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/ 毕业生·2024/




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王浩宇(Alvin Wang)

  • 5年级从美国回国,加入启明星

  • 收获帝国理工学院、伦敦大学学院、加州大学圣地亚哥分校、尔湾分校等知名学府的生物工程或生物技术专业录取通知书










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“Alvin对自己想要做的事情很专注,也非常投入。”大学升学顾问主任Melissa Meltzer Warehall说。






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/ Graduates · 2024 /

This summer, the 2024 high school graduates of Daystar left school and embarked on their own journeys. In the eyes of their teachers, they are a generation of students with consistent performance – their academic achievement is excellent, they are reliable, they have great ideas and unique personalities, and they are polite and gracious.

Due to limited space in the Graduates column, we can only introduce two of them. However, all seven of our other graduates, like these two teenagers, are outstanding and represent Daystar well. We will miss all of them!

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Alvin Wang (王浩宇)

  • Entered Daystar in 5th grade, after living in the US for five and a half years.

  • Alvin received offers of admission from several renowned universities, includingImperial College London, University College London, University of California, Irvine, and University of California, San Diego.

  • He plans to studybioengineering or biotechnology.

For typical Daystar Grade 12 students who will study abroad, a normal year consists solely of:

Applying to universities ->

Taking the IB exams ->

Graduating ->

Taking a break->

then preparing to leave China to study...

However, Alvin's life during his final year of high school was a bit different.

For example, while preparing for his IB exams, he restarted his 2022 VFC (Venture for Change) company. Moreover, even after receiving offers of admission, he did not drop this project in favor of other priorities. Instead, he continued to pursue his passion.

Most 12th graders wish to quickly end their high school life, and rush into a new world, but not Alvin. Instead, he continued working on the incomplete project that he’d had to drop due to time constraints, and strived to complete and perfect it with the classmates who were his founding partners.

Alvin’s Focus

As an integral part of Daystar's unique Social Innovation Program, VFC fosters students' abilities to help solve societal problems and practice their entrepreneurial skills.

Alvin's VFC project is to design and manufacture an eco-friendly coffee cup, and then sell these cups to restaurants and cafes. The cups are made of bagasse, which is a byproduct of the sugarcane and sorghum manufacturing processes, thus utilizing material that would otherwise be discarded. Because of Alvin’s idea for each cup to be printed with a unique number, people using these cups not only contribute to sustainable development, but also know where they are in the project queue. How interesting!

Design of the Cup


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After restarting the VFC, Alvin and his classmates continued to contact manufacturers to arrange production and explored sales channels. Alvin said that in the future, he has plans to do commercial projects, so continuing the VFC exemplifies Alvin’s passion for business.

Alvin has been experimenting with commercial endeavors throughout his life at Daystar. Since 7th grade, he tried his hand at setting up a website to teach math, developing a clothing brand, designing jewelry, and other initiatives. Although he suffered consecutive failures due to inexperience, he never stopped trying, and he was not shy to talk about his frustrations.

During summer vacation of 10th grade, he participated in the school's internship program when he interned with the marketing department of a high-end restaurant. He was placed based on his interests in business, and, though the catering industry is not what he wants to pursue in the future, according to his later reflections, he learned a lot from his work with the Marketing and Branding team.

“Alvin is very focused on what he wants to do, and also puts a lot of effort into pursing a variety of interests,” said Melissa Meltzer Warehall, the Head of College Counseling.

In Alvin's heart, he has a strong compulsion to persist and a lifelong motivation to learn. He does not get discouraged by disappointments, nor does he lose interest in trying when he encounters setbacks. This quality is rare in a teenager.

Alvin is excited about studying challenging majors. Perhaps influenced by his family, he likes bioengineering and biotechnology, so he dares to pursue these particularly demanding disciplines for his university studies.

After receiving several excellent offers, he chose where to enroll based on a reasoned analysis. In choosing the University of California, San Diego, instead of the more prestigious Imperial College London or the University College London, Alvin said, “Although Imperial College London is indeed more famous, biotechnology at University of California, San Diego is particularly outstanding!”


Alvin, who is described by his teachers as “academically very strong”, also has a wide range of hobbies and a strong desire to live an enriching life.

“I also like literature, and I like Su Shi. If I didn’t choose to major in biology, I would study literature and become a writer,” Alvin said. He said Mr. Peters, his English teacher who taught him for three years in secondary school, gave him a lot of inspiration as well as the joy and confidence to write.

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Alvin also enjoys traveling around the world, mountaineering and hiking. He remembers vividly his experiences camping and exploring caves with his classmates in 6th and 7th grades . He also works out regularly, does exercise in the Keep fitness app, and has started learning how to cook for his upcoming independent life. He said that even the sauce sandwiched in his hamburger was made by him, and was low in calorie, but high in protein!

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Alvin’s eagerness is impressive. During 11th grade, Alvin and his classmates went to Thailand to do a CAS service project. When they were invited to sing by the locals, tried to have a conversation in Thai, or cooked over a fire using the local method, he was always the first one who dared to try!

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Although Alvin joined Daystar late, after he returned to China in the middle of 5th grade, it is evident that the soil of Daystar perfectly matches his personal temperament as well as his family's expectations for an ideal education. More importantly, the inclusive bilingual and bicultural environment of Daystar Academy supported him to achieve excellent Chinese and English bilingual abilities, and to appreciate the richness and diversity of the two languages and cultures.

Therefore during his days at Daystar, he has continued to grow up and bloom in his own direction, eventually maturing into a teenager who, in everyone's words, has an urban soul, and is open to all experiences!

启明星2024届高中毕业生大学升学结果揭晓!Announcing Daystar's 2024 High School Graduates' College Admission Results!

愿你们欣逢属于自己的道路!送别2024届毕业生 A Farewell to the Class of 2024: May You Enjoy Your Future Paths!