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第一部分知识运用(共两节,30分)第一节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)

During the first weeks of his retirement from the fire service, Max had felt lost.在他从消防部门退休的头几个星期里,马克斯感到很迷茫。And that's when Polly, a library manager, helped him sign up as a1 , for Robot Club in the library.

Max hadn't volunteered before and he didn't know anything about2 . He opened the packs containing the robots, nervously staring at the mess of parts.他打开装着机器人的包装,紧张地盯着那堆乱七八糟的零件。A dozen primary-age children gathered around the table,3 eagerly. Almost double the number of adults crowded around them, watching.

Glancing around the library at the many parents and carers accompanying the robot builders, Max knew he had to face this4 .

“Okay, team,” he started5 , adopting the tone he'd used to brief his unit during his firefighting days. “We're going to build these robots one step at a time.”

The children nodded, their hands busy with screws and plastic limbs.孩子们点了点头,手上忙着摆弄螺丝和塑料假肢。Max wandered from table to table,6 words of encouragement, and slowly but surely, piecing together the instructions in his mind.

An hour passed, and the room was filled with the sound of chatter and clinking parts.一个小时过去了,房间里充满了聊天和碰撞的声音。As the final minutes of Robot Club ticked away, Max stood back and7 the room. Robots of all shapes and sizes stood on the tables. The children were excited,8 their creations to anyone who would look.

As they began to leave, many children stopped to thank Max.当他们开始离开时,许多孩子停下来感谢马克斯。Each “thank you” and “see you next week” chipped away at the sense of9 he had felt since retiring. Hehadn't put out a fire today, but perhaps he had lighted something far more important—a new10 for himself.

参考答案:1. A;2. D;3. B;4. C;5. A;6. B;7. A;8. C;9. C;10. D;


1.A. volunteer B. writer C. builder D. fireman

Max之前没有做过志愿者,Polly帮助他注册成为机器人俱乐部的志愿者。【刘凯老师解析:根据句子中的“sign up as a”和“Max hadn't volunteered before”可以推断出Max注册成为一名志愿者】

2. A. books B. programs C. childrenD. robots

Max对机器人一无所知,这从他紧张地看着一堆零件可以推断出来。【刘凯老师解析:由于Max“didn't know anything about”和“he opened the packs containing the robots”,可以确定他之前对机器人一无所知】

3. A. searchingB. waiting C. reading D. arguing

孩子们聚集在桌子周围,急切地等待着开始建造机器人。【刘凯老师解析:孩子们“gathered around the table”并且“eagerly”,这表明他们在等待开始活动。】

4. A. competition B. consequenceC. challenge D. conflict

Max意识到他需要面对的是一个挑战,因为他看到了很多父母和照顾者陪伴着孩子们。【刘凯老师解析:Max意识到他“had to face this”,结合上下文,他面对的是带领一群孩子进行机器人制作的任务,这是一个挑战】

5.A. calmly B. coldly C. casually D. weakly


6. A. processingB. offering C. exchanging D. understanding

Max在桌子间游走,提供鼓励的话语,同时在脑海中逐步理解指令。【刘凯老师解析:句子中提到Max在桌子间游走,并且是在“words of encouragement”,这表明他在提供鼓励的话】

7.A. surveyed审视/检查B. cleaned C. decorated D. left

在机器人俱乐部结束的最后几分钟,Max退后一步,审视了整个房间。【刘凯老师解析:Max“stood back and”后面需要一个动词,表示他环顾四周的动作】

8. A. bringing up养育

B. calling on拜访

C. showing off炫耀

D. giving away

孩子们很兴奋,向任何愿意看的人炫耀他们的创造【刘凯老师解析:孩子们“were excited”并且想要“anyone who would look”来观看他们的创造,这表明他们在炫耀。】

9. A. freedom B. reliefC. loss D. guilt

自退休以来,Max感到失落,孩子们的感谢逐渐消除了他的这种感觉。【刘凯老师解析:孩子们的感谢让Max感到的“sense of”逐渐消失,结合上下文,这种感受很可能是退休后的失落感】

10. A. version样式/型号B. belief C. approachD. purpose目的/意义

Max今天没有灭火,但他可能点燃了更重要的东西——为自己找到了新的目标。【刘凯老师解析:最后,Max可能“lighted something far more important”,这指的是他找到了比灭火更重要的东西,即新的生活目标或意义】

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Before some of the greatest explorers in history were born, Vikings had already navigated(航海)their way around the world.在历史上一些最伟大的探险家诞生之前,维京人就已经在世界各地航行了。But with no11 (compass), satellites or radios, how did they manage12 (map)the globe so impressively? The answer is13 (simple)thanyou might expect—experience. Viking travelers studied the positions of the stars and the sun. Even the colour of the sea and movement of the waves would give them an14 (indicate)of how close they were to land.


11. compasses;12. to map;13. simpler;14. indicator/indication;

11题:考查名词复数。句意:但是,没有指南针、卫星或无线电,他们是如何如此出色地绘制世界地图的呢?由no可知,此处表示“没有”,应使用名词复数形式,compass的复数形式为compasses。【刘凯老师解析:句子中提到“But with no compass, satellites or radios”,这里使用了“no”来表示否定,而“no”后面通常接名词复数形式。所以,这里应该用“compass”的复数形式“compasses”。】

12题:考查固定短语。句意同上。固定短语manage to do sth“设法做成某事”,故填to map。【刘凯老师解析:句子中提到“how did they manage to map the globe so impressively?”,这里使用了“manage to do sth”的固定短语,“设法做成某事”。因此,空格处应填“to map”。】

13题:考查形容词比较级。句意:答案比你想象的简单——经验。根据后文than可知,此处表示比较,应使用形容词比较级形式,simple的比较级为simpler。【刘凯老师解析:句子中提到“The answer is simple than you might expect”,这里的“than”表示比较,所以应该使用形容词的比较级形式。而“simple”的比较级形式是“simpler”。】

14题:句意:甚至海水的颜色和波浪的运动也会给他们一个关于他们离陆地有多近的指示。由an可知,此处应使用名词单数形式作宾语,根据句意可知,indicate的名词形式为indicator或indication“指示物/指示”。【刘凯老师解析:句子中提到“Even the colour of the sea and movement of the waves would give them an indicate of how close they were to land.”,这里的“an”提示我们需要一个名词单数形式来作宾语。而“indicate”的名词形式可以是“indicator”或“indication”,都表示“指示物/指示”。因此,空格处可以填“indicator”或“indication”。】


The Port of Shanghai has been the busiest in the world for 14 years running after15 (overtake)the Port of Singapore in 2010. The seaport, situated at the mouth of the Yangtze river,16 (grow)to cover an area of 1.5 square miles since it was opened in 1842. From here, 500 million tonnes of goods is handled in a year. There's enough space at Shanghai to receive this huge shipment, most of17 consists of coal, steel and machinery.

参考答案:15. overtaking;16. has grown;17. which;

15题:考查非谓语动词。句意:上海港自2010年超过新加坡港后,已经连续14年成为世界上最繁忙的港口。句子中已经有谓语动词“has been”,因此这里需要非谓语动词形式。刘凯老师解析:由于“overtake”和主语“The Port of Shanghai”之间是主动关系,表示“上海港超过新加坡港”,应使用现在分词形式。故填overtaking。

16题:考查时态。句意:这个海港位于长江口,自1842年开放以来,已经扩大到1.5平方英里的面积。根据时间状语“since it was opened in 1842”可知,这里描述的是一个从过去某个时间点开始一直持续到现在的情况,应使用现在完成时。刘凯老师解析:主语“The seaport”是第三人称单数,所以助动词用“has”。故填has grown。

17题:考查定语从句。句意:上海有足够的空间来接收这艘巨大的货船,其中大部分货物是煤炭、钢铁和机械。句子中“most of _____ consists of coal, steel and machinery”是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词“shipment”,且定语从句中缺少主语,应使用关系代词引导。刘凯老师解析:由于先行词是物,且定语从句中不缺少主、宾、表等名词性成分,故使用关系代词“which”引导。故填which。


When a severe car crash occurs on a deserted road, the injured may not rely on nearby witnesses to call the emergency services.当一场严重的车祸发生在无人驾驶的道路上时,伤者可能无法依靠附近的目击者拨打紧急服务电话。Now many modern smartphones18 (equip)with crash-detection technology that uses data to determine when a car crash has occurred. An alarm19 (play)bythe smartphones will be sent to the services automatically. In an emergency situation the devicedetects20 the crash takes place to share the location with first responders so that there's a higher chance of survival for the crash victims.

参考答案:18. are equipped;19. played;20. where;

18题:考查时态和语态。句意:现在许多现代智能手机配备了使用数据来确定何时发生车祸的碰撞检测技术。刘凯老师解析:句子中“many modern smartphones”是主语,与“equip”之间是被动关系,即“手机被配备...技术”,因此应该使用被动语态,结合上下文语境可知此处用一般现在时,主语为复数,故填are equipped。

19题:考查非谓语动词。句意:智能手机播放的警报将自动发送给服务机构。句子中“An alarm”是主语,“play”是定语,修饰“An alarm”,刘凯老师解析:由于两者之间是被动关系,应使用过去分词作定语。故填played。

20题:考查宾语从句。句意:在紧急情况下,该设备检测到车祸发生的位置,以便与急救人员共享位置,从而增加车祸受害者的生存机会。句子中“detects”是主句谓语,“the crash takes place”是宾语从句,刘凯老师解析:从句中缺少地点状语,表示“车祸发生的地方”,应使用where引导宾语从句。故填where。

刘凯老师,男,蒙古族,黑龙江省齐齐哈尔人。本科为哈尔滨师范大学英语教育专业,硕士为北京理工大学,北京大学宗教学系道教专业哲学硕士;2010年赴美国费城宾夕法尼亚大学交流学习;2013年美国亚利桑那州图森市(Tucson)亚利桑那大学访问学者;2015年澳大利亚悉尼新南威尔士大学ESL研修;2018年美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶加州理工学院语言学双学位获得者;2019年赴澳大利亚新南威尔士州悉尼麦考瑞大学交流习;2021年赴新加坡国立大学培训学习访谈;2023年赴美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)学习国际教育与全球领导力(International Teaching and Global Leadership Cohort)硕士专业;北京十佳教师;国家级骨干教师;GRE托福考试全球高分获得者;荣获长江商学院EMBA;英语专业八级(TEM 8)。

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第二部分阅读理解(共两节,38分)第一节 (共14小题;每小题2分,共28分)


Around the world, coral reefs(珊瑚礁)are in danger. Now, let's check out a few ways conservationists are protecting these habitats.

Seaweed Smackdown

Hot ocean temperatures can supercharge seaweed growth—and that’s not good for a reef. So, in Hawaii, scientists have used an underwater vacuum(真空吸器)to suck up lots of seaweed into the device's long tube. In Australia, scientists are studying a low-tech solution: pulling seaweed by hand.


Some polyps(珊瑚虫)are harmed by heat waves and pollution. Scientists cut parts of coral from a healthy reef. Then these polyps are taken to a nursery, which could be in shallow protected areas underwater. After about a year, the healthy coral parts are attached to damaged reefs. The nursery-grown corals can bring new life to a struggling habitat.

Sound Saver

Healthy reefs are noisy. Fish make different sounds, and thousands of shrimp create and pop bubbles with their claws to create a sound. The biologists play sounds of healthy reefs through underwater speakers. They found that six weeks of broadcasting health y reef sounds doubled the amount of fish in the area.

Bleaching Killer

One of the biggest threats to coral reefs is bleaching. Here's how it works.

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Biologists have discovered that many corals in the Red Sea have a species of algae in their tissue that's found nowhere else, so they can survive heat waves. Biologists hope their work will inspire governments and environmental groups to protect these corals.

参考答案:21. A 22. D 23. C

21. Which of the following might be the subtitle of Paragraph 3?下列哪项可能是第三段的副标题?

A. Underwater Nurseries.

B. Fishing Guides.

C. Seaweed Cleaners.

D. Colour Designers.

第三段描述了科学家如何通过在水下培育健康的珊瑚虫来修复受损的珊瑚礁。因此,可能的副标题是“水下苗圃”。【刘凯老师解析:第三段讲述了科学家如何将健康的珊瑚部分带到一个水下苗圃中,这些苗圃通常位于水下受保护的浅水区域。经过大约一年的培育,这些健康的珊瑚部分被重新附着到受损的珊瑚礁上,以帮助恢复生态。因此,"Underwater Nurseries"(水下苗圃)是这一段落可能的副标题。】

22. What can mainly help stop corals bleaching?什么能主要帮助阻止珊瑚白化?

A. Breathing in more oxygen.

B. Changing the appearance.

C. Absorbing more sound.

D. Partnering with algae.


23. What is the author's purpose of writing this passage?作者写这篇文章的目的是什么?

A. To present the serious damages to corals.

B. To explain the reasons for coral habitat loss.

C. To introduce the methods of coral protection.

D. To compare the effects of different solutions.

文章的目的是介绍保护珊瑚的方法,包括使用水下吸尘器清除过多的海草、在水下苗圃培育健康的珊瑚虫、通过水下扬声器播放健康珊瑚礁的声音以吸引鱼类、以及研究红海中能够抵抗热浪的特定藻类。因此,选项C“介绍保护珊瑚的方法”是作者写作本文的目的。【刘凯老师解析:文章的主要目的是介绍保护珊瑚礁的不同方法,包括对抗海草过度生长、在水下苗圃中培育珊瑚、利用声音吸引鱼类,以及研究能够抵抗高温的藻类。这些方法都是为了保护和恢复珊瑚礁生态系统。因此,"To introduce the methods of coral protection"(介绍保护珊瑚的方法)是作者写作此文的目的。】


In the story, written by a 19th-century economist, the crowd envisions the work involved in repairing the window, but not that involved in everything else on which the shopkeeper could have spent his money-unseen possibilities that would have brought him greater happiness.


1. economist 经济学家

2. envision 想象、预想

3. unseen 看不见的、未看见的


① 提炼出来的句子主干主语是the crowd,谓语动词是envision,宾语是the work,意为:人们设想了工作;

② In the story, written by a 19th-century economist是介词短语作状语,修饰整个句子,written by a 19th-century economist是过去分词短语做插入语,提供故事来源的背景,意为:在这个由19世纪经济学家写的故事中;

③ the work involved in repairing the window是过去分词做后置定语,修饰the work,意为:修理窗户所涉及的工作;

④ that involved in everything else on which the shopkeeper could have spent his money是通过but的并列宾语,that指示代词,代指the work,involved in everything else是过去分词短语做后置定语,修饰that,表示:工作涉及到其他的一切;on which the shopkeeper could have spent his money(人+spend+钱+on sth)是介词+which引导的定语从句,修饰everything else,意为:这项工作涉及到店主可以花钱买的一切东西;

⑤ unseen possibilities that would have brought him greater happiness是同位语,补充说明that involved in everything else,that would have brought him greater happiness是that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词unseen possibilities,意为:那些看不见的可能性原本会给他带来更大的幸福;would have brought是虚拟语气的一种形式,它用来表示对过去情况的假设,描述如果过去的条件不同可能会产生的结果,但实际并未发生。这里的"would have brought"暗示了如果店主将钱花在那些未被注意到的可能上,本可以(但实际没有)为他带来更大的幸福。这种表达方式蕴含了一种反事实的条件意味,体现了虚拟语气的特征;


The right question to ask is whether it is worth using the remaining carbon budget to repair a building or it is better to knock it down.


1. remaining 剩下的、遗留的

2. carbon 碳

3. budget 预算

4. carbon budget 碳预算


① 句子主干主语是carbon budget,is是系动词,whether... or...是表语;

② to ask是to do不定式作后置定语,修饰the right question,意为:需要问题的问题;

③ whether it is worth using the remaining carbon budget to repair a building or it is better to knock it down是whether引导的表语从句,意为:是否值得使用剩余的碳预算来修复建筑,还是将其拆除更好;


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第二节(20分)假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国好友Chris正在策划一次以“科技创新(Technology Innovation)”为主题的社团活动,他发来邮件询问你的建议。请你用英文给他回复,内容包括:



Possible version

Dear Chris,

Thrilled to hear about your plans for the “Technology Innovation” club activity!I am more than happy to offersome suggestions.

How about organizing a Tech Innovation Fair?It would serve as a compelling platform to blend different tech elements and activities, catering to everyone's taste and interest.

As for the content,you can set up diverse booths, where students showcase their projects and inventions with interactive displays and demos. Additionally, you can host an innovation challenge for the club members to solve real-world problems using technology. This can add a competitive yet collaborative touch to the event, spotlighting creativity and ingenuity while encouraging teamwork.

How do you think of my suggestions? I wish a great success to your activity!(120 words)


Li Hua





  1. 明确主题:作文首先明确了主题——为“Technology Innovation”主题的社团活动提供建议。
  2. 设身处地:作者站在对方的角度,思考什么样的活动形式和内容能够吸引参与者。
  3. 创新思路:提出了Tech Innovation Expo的创意,这种综合性活动能够容纳多种形式的互动和展示。


  1. 具体性:在内容建议上,作者具体到了“Tech Innovation Expo”的形式,包括讲座、工作坊、市场等,让建议更加具体可行。
  2. 实用性:提出的建议都是围绕科技创新的,与活动主题紧密相关,且对于参与者和组织者都具有实际意义。
  3. 前瞻性:讨论了新兴技术如AI、VR等,显示了作者对科技发展的关注和了解。


  1. 清晰开头:开头直接回应了对方的邮件,并表达了对于活动的热情。
  2. 主体部分:详细阐述了活动形式和内容的建议,逻辑清晰,层次分明。
  3. 结尾部分:表达了对对方建议的期待,并祝愿活动成功,礼貌得体。


  1. 准确性:使用了准确的词汇和短语来描述活动,如“Tech Innovation Expo”、“interactive workshops”等。
  2. 流畅性:句子结构清晰,使用了多种句式(如简单句、复合句)来增加表达的丰富性。
  3. 礼貌性:整篇作文的语气礼貌得体,符合邮件交流的规范。


  1. 深入理解主题:确保对主题有深入的理解,以便提出有针对性的建议。
  2. 内容充实具体:建议要具体、可行,避免过于笼统或不切实际。
  3. 结构清晰:作文要有清晰的开头、主体和结尾,逻辑要严密。
  4. 语言精准:使用准确、流畅的语言来表达自己的观点,注意语法和拼写。
  5. 礼貌得体:在邮件中保持礼貌和尊重,让对方感受到你的诚意和热情。

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  1. 明确主题:首先,作文要围绕“科技创新”这一主题展开,确保内容紧扣主题。
  2. 活动形式建议:可以提出多种活动形式,如讲座、研讨会、创新竞赛、科技展览等,确保活动形式多样且富有互动性。
  3. 活动内容建议:针对每种活动形式,给出具体的活动内容建议,如邀请科技领域的专家进行讲座,组织学生们进行科技创新项目的设计和实施,展示最新的科技产品等。


  1. 开头:简短问候,引入主题。
  2. 活动形式建议:列举并详细描述你建议的活动形式。
  3. 活动内容建议:针对每种活动形式,给出具体的活动内容建议。
  4. 结尾:表达期待活动的成功举办,并希望你的建议能有所帮助。


  1. 准确性:使用准确的词汇和短语来描述活动形式和内容。
  2. 多样性:避免重复使用相同的句式和词汇,使语言更加丰富多样。
  3. 流畅性:句子之间过渡自然,逻辑清晰。


Dear Chris,

I'm thrilled to hear about your plan for a "Technology Innovation" themed club activity. Here are my suggestions for the format and content.

First, we could organize a series of interactive workshops, where students can learn about the latest technological trends and engage in hands-on projects. Additionally, a panel discussion with experts in the field would provide valuable insights and inspiration. Furthermore, a competition for innovative ideas or prototypes would encourage students to think critically and creatively.

As for the content, we could invite renowned speakers to talk about the impact of technology on society and the environment. We could also showcase innovative projects from previous years to inspire our members. Lastly, a technology exhibition displaying the latest gadgets and inventions would be a great way to conclude the event.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. Looking forward to the success of your event!

Li Hua


  • 内容:涵盖了活动形式和内容两方面的建议,且内容具体、紧扣主题。
  • 结构:开头直接引入主题,接着分别描述了活动形式和内容建议,最后表达了期待,结构清晰。
  • 语言:使用了多种句式和词汇来描述活动,语言准确、流畅、多样。

【独家创作:本范文仅供参考】Dear Chris,

I am deeply impressed by your initiative to organize a "Technology Innovation" themed club activity. In response to your query, I would like to offer some suggestions that I believe could elevate the event to a new level.

Firstly, we could envision a hybrid format that marries the traditional with the cutting-edge. A series of virtual workshops and interactive online sessions could provide a platform for students to engage with the latest technological advancements, while also fostering a sense of global connectivity. These sessions could be complemented by in-person hands-on workshops, where students can apply their theoretical knowledge to practical projects.

In terms of content, we could invite renowned technologists and entrepreneurs to deliver keynote speeches, sharing their insights on the intersection of technology and society. Additionally, we could organize a thought-provoking roundtable discussion, exploring ethical and societal implications of technological advancements. This discussion could serve as a catalyst for students to reflect on the responsible use of technology.

Moreover, we could curate an exhibition showcasing innovative student projects and research, highlighting the creative potential of young minds. This exhibition could serve as a testament to the impact that young innovators can have on society.

Finally, to truly engage students and foster a spirit of innovation, we could host a hackathon or innovation challenge. This competitive event would encourage students to collaborate, ideate, and create solutions to real-world problems using technology.

I am confident that these suggestions, if implemented, would contribute significantly to the success of your event. I am looking forward to hearing more about your plans and hope that my input has been of value.