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In recent years, Tongxiang has continuously amplified its local cultural advantages, leveraging resources such as Jiangnan culture, poetry culture, celebrity culture and internet culture to promote the integration of culture and tourism in depth and breadth. 近年来,桐乡不断扩大本地文化优势,利用江南文化、诗词文化、名人文化和互联网文化等资源,推动文旅深度融合。
Tongxiang has six State-owned cultural and museum venues: Tongxiang Museum, Mao Dun Memorial Hall, Feng Zikai Memorial Hall, Juntao Art Institute, Zhong Xuzhou Coin Art Museum, and the Wu Peng Art Institute. 目前,桐乡已有市博物馆、茅盾纪念馆、丰子恺纪念馆、君匋艺术院、钟旭洲钱币艺术博物馆、吴蓬艺术院(桐乡书画院)等6家国有文博场馆。

In 2013, the Tongxiang Cultural Center, which integrates six venues including a cultural center, museum, intangible cultural heritage hall and comic hall, opened to the public, providing residents with a public space to enjoy a cultural feast and a tourist destination to explore the arts. In 2018, Tongxiang launched the Bo Hong Urban Study Room project. 2013年,集文化馆、博物馆、非遗馆、漫画馆等“六馆合一”的桐乡市文化中心对外开放,为市民提供了畅享文化盛宴的公共空间、遨游艺术海洋的旅游之地。2018年,桐乡市伯鸿城市书房正式启用。

Cultural halls in Tongxiang standing in the rural fields not only bear the memories of local history, but also serve as "spiritual homes" for villagers, providing a place for rest and emotional solace through various cultural activities. 遍布于桐乡农村的文化礼堂不仅承载着历史记忆,还成为村民的“精神家园”,通过各种各样的文化活动为村民们打造一个精神栖息地。



"Accelerating the micro-renovation and fine improvement projects requires meticulous skills, which are reflected but also in the preservation and inheritance of cultural heritage and the integration of tradition and fashion," said Gu Shouju, deputy head of the Tong­xiang bureau of culture, radio, television, tourism and sports. 桐乡市文化和广电旅游体育局副局长顾守菊表示,加快推进‘微改造 精提升’工程,要做足‘绣花功夫’,这不仅体现在项目改造、对人文底蕴的保留和传承方面,还体现在传统与时尚的融合方面。

"Our goal is to make tourism more exquisite in experience, more refined in facilities, more beautiful in scenery, more attentive in service and more meticulous in operation. In this process, we must focus on cultural heritage and improve the living environment, allowing the city to retain its memory and people to remember their hometown," Gu said. 推动桐乡旅游业‘体验更精致、设施更精良、景观更精美、服务更精心、运营更精细’是我们当下的奋斗目标,在这个过程中,我们要注重文明传承和人居环境改善,让城市留下记忆、让人们记住乡愁。



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Official datashowed, between 2014-23, the number of digital economy businesses in Tongxiang increased from 355 to 3,694. Meanwhile, the total output value of key industries in the digital economy sector grew from 5.1 billion yuan ($706.38 million) to 29.39 billion yuan. 2014年到2023年,桐乡数字经济企业数量从355家增加到3694家,规上数字经济核心产业总量从51亿元增长到293.9亿元。
The city has also established infrastructure such as the Wuzhen Internet Innovation and Development Pilot Zone, as well as a digital economy innovation and development pilot zone and a new driving force software cultivation base at provincial levels. 桐乡先后创建乌镇互联网创新发展试验区、省级数字经济创新发展试验区、省级软件新动能培育基地。


At a recent Wuzhen data-related industry matchmaking event,a total of five projects were signed with a planned investment topping 2 billion yuan. These projects aim to promote data circulation transactions, improve the interconnected system of data transaction chains and build a data-commerce ecosystem across the Yangtze River Delta region. 在日前举行的2024乌镇数据要素产业对接会上,共有5个项目签约落地,计划总投资超过20亿元。这些项目将有力推动数据流通交易,完善数据交易链的互联互通体系,构建辐射长三角的数商生态体系。

"Currently, data elements are profoundly changing the development model and competitive landscape of traditional industries. Tongxiang will seize the opportunity with a more acute vision, amplify advantages and further explore the value of data elements," said Wang Jian, mayor of Tongxiang. 桐乡市市长王坚表示,当前,数据要素正深刻改变着传统产业的发展模式和竞争格局。桐乡将以更加敏锐的眼光抓住风口、放大优势,进一步挖掘数据要素价值。


Renowned for its silk, synthetic fibers and fiberglass production, Tongxiang has nurtured a range of industries with distinctive regional characteristics. They include Puyuan woolen sweaters, Chongfu furs and Zhouquan silk quilts. These industries are the foundation of the city’s high-quality development. 曾以蚕丝、化纤丝、玻纤丝起家,桐乡用“三根丝”孕育出了濮院毛衫、崇福皮草、洲泉蚕丝被等一批具有鲜明地域特色产业,稳住了高质量发展的底盘。


Led by electric vehicle maker Hozon Auto, Tongxiang has built an intelligent automotive industry ecosystem. It encompasses complete vehicle production from batteries, motors and electronic controls to intelligent driving software and hardware. 以哪吒汽车为龙头,桐乡构建起了从电池、电机、电控,到智能驾驶软硬件,至整车生产全产业链覆盖的智能汽车产业生态集群。
The city has become a hub for new material production, producing 25 percent of global fiberglass materials and 31 percent of China’s synthetic fiber materials. In 2023, the output value of Tongxiang’s new material industry reached 108.1 billion yuan. 这几年,桐乡大力发展以新材料为主导产业的先进制造业,“承包”了全球25%的玻纤新材料和全国31%的化纤新材料。2023年,桐乡新材料产业工业总产值规模达1081亿元。
In 2020, Tongxiang became the ninth county-level city in Zhejiang to achieve a GDP exceeding 100 billion yuan. By 2023, Tongxiang secured the 20th position on the list of China’s top 100 counties. 2020年,桐乡成为浙江第9个千亿县级市,2023年,桐乡荣登全国百强县榜单第20位。

“上有天堂,下有苏杭,苏杭中央是桐乡。 ” 近年来,桐乡紧紧围绕建设长三角核心区新兴综合交通枢纽和杭州都市区东北门户枢纽两大发展定位,以完善城市综合交通体系、强化市域骨干交通网络为重点,构建市域快速路网体系,优化高品质城市交通。 同时,着力推进区域重大交通基础设施建设,加快融入长三角、大湾区、都市区一体化发展总格局。



For Tongxiang, it is a crucial move to connect itself to Shanghai, Hangzhou and Suzhou. The expressway is expected to aid access to the industries of Suzhou and Hangzhou and the development dividend of the Yangtze River Delta. 对桐乡而言,它是桐乡接沪融杭连苏的重要通道,对承接苏杭经济、快速融入长三角一体化发展具有积极作用。
Total investment has reached 18 billion yuan while the investment from Tongxiang government exceeds 10 billion yuan, making it the first county-level highway project in China with more than 10 billion yuan invested. Construction began in October 2022 and it is expected to be completed by the end of October 2025. 苏台高速公路(二期)项目总投资180.11亿元,是全国第一个县级自主投资的超百亿高速公路项目。于2022年10月全面开建,预计2025年10月底建成通车。
"We started planning this project more than 10 years ago. However, due to design, investment and other reasons, we couldn’t start construction. Finally, we decided to fund the road by ourselves," said Xia Genwei, head of the Tongxiang transportation bureau. With Tongxiang’s GDP exceeding 100 billion yuan for three consecutive years, completing this road earlier offers greater opportunities. “我们在10多年前就在规划这个项目,可后来由于设计、投资等原因一直无法开工,最后我们决定自己出钱修路。”桐乡市交通运输局局长夏根伟说,时间既是效率,也是效益。桐乡的地区生产总值连续三年突破千亿元大关,早一点修好这条路,意味着桐乡会赢得更大的发展机遇。
