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这个时刻叫 Blue Hour,太阳落下后的20分钟,与地平线的夹角在-4°至-6°之间的这段时间被称为“蓝调时刻”。蓝色与落日余晖交织融合,天空逐渐变成一杯神秘的鸡尾酒,温柔又绚丽,这一场盛大的宇宙告别。

This moment is called the Blue Hour, the 20 minutes after sunset when the angle between the sun and the horizon is between -4° and -6°. During this time, blue hues blend with the afterglow of the sunset, gradually turning the sky into a mysterious cocktail, both gentle and splendid—a grand cosmic farewell.

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At Hangzhou's West Lake, lotus flowers are already in full bloom. Watching the sunset's glow transition from purple to red, eventually filling half the sky, is truly breathtaking!

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A few boats drift leisurely through this dreamlike scene, with people on board either lost in the beauty before them or engaged in soft conversation, their faces beaming with happiness and tranquility. By the shore, weeping willows gently brush the water's surface, seemingly whispering and dancing with the everlasting rays of the sunset.
