记者 王娟 王晓莹绘画徐进实习生郭致岐






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King Hui of Liang said, “Small as my virtue is, in the government of my kingdom, I do indeed exert my mind to the utmost. If the year be bad on the inside of the river, I remove as many of the people as I can to the east of the river, and convey grain to the country in the inside. When the year is bad on the east of the river, I act on the same plan. On examining the government of the neighboring kingdoms, I do not find that there is any prince who exerts his mind as I do. And yet the people of the neighboring kingdoms do not decrease, nor do my people increase. How is this?”

Mencius replied, “Your majesty is fond of war--let me take an illustration from war. The soldiers move forward to the sound of the drums; and after their weapons have been crossed, on one side they throw away their coats of mail, trail their arms behind them, and run. Some run a hundred paces and stop; some run fifty paces and stop. What would you think if those who run fifty paces were to laugh at those who run a hundred paces?”

The king said, “They should not do so. Though they did not run a hundred paces, yet they also ran away.”

“Since your Majesty knows this,” replied Mencius, “you need not hope that your people will become more numerous than those of the neighboring kingdoms.”
