A photograph of a beaming Princess Charlotte has been released by the Prince and Princess of Wales to mark her ninth birthday.


Thecelebratorysnap was posted to the couple’s official social media accounts on Thursday with a note of thanks “for all the kind messages today.” The photo is credited to Catherine, Princess of Wales, and was taken in the last few days in Windsor.

这张庆祝照片于周四发布在这对夫妇的官方社交媒体账户上,并附上了 “感谢今天所有的祝福”的字样。照片由威尔士王妃凯瑟琳于最近几天在温莎拍摄。

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It’s the second photo in as many weeks from the Waleses, who last week celebrated their youngest son, Prince Louis’ sixth birthday. Prince William and Kate have made it a tradition to release portraits of their children each year to mark their birthdays.


It’s been a difficult start to 2024 for Britain’s royal family. Kate has been away from her public duties since Christmas and is currently undergoing treatment for cancer.

对于英国王室来说,2024 年开局并不顺利。凯特自圣诞节以来一直缺席公开活动,目前正在接受癌症治疗。

Princess Charlotte was last seen in public during the British royal family’s traditional Christmas Day walk to church on the Sandringham estate in Norfolk. The nine-year-old was also seen earlier in December alongside her parents andsiblingsat her mother annual carol concert at Westminster Abbey in London.

夏洛特公主最近一次公开露面,是在英国王室传统的圣诞节参加诺福克的桑德林汉姆庄园的教堂散步活动。12 月初,这位9岁的公主还和父母和兄弟姐妹一起参加了母亲在伦敦威斯敏斯特教堂举办的年度颂歌音乐会。

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Charlotte is third in line to the throne, after her father and older brother Prince George. And while she may be one of the younger members of the family, her mom revealed in 2017 that she is “the one in charge.”


Royal-watchers may remember a clip of Charlotte at her grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II’s state funeral in 2022, where she appeared to be reminding her elder brother George to bow as the late monarch’s coffin passed them at Wellington Arch.


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She was also spotted at a previous Trooping the Colour parade in London stopping her younger brother, Prince Louis, from waving perhaps a little too enthusiastically to the crowds as their carriage drove by.


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Prince William and Princess Kate are determined daughter Princess Charlotte, eight, enjoys as normal a childhood as is possible for a young girl who is third in line to thethrone.


At school, she is registered as Charlotte Cambridge, but her friends call her by anicknameshe is said to adore.


Reports suggest her pals shorten her name and call her Lottie Wales, as a nod to her parents’ titles given to them by the King when the Queen passed away.

报道称,她的伙伴们把她的名字缩短,叫她洛蒂·威尔士(Lottie Wales),这是对她父母在女王去世时由国王授予他们的头衔的一种纪念。

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Charlotte is the first British princess who wasn’t overtaken in the line of succession by a younger brother. That’s because her grandmother, the late Queen Elizabeth II, changed the rules with the Succession to the Crown Act of 2013 so that all royal children born after 2011 would have an equal right to the throne regardless of gender.


Charlotte's parents also call her “Warrior Princess" due to her "feisty" personality, ac cording to Katie Nicholl, Vanity Fair's royal correspondent.


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  • celebratory/ ˌseləˈbreɪtəri / adj.庆祝的;庆贺的;快乐的

    例句:That night she, Nicholson, and the crew had a celebratory dinner.


  • sibling/ ˈsɪblɪŋ / n. <正式> 兄弟姐妹

    例句:His siblings are in their twenties.


  • throne/ θrəʊn /,n.(君王的)宝座,御座;王位,王权,帝位(the throne)

    例句:Her duty was to produce an heir to the throne.


  • nickname/ ˈnɪkneɪm /,n.绰号,外号

    例句:Red got his nickname for his red hair.


  • feisty/ ˈfaɪsti /,adj.活跃的;好争吵的;烦躁不安的

    例句:At 66, she was as feisty as ever.




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