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Gear up for an electrifying weekend as the Formula 1 Lenovo Chinese Grand Prix zooms into Shanghai from April 19 to 21. Set against the backdrop of the cutting-edge Shanghai International Circuit, as in years past, F1's return promises high-octane racing in a globally watched event.

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Time Schedule

April 20 (Saturday)

Tune in at 11am to catch theSprint Race! Making its Shanghai debut, the Sprint Race packs all the drama of the "main event" into a thrilling condensed format. Expect heart-pounding starts, strategic tire changes, and a dash to the finish line that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

Later in the afternoon, theQualifying Racewill take place. Here, speed is the name of the game. This pivotal event will determine the starting grid for Sunday's main race, offering a tantalizing preview of what's to come. Prepare to be captivated as drivers push their cars and their limits to secure a coveted spot at the front of the pack.

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April 21 (Sunday)

The crescendo of anticipation builds for the Grand Prix main race, the crown jewel of the 2024 Formula 1 Lenovo Chinese Grand Prix! Who will seize the title and etch their name in the annals of racing history? You can find out in person at this race.

Before the race, there's a bunch of pre-race pageantry with a vibrant driver parade, opening ceremony performances and national anthem ceremonies.

Make sure to arrive early to catch it all.

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Q:What must I bring?

A:Make sure to bring your valid identification document (such asID card and passport) to purchase the ticket and enter the arena.

Additionally, according to the current weather forecast, there is a possibility of rain during the race. It's recommended to bring rain ponchos for spectators. Furthermore, Shanghai International Circuit is relatively open and spacious, and the perceived temperature can be lower, so it's advisable to dress warmly when coming to watch the race!

Q:What shouldn't I bring?

A:During the race, certain items are prohibited from being brought in. These include long-handled umbrellas, tripods, flagpoles and drones. Check the following full list of prohibited items:

  • Such items as firearms, ammunition and explosives (obviously);

  • Replica firearms, crossbows, slingshots, knives and other controlled weapons;

  • Fireworks, gasoline, alcohol, lighters, matches and other flammable or explosive materials;

  • Certainly no hazardous chemicals or radioactive materials;

  • Harmful biological agents, infectious disease pathogens;

  • Narcotics such as heroin, cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamine;

  • Devices such as flags, telescopic flagpoles, banners, signs, placards, laser pointers and projectors;

  • Fragile containers such as glass bottles/cups, easily throwable food and beverages, large fruits and food, knives;

  • Banners, signs, and other promotional items containing political, racial, religious, terrorist or commercial content;

  • Sound equipment such as musical instruments, whistles, horns, drums and other amplification devices;

  • Various types of sticks and sharp objects that may cause injury, such as baseball bats, long-handled umbrellas, pointed umbrellas;

  • Balls, rackets, frisbees and similar items;

  • Any unauthorized professional photography or video equipment, tripods, monopods for cameras and camcorders;

  • Unauthorized items that may disrupt the performance or interfere with others' experience, such as radios, laser devices, lighting equipment, projectors, walkie-talkies, radio devices;

  • Various flying devices such as drones;

  • Other items prohibited by national laws and regulations or deemed by security forces to be obviously incompatible with the function of the event site and significantly affecting safety.

The Hongqiao Overseas Development Service Center, located in the Hongqiao International CBD, is a one-stop service platform. The center was established at the end of January as part of the third anniversary celebration for the release of the "Hongqiao International Open Hub Construction Program." Over the past three years, Hongqiao International CBD, core of the hub, has gathered a series of advantageous industries.



The Shanghai International Circuit is located at2000 Yining Road, Jiading District.

During the event, taking the metro is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED as this event draws significant traffic. TakeMetro Line 11to theShanghai Circuit StationorBaiyin Road Station.

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Shuttle bus

Johnson Transportation has opened a dedicatedshuttle servicebetween the Shanghai International Circuit and Hongqiao railway station. The single-trip ticket for this service is priced at20 yuan (US$2.76)per trip which will take 45 minutes.

  • April 20

Hongqiao Railway Station (Jiahong Express Station) – Shanghai International Circuit (P8 parking lot, Outer Ring Road E.)

Departure time:8:40am, 9:10am, 1pm, 1:30pm

Shanghai International Circuit (P8 parking lot, Outer Ring Road E.) –Hongqiao Railway Station (Jiahong Express Station)

Departure time:1pm, 5pm

  • April 21

Hongqiao Railway Station (Jiahong Express Station) – Shanghai International Circuit (P8 parking lot, Outer Ring Road E.)

Departure time:12:50am, 1:20pm

Shanghai International Circuit (P8 parking lot, Outer Ring Road E.) –Hongqiao Railway Station (Jiahong Express Station)

Departure time:5:10pm

Shuttle bus to the Checkered Flag Music Carnival (see below)

Date: April 19—April 21

Ticket: 30 yuan

Shanghai International Circuit (P8 Parking lot) to Zhongshan Park | Xin Zhuang | Wujiaochang Metro stations

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Scan to buy tickets for musical carnival shuttle bus.

About entering the circuit

Here is the timetable for entering:

April 20: 8:30am—5pm

April 21: 8:30am—4:30pm

Tips for fast entry

1.To avoid long queues, arrive early. The security check can take some time.

2.Gates 1, 2, 3 and 9 are designated for ticket verification. Gate 3 isexclusively for those seated in Grassstand C.

3.After the security check, please swipe your valid identification documents (such as an ID card or passport) for facial recognition upon entry. Children without ID cards and audience members with passports or identification documents from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan can proceed to the nearby manual service area for assistance with identity verification.

4.A second ticket verification is required when entering the seating area. Remember to keep your ID handy at all times when entering and exiting your seating area.

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Map of Shanghai International Circuit

Other events

Checkered Flag Music Carnival

The 2024 FORMULA 1 Lenovo Chinese Grand Prix will host the Checkered Flag Music Carnival for the first time. Famous DJs and international music acts will perform live during the event. Gourmet offerings prepared by local brand Guangming will tantalize your taste buds.

Additionally, an area dedicated to racing cars and racing culture will allow enthusiasts to immerse themselves fully in the trendy fusion of music and motorsport culture while enjoying the races.

Date: April 19—April 21

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Shanghai Auto Culture Festival

Jiading District is promoting automotive cultural tourism experiences to attract car enthusiasts and tourists to "visit and explore Jiading." The festival will feature a series of events that celebrate automobile history and lifestyle. Activities will include antique car parades, car camping, car cinemas, trunk markets and a centennial exhibition of world automotive sports. Together, these create a vibrant and diverse automotive culture atmosphere.

Additionally, Jiading District will collaborate with nearby cities such as Kunshan and Taicang to plan and launch seven major themed tourism routes, including "Time Travel in Jiading," "New City Experience," "Leisure in Anting," "Relaxation in Nanxiang" and "Countryside Exploration in Huating." These routes will blend exciting racing events with Jiading's cultural and tourism resources.

Date: April 19—May 31

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Scan to check the official guide for the event.



2024 FORMULA 1 联想中国大奖赛


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4月21日周日:最令人期待的大奖赛正赛!谁能成为2024 FORMULA 1 联想中国大奖赛冠军?让我们一起期待。赛前还有车手巡游、开幕式表演、国歌仪式等多重精彩,一定记得提前出门哦!












A:长柄伞、三脚架、旗杆、无人机都不能带哦~具体请看 ↓



















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为进一步丰富赛事内涵,增添观众观赛体验,2024 FORMULA 1 联想中国大奖赛还将首次举办格子旗音乐嘉年华活动。主舞台位于上海国际赛车场P3停车场。主舞台以赛车元素为灵感,特别设计的“引擎风洞”圆环置于舞美中心,通过多层灯光矩阵的变化,创造出赛车尾灯、炽热轮胎、赛车仪表盘等震撼视觉,顶级声光电系统硬核加持,炫酷光影与前卫潮音交织呈现。观众可登录“久事演艺票务平台”微信小程序进行预约。

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Source:City News Service

Edited by Yue Shunshun

Reviewed by Mao Jie, Lin Xinyi, Wu Wangtiancheng

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