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An infected blood scandal in Britain was no accident but the fault of doctors and a succession of governments that led to 3,000 deaths and thousands more contracting hepatitis or HIV, a public inquiry reported on Monday.


Rishi Sunak declared Monday a “day of shame for the British state” as he apologized for the failures of successive governments over the infected blood scandal and promised to pay whatever it takes to compensate the victims.

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He said: “This is a day of shame for the British state. Today’s report shows a decades-long moral failure at the heart of our national life, from the National Health Service to the civil service to ministers in successive governments, at every level that people and institutions in which we place our trust failed in the most harrowing and devastating way.” Sunak added: “This is an apology from the state to every single person impacted by this scandal. It did not have to be this way; it should never have been this way. And on behalf of this and every government stretching back to the 1970s, I am truly sorry.”



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In the 1970s and 1980s, those with hemophilia, a condition affecting the blood’s ability to clot, became exposed to what was sold as a revolutionary new treatment derived from blood plasma. In the United Kingdom, the NHS, which treats the vast majority of people, started using the new treatment in the early 1970s.


Demand soon outstripped domestic sources of supply, so health officials began importing Factor VIII from the United States, where a high proportion of plasma donations came from prisoners and drug users who were paid to donate blood. That dramatically raised the risk of the plasma being contaminated.



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The inquiry heard estimates that more than 30,000 people were infected from compromised blood or blood products via transfusions or Factor VIII. About 3,000 have since died and more deaths will follow.


2008年,英国前法官布赖恩·兰斯塔夫(Brian Langstaff)被指定领导这项大规模的公开调查。经过多年的工作,听取了数千名证人的证词并审查了数万份文件后,当地时间5月20日,兰斯塔夫公布了2527页的调查报告。

Former judge Brian Langstaff, who chaired the inquiry, slammed successive governments and medical professionals for “a catalogue of failures” and refusal to admit responsibility to save face and expense. He found that deliberate attempts were made to conceal the scandal, and there was evidence of government officials destroying documents.


“This disaster was not an accident. The infections happened because those in authority— doctors, the blood services and successive governments — did not put patient safety first,” he said. “The response of those in authority served to compound people’s suffering.”




血液污染丑闻的受害者、现年58岁的沃里克(Richard Warwick)告诉《卫报》,虽然赔偿无法挽回任何人的健康,也无法挽回他们失去的孩子,但政府必须解决赔偿问题。




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