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You must come to Wuhan to see the cherry blossom snow! In spring, Wuhan is filled with snow-white and tender pink cherry blossoms. At Wuhan's most beautiful cherry blossom station, the flowers are all blooming. When the bus approaches the station, it feels like entering a cartoon world.

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In the East Lake Cherry Blossom Garden, during the blooming season, white cherry blossoms cover the mountains and fields, making it seem like a fairyland on earth. Whether it's in the morning, at dusk, or at night, the blooming cherry blossoms have different beauties.


As the spring approaches, when the weather gradually warms up, the spring rain will come as scheduled. "A spring rain comes with warmth", on rainy days, cherry blossoms fall faster in the wind and rain, creating a scene of cherry blossom snow, which is full of artistic conception!

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If you have time, be sure to visit the cherry blossom garden on a rainy night. Walking on the cherry blossom road with an umbrella, as the wind blows, cherry blossoms fall like raindrops around you. Only when you are in this scene can you truly appreciate its beauty.
