
When a girl has a good feeling and love for a boy, she will remain implicit on the surface and will not take the initiative to want to further develop with the boy.


Although they will not take the initiative to propose it, they will imply it through a lot, and it will see if they can understand the other party's ideas.


When a girl starts to praise you and tell you that you have many advantages, this time the girl has begun to accept the boy and want to continue the relationship.


When a girl starts to create opportunities to physically bump into you, it's an attempt to pull the relationship closer through physical contact.


When a girl starts to invite you to participate in some activities, or even make two people alone together, this time is the surface need to improve the relationship between two people.


No matter what way, we should cherish the people in front of us, and we can't abandon them in order to accomplish something new.

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