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由北京大学艺术学院主办,北京大学燕京学堂协办,我们邀请到哥伦比亚大学电影与媒体研究的荣誉教授理查德·佩纳(Richard Peña),他将于2024年5月14日(周二)下午3点,在北京大学第二体育馆地下B101报告厅,带来一场题为“视野变革:1943-1969年美国先锋派电影(Altered Vision: American Avant-Garde Filmmaking, 1943-1969)”的讲座。


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Richard Peña


1995年,佩尼亚教授与法国电影联盟(Unifrance)合作,创立了“与法国电影同行(Rendez-Vous with French Cinema)”,这一活动成为美国展示法国新电影的主要平台。作为一名频繁的国际电影讲座嘉宾,他曾在2014至2015年间担任普林斯顿大学巴西研究的访问教授,2015至2016年间担任哈佛大学电影研究的访问教授,并在2022年成为巴黎索邦大学的访问教授。他的教学足迹遍布全球,包括北京大学、东京艺术大学、布宜诺斯艾利斯电影大学、里约热内卢联邦大学、智利天主教大学和圣保罗大学。2016年5月,他在墨西哥城的墨西哥国立自治大学荣获“伯格曼讲席(Cathedra Bergman)”奖,并发表了题为“美国电影的边缘”的三部分讲座系列。此外,他将于2024年春季作为访问教授加入清华大学。

Richard Peña is an Emeritus Professor of Film and Media Studies at Columbia University, where he specializes in film theory and international cinema. From 1988 to 2012, he was the Program Director of the Film Society of Lincoln Center and the Director of the New York Film Festival. At the Film Society, Richard Peña organized retrospectives of many film artists, including Michelangelo Antonioni, Sacha Guitry, Abbas Kiarostami, King Hu, Robert Aldrich, Roberto Gavaldon, Ritwik Ghatak, Kira Muratova, Fei Mu, Valerio Zurlini, Youssef Chahine, Yasujiro Ozu, Carlos Saura, Nagisa Oshima and Amitabh Bachchan, as well as major film series devoted to African, Israeli, Cuban, Polish, Hungarian, Spanish, Chinese, Arab, Korean, Swedish, Turkish, German, Italian and Argentine cinema. In 1995, together with Unifrance, he created “Rendez-Vous with French Cinema,” the leading American showcase for new French cinema. A frequent lecturer on film internationally, in 2014-2015, he was a Visiting Professor in Brazilian Studies at Princeton; in 2015-2016 a Visiting Professor in Film Studies at Harvard; and in 2022 a Visiting Professor at La Sorbonne. He has also taught courses at Beijing University, Gedai Art Institute (Tokyo), la Universidad de Cine (Buenos Aires), the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, the Universidad Catolica de Chile, and the University of São Paulo. In May, 2016, he was the recipient of the “Cathedra Bergman” award at the UNAM in Mexico City, where he offered a three-part lecture series “On the Margins of American Cinema.” He will be a Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing in Spring, 2024.



During the 1920s, largely in France and Germany, a new kind of cinema began to emerge, very often made by people already associated with other artistic disciplines. These “avant-garde films” were a kind of an aesthetic protest against the dominance of the Hollywood film model, demonstrating the many untapped possibilities for cinematic language. Although there were some examples of avant-garde filmmaking in the US prior to 1940, it was really in that decade—with the sudden availability of cameras sold off by the US military, and the drastic improvements in 16mm film stock--that a newly-energized film avant-garde erupted in the US. From a wide variety of backgrounds, these filmmakers made works that were not only daringly personal, but they also continually pushed the boundaries of film style and language. This program will explore the intellectual and artistic roots of this movement, tracing its development through various phases and approaches. Four short films, each exemplary of a tendency within the US avant-garde, will be screened.

1 program, approximately 2hrs.

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