
The Dignity of Life


Once I sent off a friend to the railway station. We called a taxi and put several heavy suitcases in the trunk. Getting off, a middle-age man leaning on a crutch opened the door for us. After that, he stretched out a small dirty pot to us. On the pot were stacked with coins and banknotes of one or two jiao.


I asked my friend if she had some changes. She shook her head. I had to give him two yuan used for buying the platform ticket to the middle-age man. Shocked, he kept jerking the small pot, as if he received so much money for the first time.


Not caring, we went straight to the trunk to fetch the suitcases. My friend took out one suitcase with all her might .Just as she was about to pick up another, a dark stout hand stretched in. “Let me do it.” He picked up the suitcase and insisted on carrying it for us to the railway station entrance. “No, thank you. You are so compassion."My friend and I didn’t give the heart. “No, I must send you off.” He limped towards the station, his left hand leaning on a crutch and his light hand carrying the large suitcase.

我们没在意,径直往后车厢去拿箱子。朋友费了很大的力气,才拿出来一个。刚要提起另一只时,一只粗壮黝黑的大手伸过来。“我来!”他一把拿过那只箱子,坚持要帮我们把箱子提到车站门口。“不用了,谢谢。你也不方便啊!”我和朋友都不忍心。“不行,一 定要送。”他左手拄着拐杖,右手提着大箱子,一瘸一拐地往车站方向走去。

Compassion and dignity have sublimated love.





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