2022年的普利策专题摄影奖授予了路透社的Adnan Abidi、Sanna Irshad Mattoo、Amit Dave 和当时已去世的Danish Siddiqui四人,表彰他们在印度新冠疫情期间对这场人间惨剧所做的镜头记录。


值得一提的是四名获奖记者中的Danish Siddiqui,路透社驻印分社的资深摄影记者,他的名字翻译成汉语应该是丹尼什·西迪基(Danish Siddiqui),如果你用自动翻译软件给你翻译的话它会给你翻译成“丹麦人西迪基”,千万不要闹出这样的错误和大笑话。

Danish Siddiqui是令人尊敬的路透社战地记者,他在2018年就已经作为团队成员因拍摄记录罗兴亚难民危机获得了一次普利策摄影奖,2022年再次因为记录印度疫情获得此次普利策奖,但获奖时他已经去世。他去世的原因是因为在2021年7月(也就是他刚拍摄完这组印度新冠疫情照片后)在报道阿富汗部队和塔利班战斗人员在与巴基斯坦交界处发生的冲突时被塔利班的炮火杀害。

为了纪念Danish Siddiqui,2022年的普利策专题摄影奖在选择路透社摄影团队拍摄的这组14张获奖作品中,7张都是Danish Siddiqui的作品,如下。

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2021年4月12日,在印度哈里德瓦举行的大壶节上,一名“Naga Sadhu”或印度教圣人在进入恒河前戴上口罩。A ‘Naga Sadhu,’ or Hindu holy man, places a mask across his face before entering the Ganges river during the traditional Shahi Snan, or royal dip, at the Kumbh Mela festival in Haridwar, India, April 12, 2021. As COVID-19 cases and deaths exploded in India in April and May, hospitals ran so short of oxygen that many patients suffocated. (Danish Siddiqui)

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印度北方邦北部的帕绍村,一名男子坐在妻子旁边,他妻子正在一家临时诊所接受补液。A man sits next to his wife, who was suffering from a high fever, as she intravenously receives rehydration fluid at a makeshift clinic during a surge of the coronavirus disease in Parsaul village located in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, India, May 22, 2021. (Adnan Abidi)

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在位于印度-克什米尔Anantnag区的Lidderwat,一名医护人员在为一名牧羊人接种新冠疫苗。A healthcare worker administers a dose of CoviShield, a coronavirus disease vaccine, to a shepherd during a vaccination drive in Lidderwat, located in India Kashmir's Anantnag district, June 10, 2021. (Sanna Irshad Mattoo)

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在印度艾哈迈达巴德郊区Kavitha村的一个砖窑里,一名医护人员在为工人接种新冠疫苗期间,在小屋里为一名妇女检查体温。A healthcare worker checks the temperature of a woman inside her hut during a coronavirus disease vaccination drive for workers at a brick kiln in Kavitha village on the outskirts of Ahmedabad, India, April 8, 2021. (Amit Dave)

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印度加齐阿巴德,在冠状病毒疾病传播期间,马诺伊·库马尔在古鲁德瓦拉(锡克教寺庙)的停车场接受吸氧时,从汽车后座向母亲维迪亚·德维挥舞手帕。Manoj Kumar waves a handkerchief from the back seat of his vehicle at his mother Vidhya Devi as she receives oxygen in the parking lot of a Gurudwara (Sikh temple) amidst the spread of the coronavirus disease in Ghaziabad, India, April 24, 2021. (Danish Siddiqui)

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印度加齐阿巴德,Manisha Bashu在Gurudwara(锡克教寺庙)接受氧气支持时感到昏迷,随后她按压了呼吸困难的父亲的胸部。Manisha Bashu presses the chest of her father, who was having difficulty breathing, after he felt unconscious while receiving oxygen support at a Gurudwara (Sikh temple) amidst the spread of coronavirus disease in Ghaziabad, India, April 30, 2021. (Adnan Abidi)

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印度新德里Guru Teg Bahadur医院,一名男子在冠状病毒病伤员病房外接到他的家人被宣布死亡的消息,他悲伤欲绝。A man grieves as his family member is declared dead outside the coronavirus disease casualty ward at the Guru Teg Bahadur hospital in New Delhi, India, April 23, 2021. (Danish Siddiqui)

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在印度新德里举行的一位死于冠状病毒疾病的男性亲属的火化仪式上,家人穿着个人防护装备拥抱在一起,悼念他。Family members embrace while wearing personal protective equipment as they mourn a male relative, who died from the coronavirus disease, during his cremation ceremony in New Delhi, India April 21, 2021. (Adnan Abidi)

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印度新德里圣家医院急诊病房内,医务工作人员正在救治一名女性感染者。A female patient suffering from the coronavirus disease is attended to by hospital staff inside the emergency ward of the Holy Family hospital in New Delhi, India, April 29, 2021.(Danish Siddiqui)

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印度新德里,19岁的Pranav Mishra跪在45岁的母亲Mamta Mishra的尸体前,她刚刚死于新冠。Pranav Mishra, 19, kneels toward the body of his mother Mamta Mishra, 45, who died from the coronavirus disease, ahead of her cremation, in New Delhi, India, May 4, 2021.(Danish Siddiqui)

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印度新德里一家火葬场举行大规模火葬,一具死于新冠的尸体躺在火葬柴堆上。The body of a person, who died from the coronavirus disease, lies on a funeral pyre during a mass cremation at a crematorium in New Delhi, India May 1, 2021. (Adnan Abidi)

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印度新德里,在为新冠死难者举行的大规模火葬中,居民们围在火葬场周围。Residences surround the grounds of a crematorium during a mass cremation for victims of the coronavirus disease in New Delhi, India, April 22, 2021. (Danish Siddiqui)

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印度新德里的一个火葬场,一家非营利组织的志愿者Ashish Kashyap和Naman Sharma拿着一个袋子,里面装着死于新冠的受害者无人认领的骨灰。Ashish Kashyap and Naman Sharma, volunteers at a non-profit organization, carry a bag containing unclaimed ashes of victims who died from the coronavirus disease at a crematorium in New Delhi, India, May 9, 2021. (Adnan Abidi)

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新德里的一个火葬场,等待水葬的骨灰盒。Urns containing ashes after final rites of people, including those who died from the coronavirus disease, await immersion due to a national lockdown, at a crematorium in New Delhi, India, May 6, 2021. (Danish Siddiqui)






2022年普利策突发新闻摄影奖:阿富汗撤军 & 国会山骚乱