as long as they don't have to take make-up exams. As a result, they are indifferent in class, only paying attention during the last class when the teacher summarizes the main points.


Of course, the students' attitude in class is also related to the teachers. Many college teachers are not education majors. They may have made great achievements in their academic research, but they are slightly lacking in teaching skills.


Some college teachers almost mechanically follow the PPT during class, reading out whatever is on the slides, making the lectures dull and boring. College students are already adults and can discern the teachers' professional level. Naturally, they don't want to listen to such teachers.




The four years in college are crucial for future development It's time for the dormant college students to wake up


The current employment situation for college students is grim. Many college students are complaining that they can't find a decent job even after finishing college, but why can some of their peers find good jobs?


The employment environment is one aspect; the main reason is the insufficient abilities of college students themselves.


The abilities of college students are accumulated and honed little by little over the four years in college. If college students don't pay attention in class, don't study much professional knowledge, and have weak professional skills, it will be very difficult for them to find a suitable job.


For college students without work experience, their grades and certificates of honor are proof of their abilities. If college students don't pay attention in class, don't take final exams seriously, and don't participate in various activities, what will they use to prove their excellence when looking for a job in the future?"




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