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LAMDA课程与考试教学一直是哈罗北京的教育特色之一。LAMDA,即伦敦音乐和戏剧艺术学院,是英国和世界上最古老的戏剧学院。LAMDA考试在演讲、戏剧、交流和表演等领域都得到了全世界的广泛认证。哈罗北京于2014年成立LAMDA学习中心, 并成为LAMDA考点。大多数被英美顶尖大学录取的优秀毕业生均有参加LAMDA课程的经历。哈罗北京开设的LAMDA课程包括:公众演讲、诗歌散文、表演、音乐剧、莎士比亚资格认证和表演研究,此课程让学生体验了纯正的英式教育,发展了学生的综合素质并提升其未来道路中所必备的技能。

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在今年一月的LAMDA考试中,学校学生通过率高达100%;共59名学生取得“卓越”成绩,19名学生取得 “优秀”成绩。

值得一提的是12年级学生Lucy S成为全球首位参加新版莎士比亚资格认证考试的学生。她还是第一位在音乐剧科目以92分的优秀成绩通过6级(铜牌级)的哈罗学生。同样祝贺9年级学生Sam Z在表演8级(金牌级)中取得卓越成绩,以及12年级学生Andy W和Eric Q均在公共演讲8级(金牌级)中取得卓越成绩。在低年级考生中,6年级学生Nick X表现突出,他在公共演讲、表演和音乐剧三个领域的1级考试中均取得卓越成绩。

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Lucy S


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Eric Q


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Andy W


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Sam Z


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“当我在2014年首次将LAMDA引入中国时,我从未想象到会取得如此成功,现在哈罗北京已经有超过4000名学生参与。哈罗北京独特之处不仅在于我们提供LAMDA作为课外课,而且我们的高中生还有机会选修LAMDA课程,”LAMDA中国代表、哈罗北京表演艺术总监Danielle Byrne女士说道。


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作为亲历者,Danielle Byrne女士谈起自己的孩子也深深受益于LAMDA课程的学习。“我的儿子在哈罗北京完成了他所有的公开演讲考试,现在在杜伦大学学习金融。在第一周,所有学生都要站在一个有300多名学生的讲堂里,演讲一个主题。院长关注了他和其他三位同学,询问他们是否接受过正式的演讲培训,因为他们能够在压力下策划演讲并向几百名观众表达观点。值得注意的是,他们三个都有LAMDA课程的经历。这也显示了LAMDA课程在日常生活中的影响力。”


The LAMDA courses and exam teaching have always been a distinctive feature of Harrow Beijing's education.LAMDA, The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, is the oldest drama school in the UK and the world. LAMDA Examinations in the fields of speech, drama, communication, and performance are well recognized worldwide.Harrow Beijing are proud to be the Centre of LAMDA and test center since 2014.Most of our outstanding graduates, who have been admitted to top universities in the UK and the US, have experience in participating in LAMDA courses. We offer courses at Harrow Beijing City Campus and Hegezhuang Campus which is includingSpeaking in Public, Prose and Poetry, Acting, Musical Theatre, The Shakespeare Qualification and the PCERT Diploma.During study LAMDA, Students can experience a genuine British education and develop skills necessary for their future.

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Some excellent news in terms of the recent LAMDA examinations which took place in January, with a100%pass rate recorded.Fifty ninestudents achieved ‘distinction’ grades and a furthernineteenachieved ‘merit’ grades.

Of particular note is studentLucy S Y12, who was the first student in the world to take the new Shakespeare Qualification. She is also the very first Harrow student to complete the Bronze Medal in Musical Theatre, in which she achieved a score of 92 (distinction). Congratulations must also go toSam Z Y9, who achieved distinction in the Gold Grade 8 Acting, and toY12 boys Andy W and Eric Qwho both achieved distinctions in the Gold Grade 8 Speaking in Public qualification. In terms of some of our younger participants,Nick X Y6, did brilliantly and was entered for three Grade 1 examinations in Speaking in Public, Acting, and Musical Theatre, and achieved distinctions in all three.

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Lucy S

For me, LAMDA exams hold a lot of special significance. Since elementary school, I have been engaged in a variety of LAMDA courses, and their curriculum and pedagogy have greatly cultivated my passion for performing. I've gained confidence from taking LAMDA exams, which have also helped me embrace my creativity and build my self-esteem. It undoubtedly helped to mold me into the vibrant person I am today.In terms of university application,no matter what countries you are applying to, a LAMDA examination certificate is definitely an eye-catching addition to a university application. Taking the LAMDA medal examinations can earn UK applicants additional UCAS points, which are crucial for UK admissions. Personally, I'm applying to universities in America, and the LAMDA exams are a great method to demonstrate to admissions officers that you're a well-rounded student who pursues interests beyond the classroom. "

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Eric Q

I think LAMDA is a very interesting and valuable course that helps develop numerous crucial skills which will play a role in both university and future careers.It has really helped me learn how to develop arguments and structure my speaking. Before taking LAMDA, I wasn’t the best at maintaining a clear format and often went all over the place, but after completing Speaking in Public I’ve learnt to enhance my writing and speaking. I chose LAMDA Speaking in Public as it is extremely relevant to my future career in the legal industry, where personal expression and conveying ideas clearly is important."

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Andy W

The most significant change after learning LAMDA is definitely the way which I view the concept of presenting in front of peers or speaking in public. I never really felt any pressure or discomfort to speak in public to begin with but completing the course definitely made me more confident and refined in my speech and presentation skills all of which I felt had major improvements in. LAMDA especially public speaking in my mind is not only a simple academic venture but also an important skill which can provide great benefits in our everyday lives which definitely is a factor which influenced my decision making when I choose this course. Of course, after completing the early stages of the course I felt the urge to finish what I had begun and really see this very interestin g course out to the end. "

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Sam Z

LAMDA Acting course covers a wide range of skill sets, which helped me to enhance and develop my acting and performance skills, enrich my understanding of theatre arts, and at the same time, build confidence in expressing myself in front of an audience and improve my speech and diction. Before taking LAMDA, I found it hard to utilize movement and body language in my acting, resulting in a lack of emotions and ideas conveyed to the audience. However, by taking the LAMDA Acting course, I have a better understanding of how to combine physical movements with vocal change in my acting to create a more compelling impact on the audience. These skills are also crucial in future university applications, job interviews, and everyday life."

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“When I first brought LAMDA to China in 2014, I never imagined the success and now Harrow Beijing has entered over 4000 students. Harrow Beijing is unique in not only do we offer LAMDA as an LSA but our sixth form students have the opportunity to join as part of the elective programe,”LAMDA representative in China, the director of Performing Art at Harrow Beijing, Mrs Danielle Byrnesaid.

All LAMDA courses focus onspeech, diction and presentation skills, no matter the chosen course. Through these courses, young people build their confidence and self esteem and are equipped with the power of authentic speech and communication, whilst being courageous in performance. Courage and fellowship are part of Harrow’s core values and this is seen in all LAMDA courses from City Campus to Hegezhuang. All LAMDA courses are complemntary to other subjects and they support in depth learning of English language and English learning skills.Learners with different English levels can find the course to suit their own needs.

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"My son completed all his speaking in public examinations at Harrow and he is now at Durham studying fiance. During the first week, all the students had to stand in a lecture hall of over 300 students and present a speech on a title. The Dean spotlighted on him and three other peers and asked if they had any formal speech training because of the way in which they could plan a speech under pressure and articulate their points to an unknown audience of several hundred. All three of them had LAMDA courses in common. This shows the power of the course going into every day life," Mrs Byrne said.

LAMDA is not only an elite course chosen by top British aristocratic schools but also an examination registered with the United Kingdom's Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). This course helps cultivate and improve students' communication skills, boost confidence, and develop public speaking abilities – all essential skills for studying abroad at universities. Harrow Beijing students who start this training in middle or even kindergarten greatly benefit from it.






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