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Welcome to the online marketing center of the sales office. Disclaimer: Some information comes from the internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it in a timely manner. Contact number: 400-8059-003

How's it going? What is the price? Detailed introduction to the real estate, including sales office phone number, address, apartment map, community image, location advantage, transportation, surrounding commercial facilities, and other detailed information of the real estate; For more detailed information on the property and the latest discounted prices, please call the sales office and the sales department will provide you with a detailed introduction to the property.


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Welcome to the online marketing center of the sales office. Disclaimer: Some information comes from the internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it in a timely manner. Contact number: 400-8059-003

How's it going? What is the price? Detailed introduction to the real estate, including sales office phone number, address, apartment map, community image, location advantage, transportation, surrounding commercial facilities, and other detailed information of the real estate; For more detailed information on the property and the latest discounted prices, please call the sales office and the sales department will provide you with a detailed introduction to the property.


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目前周边现成的商场有【五大潮流商圈 一站式休闲度假】5大商圈,缔造潮流时尚窗口:万象天地、深圳湾睿印、益田假日广场、欢乐海岸、深圳湾万象城;汇集欢乐谷、沙河高尔夫、世界之窗,一站式体验城市度假 。

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【超级都会 深圳黄金分割点】在伦敦、纽约这样的超级城市,其城市主轴的黄金分割点上均屹立着城市超级影响力的项目,而深圳的发展主轴深南大道从罗湖中心到前海中心, 纵观世界级大都市核心区,最有价值的地方都位于城市发展主轴的黄金分割点,诸如伦敦金丝雀码头、纽约中央公园。在深圳,绿景白石洲正处于深圳发展主轴﹣﹣深南大道黄金分割点之上,以世界都会的高度,传承缔造全新的价值传奇。

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Welcome to the online marketing center of the sales office. Disclaimer: Some information comes from the internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it in a timely manner. Contact number: 400-8059-003

How's it going? What is the price? Detailed introduction to the real estate, including sales office phone number, address, apartment map, community image, location advantage, transportation, surrounding commercial facilities, and other detailed information of the real estate; For more detailed information on the property and the latest discounted prices, please call the sales office and the sales department will provide you with a detailed introduction to the property.


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Welcome to the online marketing center of the sales office. Disclaimer: Some information comes from the internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it in a timely manner. Contact number: 400-8059-003

How's it going? What is the price? Detailed introduction to the real estate, including sales office phone number, address, apartment map, community image, location advantage, transportation, surrounding commercial facilities, and other detailed information of the real estate; For more detailed information on the property and the latest discounted prices, please call the sales office and the sales department will provide you with a detailed introduction to the property