【 Chinese Culture, meet Paris Culture and Art Travel Online Exhibition 】

-- Recommended artist Wu Jianzhong

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吳建中,又名吳建忠,男,国家干部,甘肃省作协及中华诗词学会会员。中国诗词及文学研究院副院长,中国及台北古宫香港书画院名誉院长,中国现代文艺协会终身名誉主席,国际艺术家协会副主席,中国诗书画联盟网名誉主席。受聘为法国卢浮宫名誉副馆长,西班牙凡高美术馆名誉馆长,英国莎士比亚文学博物馆名誉馆长,联合国世界和平艺术学院院长,毕加索艺术博物馆及意大利皇家艺术馆名誉馆长;俄罗斯国家艺术院及莫斯科普希金博物馆名誉馆长,获列宁文学金奖;获奥斯卡-奥林匹克-达芬奇-龚古尔国际艺术金奖;吉尼斯(2022)世界艺术终身成就奖,受邀朝鲜美术家协会顾问等。2021 年首获屈原文学金奖,同时联合国秘书长签字授予“全球十大艺术风云人物”称号,晋升“国家艺术一级名师”、“国家文学艺术甲等教授”、“中国艺圣”及“中国诗歌领袖”等称号。

Wu Jianzhong, also known as Wu Jianzhong, male, national cadre, member of Gansu Writers' Association and Chinese Poetry Association. Vice President of Chinese Academy of Poetry and Literature, honorary President of Hong Kong Calligraphy and Painting Academy of Chinese and Taipei Ancient Palace, honorary President of China Modern Literature and Art Association, vice President of International Artists Association, honorary Chairman of Chinese Poetry and Painting Alliance network. Employed as honorary deputy director of the Louvre in France, honorary director of Van Gogh Art Museum in Spain, honorary director of Shakespeare Museum of Literature, director of United Nations Institute of World Peace Art, honorary director of Picasso Museum of Art and Italian Royal Museum of Art; honorary director of Russian National Academy of Arts and Moscow Pushkin Museum, Lenin Literature Gold Award; Oscar-Olympic-Olympic-Da Vinci-Goncourt International Art Gold Award; Guinness (2022) World Art Lifetime Achievement Award, and invited consultant of the Korean Artists Association. In 2021, he won the Gold Medal of Qu Yuan Literature for the first time. At the same time, the Secretary-General of the United Nations signed the title of "Top Ten Artistic People in the World", and was promoted to the titles of "National Art Master", "National Professor of Literature and Art", "Chinese Art Sage" and "Chinese Poetry Leader".




Honorary doctorate from the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts, awarded the Nobel International Medal of Art;

Honorary deputy curator of the Louvre in France, calligraphy and poetry and other artistic works were exhibited and collected;

He is the chief guest professor of the Ivy League of eight famous universities including Harvard, and has won the highest Achievement Award of Global Literature and Art and the title of "World Top Ten Leaders of Writers and Artists". He has won the highest academic Award of Chinese National Poetry and Painting, the Lifetime Achievement Award of Chinese Poetry Society, the chief consultant of Chinese Songzhuang Art Creation Base, the title of Chinese Poetry Academic Committee; the National Golden Color Award of Chinese literature and art, the national cultural construction model, the outstanding person and the pioneer of the new era, the world collection artist, the soul of the great country, and the People's literary and artistic Creation Award together with Fan Zeng and Mo Yan

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