【浦东融创未来金融城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):豪宅新格局!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』浦东唐镇融创精品项目

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共计218套房源,产品包括:小高层:约92m²: 26套,3室2厅1卫,约102m²: 72套,3室2厅2卫;约135m²: 46套,4室2厅2卫【浦东融创未来金融城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):豪宅新格局!

叠拼洋房:上叠约151m²: 24套,3室2厅2卫+露台,中平约164m²: 22套,3+1室2厅3卫;下叠约164m²: 24套,4室2厅3卫+地下室【浦东融创未来金融城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):豪宅新格局!


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01 产城共融 链接更新未来;金谷TOD聚合多维立体的城市业态,充分提升城市生活效能,08C地块与其仅一路之隔【浦东融创未来金融城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):豪宅新格局!,生产与生活的集中地,未来将无缝衔接配套升级与规划利好。

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02 一线滨水 写就丰盈诗意;城市亲水生态空间,夜光跑道、沿湖露营、烧烤区,营造形式多样而富有活力的滨河亲水空间【浦东融创未来金融城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):豪宅新格局!,打造全龄休闲社交场所。

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03 生态萦绕 隐于繁华芯处;紧邻川沙北界河公共绿地(约2万方)、【浦东融创未来金融城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):豪宅新格局!张家浜公园(约3万方),让自然融于生活,让公园景致成为生活的日常。

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04 多元街区 漫享生活聚场;临近创新中路TOD与玉盘南路约1500m开放街区,高效出行,便捷消费,满足日常所需,让生活更多元,让居住更丰盛。【浦东融创未来金融城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):豪宅新格局!

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05 目之所及 尽得咫尺心安;一路之隔即是未来的幼儿园和中学,出家门即进校门,一路之隔的家门口教育,一门之隔的名师友邻【浦东融创未来金融城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):豪宅新格局!,书香浸润人生,未来无限向上。

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06 低密谧境 私享风光无限;约1.6容积率低密宽境社区,超宽楼间距,告别拥挤,保障私密性;用满园的绿荫,取代建筑的阴影,【浦东融创未来金融城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):豪宅新格局!目之所及皆风景。

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07 美学封面 迭新未来风尚;以现代简约风格设计,为唐镇迭新城市界面。大面中性色,暖色勾边的形式打造高颜值立面;【浦东融创未来金融城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):豪宅新格局!采用横向线条产生动感,充分展现未来特色。

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08 超级主场 拓展美好想象;邻里共享超级生活轴,将功能设置在主要归家轴线上,激活社区活力,将宅间花园融入邻里休闲空间【浦东融创未来金融城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):豪宅新格局!打造有温度的邻里交流场所。中央花园、景观花园、架空设计、社区会客厅、活力健身场等多重配套,打造丰富社区互动体验。

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09 人车分流 营造归家仪式;主出入口为人行+车行;次出入口为车行+人行+消防,通过合理组织人、车、非机动车流线,为业主营造归家的仪式感与尊重【浦东融创未来金融城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):豪宅新格局!感。

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10 叠加臻品 致人生新高度;大城惟此4栋叠加产品,唐镇谨此少量稀缺五开间朝南叠加产品,以阔境尺度打破空间定式,多层空间设计【浦东融创未来金融城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):豪宅新格局!,承载生活的每一面。

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唐镇融创金融城加推约85-164㎡高层/叠墅;均价7.5W ;2号线地铁站 距离更近[Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" Pudong Tang Town Rongchuang boutique project
Line 2 subway station is closer
"Sunac Future City" will soon subscribe
The building surface is about 85-135㎡ for 3-4 rooms
The building surface is about 151-164㎡
Nine batches of meeting average price 75,000 /㎡
Sales office online booking! [Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes!
The Sunac Future City project believes that some homeowners will wonder, it seems to have existed in the property market for a whole year, why every batch has it? [Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes!
At present, the Pudong Outer Ring Road is located in the Tangzhen section of Sunac Future Financial City 13A-01, 13B-01, 13C-01, 13D-02, 13D-06 five plots have been opened. And the ace project 08B plot, [Pudong Sunac Future City] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes! The villa of 08C has also been held, but some people are worried about the operation of the company, and it is expected that low-scoring players will also have the opportunity to get on the bus.
Sunac City site plan [Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes!
Pudong Tang town Sunac boutique project
"Sunac Future City" will soon subscribe
The building surface is about 85-135㎡ for 3-4 rooms
The building surface is about 151-164㎡
The average price of nine batches is 7.5W/㎡
Sales office online booking! [Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes!
Sunac Future City Group 08 is located in the South Community section of Tangzhen Town, about 600 meters south of the metro station Line 2 and the business circle. This round of upcoming listings for the first batch of land of 08C, the total plan distribution map is as follows: 【 Pudong Sunac Future City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24-hour hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes!
A total of 218 sets of housing, products include: small high-rise: about 92m²: 26 sets, 3 rooms, 2 halls and 1 bathroom, about 102m²: 72 sets, 3 rooms, 2 halls and 2 bathrooms; About 135m²: 46 sets, 4 rooms, 2 rooms, 2 bathrooms [Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes!
Laminated bungalows: upper stack about 151m²: 24 sets, 3 rooms, 2 halls, 2 bathrooms + terrace, middle flat about 164m²: 22 sets, 3+1 rooms, 2 halls and 3 bathrooms; Lower stack about 164m²: 24 sets, 4 rooms, 2 rooms, 3 bathrooms + basement [Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes!
The apartment layout is as follows:
08C project overall design renderings:
Model room shooting:
[Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes!
Plot 08c Ten core values:
01 City and industry integration link to update the future; Golden Valley TOD aggregation of multi-dimensional urban business, fully improve the efficiency of urban life, 08C land is only one way away from its 【 Pudong Rongchuang Future City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes! The concentration of production and life, the future will seamlessly match the upgrading and planning of good.
02 A line of waterfront writing full of poetry; Urban hydrophile ecological space, luminous runway, camping along the lake, barbecue area, to create a variety of forms and vitality of the riverside hydrophile space [Pudong Rongchuang Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes! To create a leisure and social place for all ages.
03 Ecological lingering hidden in the bustling core; Close to Chuansha North Boundary River public green space (about 20,000 square meters), [Pudong Sunac Future City] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes! Zhangjiabang Park (about 30,000 square meters), let nature into life, let the park scenery become a daily life.
04 multi-block diffuse enjoy life gathering field; Close to Innovation Middle Road TOD and Yupan South Road about 1500m open block, efficient travel, convenient consumption, meet the daily needs, make life more diversified, make the residence more abundant. [Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes!
05 As far as the eyes can be at ease; All the way apart is the future of kindergarten and middle school, out of the house is into the school gate, all the way apart from the door of education, a door apart from the famous teacher friends and neighbors [Pudong Sunac Future Financial City] Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes! Scholarship infiltrates life, and the future is infinite.
06 Low quiet private scenery unlimited; About 1.6 low plot ratio dense wide environment community, super wide building spacing, say goodbye to congestion, protect privacy; Replace the shadow of the building with the shade of the garden, [Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes! There's scenery as far as the eye can see.
07 Aesthetic cover overlay new future fashion; Designed in modern simple style, it is a new urban interface for Tangzhen. Large surface neutral color, warm color hook edge form to create a high appearance level facade; [Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes! The use of horizontal lines to create dynamic, fully show the future characteristics.
08 Super home to expand the beautiful imagination; The neighbors share the super life axis, set the function on the main home axis, activate the vitality of the community, integrate the garden between the houses into the neighborhood leisure space [Pudong Rongchuang Future Financial City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes! Create a warm place for neighborhood communication. Central garden, landscape garden, overhead design, community meeting room, vitality gym and other multiple supporting facilities to create a rich community interactive experience.
09 people car diversion to create a home ceremony; The main entrance is pedestrian + car; The second entrance is car + pedestrian + fire protection, through the reasonable organization of people, vehicles, non-motor vehicle flow, for the owners to create a sense of ceremony and respect for home [Pudong Sunac Future City] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes! Feel.
10 Superimpose the best to a new height of life; Big city is only this 4 superimposed products, Tang Town, a small number of scarce five rooms facing the south superimposed products, to break the space of the wide scale, multi-layer space design [Pudong Sunac future City] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : new pattern of luxury homes! Carries every side of life.
[Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes!
According to the general plan of Shanghai Urban Master Plan (2017-2035), Pudong New Area, as a demonstration area of China's reform and opening up and the core carrying area of the "five centers", further defines the future vision of building a "global financial science and innovation center". This has become the core engine to enable Shanghai 2035 global excellence City, [Pudong Rongac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes! Planning the future of FinTech industry city.
According to the "14th Five-Year Plan" development plan of Zhangjiang Science City, Tang Town, which is located in the core position of "one axis and three corridors", is incorporated into the Zhangjiang Science and Technology City plate, based on the interface of urban energy level and production and finance space, the official sales office of [Pudong Rongchuang Future Financial City] Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24-hour hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes! More regional values and functions are linked, so as to achieve the aggregation of quantitative change to qualitative change, and become the giant energy engine that the region once again crosses, creating a new home field of future life.
[City of Life where water and green blend] Thanks to the advanced planning of Tangzhen Park Ecological City, the rare low-density ecology has given birth to more park fields that can grow freely: In addition to the existing Huaxia Park, the future total of about 100,000 square meters of public green space will be "three corridors and two parks" overall layout [Pudong Sunac Future Financial City] Official Sales Office Phone: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes! To form an overall planning, open series waterfront park ecology.
[Vibrant City of Vitality] As one of the pilot pilot areas of smart city, focus on the "3+3+X" high-end industrial system layout, accelerate the construction of integrated circuits, biomedicine, artificial intelligence [Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes! The main industries, including digital economy and robot intelligence, have formed a vibrant city full of future vigor and vitality where more than one million industrial elites live together. [Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes!
【 Two parks 】 Shanghai Integrated Circuit Design Industrial Park, Zhangjiang Online New economic ecological Park
【 Two valleys 】 Zhangjiang Medicine Valley, Zhangjiang Robot Valley
[One island] Zhangjiang Artificial Intelligence Island
【 Multi-base 】 Zhangjiang Private Enterprise Headquarters Cluster Area, Shanghai Pudong Software Park, Shanghai Bank Card Industrial Park, etc. [Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes!
As the main axis of Pudong East development, the first Tang Town plate relies on the North-South science and technology innovation corridor, adjacent to the three major urban sub-centers, and the surrounding area gathers a large number of industrial clusters and real estate needs. [Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes!
Graph source network
The second Tangzhen plate as a new generation of international community in Shanghai: the positioning specifications are more forward-looking, and Tangzhen is a very obvious area for planning and development. Large land reserves, clear planning [Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes! The threshold is high, first-line developers gather, paving the way for the international community, and even halted the land supply a few years ago, which also highlights the future land value of Tang Town.
In terms of the overall life of Tangzhen Plate, it is ecologically surrounded by natural water systems. Compared with some other plates in Pudong, Tangzhen Plate is relatively more livable. It is the residential plate with the highest appearance level and the least pollution. [Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes! With the introduction of population, the commercial, medical and cultural resources of Tangzhen have been further improved, especially the implementation of the resources of famous schools and the establishment of the commercial complex of subway stations, and the gradual formation of a new urban interface, which makes people look forward to the future of Tangzhen
Fourth in the traffic, rail transit line 2 is Shanghai's golden belt, series Shanghai's four CBD, the value of line 2 is self-evident, Tang town area distribution of rail transit 2 stations, Tang [Pudong Sunac Future City] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : luxury new pattern! The completion of town Station and Innovation Middle Road, Longdong Avenue, also pulled into the distance from the central city, is the basis of price progress, making Tang Town more competitive.
With a planned area of 18.3 square kilometers, Tangzhen is positioned as the largest international community in Pudong, with a total volume of 7 million residential developments and 600,000 square meters of commercial supporting facilities far exceeding the foreshore and Lianyang. [Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes! And because of the positioning of the international community, the urban interface of the whole plate is very clean, suitable for improving living.
Tang town main real estate distribution
In addition, Line 2 runs through the plate, which can directly reach People's Square and Nanjing West Road. North to undertake Waigaoqiao free trade zone; South of the park is the largest in Asia, the world's third largest Disney [Pudong Sunac Future City] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes! ; Pudong Airport is half an hour to the east. Zhangjiang, Lianyang and Lujiazui in the west can be covered by half an hour's drive, and the transportation is convenient.
At the same time, the plate has also attracted Poly, Green City, Sunac, Pufa, Dacheng, Overseas Chinese Town and other well-known real estate developers have settled in the development, to create a number of quality real estate, [Pudong Sunac Future City] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes! It also makes the living facilities within the plate more and more perfect, and the living atmosphere is increasingly strong.
In terms of transportation, the project is close to Line 2 Innovation Middle Road subway station and East China Road station, and the surrounding East China Road, Gaoke East Road, Longdong Avenue, Huaxia Viaduct, Central Viaduct, outer Ring Viaduct and other major roads are surrounded by [Pudong Rongchuang Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Luxury new pattern! To form an extensive road traffic network, which can reach the whole city.
In terms of business, there are Rongrong Life Square, Sunshine World, Hang Seng Wanli Square and other commercial bodies around, eating, drinking and fun. [Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes!
In terms of medical care, there are Pudong New Area People's Hospital, Shanghai Anping Hospital, Shanghai Puzhong Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, and many community health service stations to protect health. [Pudong Sunac Future City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New pattern of luxury homes!
In terms of education, the surrounding Golden Sunshine Kindergarten, SMIC Tangzhen Kindergarten, Yumiao Primary School, Tangzhen Primary School, Tangzhen Middle School, Minyuan College, etc., children's education need not worry [Pudong Rongchuang Future City] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : New structure of luxury homes! .
At the same time, there is a kindergarten under construction next to the plot.
Next to the land is the Tang Town Culture and Sports Center.
The second-hand market in Tang Town has exceeded 10w+ since the beginning of this year! Even with the price verification now on, its【浦东融创未来金融城】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):豪宅新格局!