

In the twentieth century, the sudden emergence of Fu Baoshi in the history of Chinese art can indeed be considered a miracle.

Fu Baoshi, born on the fifth day of the ninth month in the thirtieth year of the Guangxu reign (1904), and passed away on August 26, 1965. He was a native of Nanchang, Jiangxi, with ancestral roots in Zhangtang Village, Beigang, Xinyu. His original name was Changsheng, with the courtesy name Qingyuan, and the scholarly name Ruilin. He was also known as the Master of Baoshi Studio. Fu was a modern Chinese painter, art historian, calligrapher, and art educator, representing the "new landscape painting."

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Throughout his life, Fu Baoshi admired the elegance of the Wei and Jin dynasties. From Qu Yuan's "Nine Songs" to the literati of the Wei and Jin, and to the freehand brushwork of landscapes, he sought a natural freedom, expressing unrestrained and bold sentiments that deeply connected with both self and nature. Around the age of thirty, he created the ink painting "Goose," inscribing it with "Alas, there is no Wang Xizhi today," expressing his lament over the lack of artistic confidants. This initial outburst from his chest, an early cry, seemed like a sigh from the depths of his soul, marking a self-declaration in his artistic journey.


Fu Baoshi's artistic conception was profound, his compositional methods innovative. He skillfully used heavy ink and shading, integrating water, ink, and color to achieve a thick, unrestrained, and magnificent effect. Building on traditional techniques, he innovated, becoming a leader in the art world, revitalizing post-liberation landscape painting. His figure paintings featured vigorous lines and exquisite expressions of spirit. Valuing innovation, he studied painting in Japan, integrating traditional techniques with Japanese ones, inspired by the grandeur of Sichuan landscapes, creating the unique "Baoshi Texture Stroke." His figure paintings, influenced by Gu Kaizhi and Chen Laolian, evolved to form a distinctive style. His figures, often drawn from classical literature, had refined brushwork and vivid spirit, achieving a divine level of artistry. Despite rough and simple appearances, his figures exuded a serene dignity, with concise lines emphasizing variations in speed, pressure, and area, creating a unique style. He also incorporated landscape painting techniques into his figure paintings, transforming the style since the Qing dynasty and creating a distinctive artistic manner.


In his paintings, the vast and unrestrained mountain scenes and rain landscapes aptly displayed the magnificent beauty of the Bashu region, while also reflecting the artist's then melancholic mood, forming a unique subject style. He created the "Baoshi Texture Stroke" with scattered brushstrokes, portraying landscapes with a blend of roughness and finesse, leaving a fresh impression on the viewers.


From 1950 onwards, Fu Baoshi repeatedly painted poetic images based on Mao Zedong's verses. These works cleared away the old gloom, showing a bright and robust spirit. To express the new era's atmosphere and his own mood, he added bright greens and reds to his paintings. As he said, "Ink and brush should follow the times," his works like "Such a Charming Landscape," "The Dragon and Tiger Today Are Stronger Than Ever," and "The Hibiscus Kingdom Is All in Bright Sunshine" demonstrated his new level of color usage. Experimenting with new methods expanded his artistic space, but what truly made him famous was the "Baoshi Texture Stroke." After years of refining, the "Baoshi Texture Stroke" shed its initial recklessness, adopting a free and genuine character. The brushwork, seemingly sparse and casual, actually contained restrained energy, combining strength and elegance. Grand in overall momentum, meticulous in details, his works formed a coherent whole, leaving viewers in awe. Be it foreign landscapes or famous Chinese sites like Changbai Mountain, Mount Hua, Jingpo Lake, Shaoshan, and Jinggang Mountain, all were skillfully rendered with his brush.

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Fu Baoshi believed that the "lines" in Chinese figure painting were most abundant in clothing patterns. Therefore, his depiction of figures aimed both to practice and expand the expression of lines, and to complement landscape creation. Of the two, the former was more important as it embodied his long-held concept that lines are the foundation of all Chinese art forms. As an art historian, he was well-versed in the history of figure painting, able to analyze and meticulously organize the works from the Wei, Jin, to the Song dynasties. His figures, imbued with ancient charm, captured the essence of spirit.


Fu Baoshi's figure paintings showed little stylistic change over time. His figures, though similar in form, captivated viewers with their lively lines. In his creation, he did not adhere strictly to traditional techniques but integrated expressive elements into precise brushwork, displaying a light and swift touch combined with fluid long lines, striving for a unified depiction of movement and spirit. This unique approach set his work apart. Fu Baoshi devoted his life to this pursuit, achieving mastery through dedication and passion.


Regarding themes, Fu Baoshi's figure paintings mainly comprised two categories: "depicting ancient poems, integrating their imagery into the painting," and "recreating historical beautiful tales" (as stated in the preface to his Chongqing exhibition in the year of Renwu). He meticulously recreated historical figures' robes and crowns, showing his deep knowledge of historical sources and a dedicated, realistic approach. By incorporating poetic imagery and historical details into his paintings, he expressed his complex emotions—joy, tranquility, anger, or melancholy. He frequently painted portraits of Qu Yuan, out of reverence for Qu's patriotic spirit and exceptional talent. During the War of Resistance, he depicted Han envoy Su Wu with his staff, symbolizing his determination to resist the Japanese invaders. Admiring the lifestyle of Wei and Jin scholars who immersed themselves in nature, and the noble character of recluse Tao Yuanming, Fu Baoshi often depicted scenes of "Yuanming Buying Wine," showing his deep connection with these historical figures.


Fu Baoshi's works, deriving spirit from ancient and modern poetic imagery, and truth from historical facts, though simple in brushstroke, conveyed profound meanings, deeply moving all who beheld them. This was Fu Baoshi's great achievement, and indeed, a fortune for Chinese painting.
