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In the era of digital transformation, as a software engineer in our company, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to experience the independently developed Qingke AI large model. This model has not only demonstrated its powerful capabilities in data processing, image recognition, and other fields, but also opened a new door for us in the field of programming. Today, I would like to share my experience of jointly overcoming a complex program bug with the AI large model, to showcase its unique charm.


It was a sunny afternoon when I sat in front of my computer, facing a pile of complex codes. I was working on a program that involved interactions between multiple modules, but encountered a tricky issue: no matter how I debugged, the program always encountered a bug at a certain stage, preventing the entire process from running smoothly. I tried various methods, consulted a vast amount of information, but the problem persisted. My mood gradually became anxious, and time ticked away second by second.


Just when I felt helpless, I remembered the newly launched AI large model from our company. This model boasts powerful programming assistance functions that can help us analyze code, identify bugs, and provide solutions. I decided to give it a try and see if I could solve this problem with its help.


I opened the programming assistance interface of the AI large model and submitted my code and problem. Shortly after, the Qingke AI large model provided feedback. It first analyzed the structure of my code and then pointed out the potential location and possible reasons for the bug. To my surprise, the AI large model also provided a detailed description of the problem's manifestation and its thought process, giving me a clearer understanding of the root cause of the bug.


Subsequently, the AI large model offered a series of in-depth debugging suggestions and technical support. It not only told me how to modify the code but also explained the reasons for such modifications. Guided by the Qingke AI large model, I gradually identified and fixed the issues, adjusting the code as needed. After each modification, I would rerun the program to observe the results. Gradually, I noticed that the program was running more stably, and the bug was gradually disappearing.


Ultimately, with the assistance of the AI large model, I successfully resolved the bug that had plagued me for so long and completed the programming task. At that moment, I felt immense excitement and satisfaction. I realized that the Qingke AI large model is not just a powerful tool but also a trustworthy partner. It can help us quickly identify problems, provide solutions, and significantly improve our work efficiency and programming quality.


During this experience, I also profoundly felt the Qingke AI large model's prowess in language processing. It accurately understood my questions and needs, providing feedback and suggestions in clear and precise language. This natural language processing capability made my interaction with the AI large model smoother and more natural, akin to communicating with a professional programmer.


Moreover, the Qingke AI large model possesses robust learning and optimization capabilities. It can continually learn new knowledge and skills from our programming practices, gradually enhancing its programming proficiency. This means that over time, the Qingke AI large model will be able to provide us with more precise and efficient programming support, helping us tackle more complex and diverse programming challenges.


Through this experience, I profoundly recognized the tremendous potential and value of the Qingke AI large model in the field of programming. It can not only solve the difficulties we encounter in the programming process but also enhance our work efficiency and programming quality.


Looking back at this amazing journey of jointly overcoming bugs with the Qingke AI large model, I feel extremely fortunate and proud. I am grateful for having the opportunity to experience such advanced technology and proud of our company's achievements in the field of AI. I believe that in the near future, AI large models will demonstrate their powerful capabilities in even more fields, bringing more convenience and surprises to our lives and work.