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近日,2024京领诺奖创新论坛暨全球国际学校颁奖典礼在北京国家会议中心隆重举行,启明星学校登上“2024中国国际学校竞争力百强榜”“2024中国国际学校品牌价值百强榜”等,执行总校长Daniel Williams受邀发表专题演讲。


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启明星执行总校长Daniel Williams受邀出席论坛,并现场发表《培育社会创新的文化》(Cultivating a Culture of Social Innovation)专题演讲,介绍了启明星学校的历史和正在全校范围内实施的社会创新项目的源起。他谈到学生和启明星社区成员应用新颖的方法解决全球和当地的问题,给听众留下了深刻的印象。





KingLead hosted the 2024 Nobel Innovation Forum on April 21st, 2024 at the China National Convention Center. Daystar was listed in the"China International School CompetitivenessRanking 2004", "2024 Top 100 International Schools in China in Brand Value List"...and Daniel Williams, Executive Head of Schools of Daystar Academy was invited to deliver a keynote speech.

KingLead Nobel Innovation Forum who state they are committed to being academically led and innovation-driven, is one of the most influential annual event of international schools.

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The Forum invited leading academics including Nobel laureates in Economics, Physiology or Medicine, Chemistry and Physics — the world's top scholars, and dozens of well-known international or private schools from all over the country to discuss the trend and future of international education, and share ideas and practices for the cultivation of innovative talents.

Daystar is the first school in China to create a K-12 Social Innovation Program to cultivate students to be social innovators - able to deeply care, connect and take practical actions to solve social and environmental problems using novel solutions in communities and beyond. Daystar has created a unique educational model through the holisticSocial Innovation Curriculum, Social Innovation Program Resources and Social Innovation Events,where students feel empowered to act with a purpose to apply their learning to create a more equitable, sustainable and united world, and in doing so complement their learnings in other areas of our curriculum.

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Daystar's continuous efforts and achievements in social innovation education, academic achievements, high-quality teacher team...were appreciated by the Nobel Innovation Forum, and was listed in the lists and received the award on the spot.

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Executive Head of Schools, Daniel Williams was invited to deliver a speech on Cultivating a Culture of Social Innovation. He introduced the unique history of Daystar, the origins and practices of implementing Social Innovation Program within a values led community. Speaking with passion on the need for our students and our communities to jointly address both local and global issues using novel approaches, he made a deep impression on the audience.

While talking about Daystar’s recognition by KingLead, Mr. Williams said,

Our journey at Daystar is not driven by a pursuit of rankings. Instead, we focus on creating an environment that nurtures intellectual and moral development, empowering our students to positively impact their communities and the wider world. This approach may not always align with traditional ranking criteria, but it forms the core of our educational philosophy. If it results in recognition, then that's to be welcomed and celebrated. Being recognized provides us not just with a reason to celebrate, but more importantly, to engage in meaningful dialogue with other like-minded educational institutions. It allows us to share and learn from others who see innovation, rather than adherence to tradition alone, as a pathway to educational excellence.

While we appreciate the external acknowledgment, it does not dictate our path forward. We remain committed to our mission: to educate for character, foster social innovation, and prepare our students to be agents of change.The relentless effort and dedication of our community—parents, students, and staff—truly define our success.”

As the first school in China to offer Social Innovation Program throughout K-12, vivid learning stories happen at Daystar every day. We welcome you to follow us!

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