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Laozi, whose surname was Li and given name Er, was a renowned philosopher during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in ancient China. The exact age of Laozi has always been a mystery. Historical records state that Laozi lived to the age of 84. Considering the average lifespan during ancient times was only around 50 to 60 years, Laozi's longevity is undoubtedly remarkable.

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Laozi was a scholar of vast knowledge and wisdom. In his later years, Laozi rode a blue ox to the west through the Hangu Pass, which is now Lingbao City, Henan Province. It was during this journey that he composed the Tao Te Ching, a philosophical text containing around five thousand characters.

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The Tao Te Ching encompasses profound dialectical thinking. In the modern era, Laozi's philosophy, along with Ancient Greek philosophy, stands as two unparalleled peaks in the realm of human philosophy. Laozi is revered as the "Father of Chinese Philosophy" due to the depth of his philosophical insights.
