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In the Grain in Ear, the greenery is abundant. Grain in Ear is the third solar term of summer, symbolizing the golden wheat ears swaying in the fields, and also signifying the arrival of the busy farming season.

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Grain in Ear is not only a busy season for agricultural activities, but also a solar term full of wisdom and enlightenment. It reminds us that every moment in life is an alternation between sowing and reaping, and every choice we make may determine the direction of our future. In the Grain in Ear season of life, we may be busy harvesting the fruits of our past efforts, while also sowing new hopes for the future.

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Grain in Ear tells us not to be afraid of being busy, as busyness is an inevitable part of growth. Each stage has its own unique meaning and value. We should learn to find balance in our busy lives, seek opportunities in challenges, and respect the rhythm of every life.

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