

A National People’s Congress deputy from the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region on Thursday refuted allegations that forced labor exists in the region’s cotton industry. During an open discussion session of the region’s delegation to the top legislature’s annual session, Akrem Memetmin, Party chief of Sayimaili village in southern Xinjiang’s Luntai county, said villagers never need to be forced to plant cotton, because they know they can make handsome returns from growing it. He was responding to a question about the United States’ move to impose sanctions on cotton products from the region over the forced labor allegation.

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“On behalf of the ethnic Uygur villagers, I want to say something from the bottom of my heart,” he said. “We bought cars and houses and improved our lives because of cotton. We don’t need to be forced to make more money.”



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The villagers now use drones to spray pesticides, and autonomous tractors are used to sow seeds and harvest cotton, Akrem said. “Machinery has already replaced most manpower at different stages of cotton farming in the village,” he said. “How can we force machines to work?”


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Xinjiang has been the biggest production base for quality cotton in China since the 1990s, and its annual output has exceeded 5 million metric tons for five consecutive years.


Jin Zhizhen, deputy chairman of the Xinjiang Regional Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, then added that the development of the cotton industry can boost the development of other related industries, such as textiles and agricultural machinery, which can create more job opportunities for the people and increase their incomes.


“The purpose of cracking down on Xinjiang’s cotton industry in the name of so-called forced labor is in fact to make people lose their jobs and fall back into poverty. By curbing the development of Xinjiang, the US aims to contain China’s development,” he said.


“But the US won’t succeed. And cotton products from Xinjiang will continue to be popular around the world,” Jin said.
