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5月15日,《中国日报》携手《山西日报》联合推出Discover Shanxi“山西高质量发展”英文八联版,以精美的设计、详实的报道,充分展示山西在经济、社会、文化、生态等领域取得的丰硕成果。


八联版正面采用数据图表、手绘插画和文字报道相结合的形式,两篇稿件以“绿色山西”为主题, 介绍了山西为实现高质量发展所做的努力。

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The northern Shanxi city of Datong is developing a large solar and wind power base with an installed power generation capacity of 6 million megawatts. 在位于山西北部的大同市,晋北600万千瓦大型风电光伏基地正在加紧建设。
According to local officials, such a capacity makes Datong one of the top solar and wind power bases in China. They estimate that the base can transmit 27 billion kilowatt-hours of "green" electricity to its neighboring regions of Beijing and Tianjin municipalities, as well as Hebei province, every year when it reaches its designed operational scale. 据介绍,由于有如此庞大的装机容量,大同已成为中国顶尖的太阳能和风能基地之一。建成投产后,该基地每年可向北京、天津以及河北等邻近地区输送270亿千瓦时的“绿色”电力。

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According to data from State Grid Shanxi Electricity, the electricity generated from new and clean energy resources accounted for 25.2 percent of Shanxi's total last year. 来自国家电网山西省电力公司的数据显示,2023年,山西新能源和清洁能源发电量占比达25.2%。
The ratio of green electricity is expected to grow at a fast pace in the future with more new energy facilities in place or under construction. Its latest statistics show that Shanxi's installed generation capacity of wind and solar power projects reached 51.64 million kW, accounting for 38.48 percent of the province's total. 随着更多新能源设施建设和投用,绿色电力的占比将在未来快速增长。最新统计数据显示,山西省风能和太阳能项目的装机容量已达到5164万千瓦,占全省总装机容量的38.48%。

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The China-Europe freight train services have contributed greatly to Shanxi's international trade and business cooperation, offering a new channel for the province to participate in the Belt and Road Initiative, industry insiders said. 业内人士表示,中欧班列对山西的国际贸易和商务合作做出了巨大贡献,为山西融入“一带一路”提供了新通道。
Shanxi has developed a number of land ports and logistics parks to serve international freight trains. These include Zhongding Logistics Park in Jinzhong and Fanglue Logistics Park in Houma, as well as others in the cities of Taiyuan, Datong, Yangquan, Changzhi and Jiexiu. 为更好地服务国际货运班列,山西已建立了多个陆路口岸和物流园,其中包括晋中的中鼎物流园、侯马的方略国际陆港物流园,以及位于太原、大同、阳泉、长治和介休等城市的众多物流园区。

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The North China province of Shanxi is a destination worth an in-depth tour, as it offers a perfect combination of natural wonders and cultural attractions. 华夏古文明,山西好风光。富集自然奇观和历史文化遗产,位于华北的山西绝对是一个值得深度旅游的胜地。

Shanxi is often referred to as biaoli shanhe by the locals. The term literally means it is a land between the spectacular Yellow River and Taihang Mountains. 东倚太行,西临黄河,表里山河间,是三晋儿女世代生活的一片乐土。

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Numerous well-preserved sites of historical interest are scattered in the hinterland of Shanxi, including the Wooden Pagoda in Yingxian county, the Hanging Temple in Hunyuan county, the Jinci Temple in Taiyuan and the Guangong Hometown in Yuncheng. 三晋大地上,悬空寺、应县木塔、晋祠、关帝祖庙等众多文物古迹星罗棋布。

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The province also features a great number of intangible cultural heritage items. Many of these, like paper-cutting, flowery buns and weifeng drum and gong dances, are kept alive by the people. 山西还拥有大量的的非物质文化遗产,如剪纸、花馍、威风锣鼓等,这些传统技艺和文化仍在传承与发展中不断绽放新的活力。

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