
Chu Yun, a native of Yixing, was born to a father who was a professor at Nanjing Normal University. From an early age, Yun received rigorous family education, extensively reading classics and histories, and developed a special fondness for calligraphy and painting. Reflecting on his childhood, Yun first encountered the brush and ink while living with his grandparents in the countryside, where he was surrounded by the beauty of blue skies and picturesque landscapes, enriching his youthful imagination. During his leisure time, he would often scribble and sketch on the walls with chalk, drawing birds and trees with vivid detail. His scholarly family, understanding and appreciative of his artistic expressions, never scolded him but often looked upon his efforts with approval and encouragement.

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Chu Yun encountered Mr. Jing Weichen during his middle school years, who introduced him to the art of landscape painting and ignited his passion for calligraphy and painting. In 1971, Yun enlisted in the military and, due to his artistic talents, created propaganda art. In 1974, he abandoned sketching and watercolor painting to focus solely on calligraphy, studying ancient masters to absorb their wisdom and culture. Yun recalled, "Since becoming enamored with calligraphy, I have not revisited sketching or watercolor painting. While these experiences benefited my art, the profound depth of traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy requires dedicated study, reflection, and practice to truly master."

After his discharge, Chu Yun served in the public security department and devoted his spare time to pursuing calligraphy and painting, receiving guidance from renowned masters such as Lin Sanzhi and Xu Bangda. In 1979, his running script couplet was selected for the Jiangsu Calligraphy Exhibition, marking his entry into the art world. Despite growing fame, he returned to his hometownYixing, adhering to a life of solitude and tranquility. Through daily diligence, his understanding of traditional Chinese painting deepened. Chu Yun remarked, "Chinese painting is the path of solitude, the art of loneliness." Reflecting on his half-century journey in art, he acknowledged that hardship outweighed joy, with ninety percent of the time spent in solitude. In recent years, he continues to create, alongside increasing his time for contemplation, reading, and writing.

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Chu Yun's aesthetic pursuit and philosophy of life center on "Cloud, Water, Literary Mind." Clouds symbolize constant change, water represents overcoming strength with softness, literature cleanses away dust, and the mind learns from ancient and modern, creating naturally. These elements reflect not only his artistic aesthetics but also his approach to life. He especially admires the calligraphy masters Huang Binhong and Xie Wuliang, understanding the profundity of traditional Chinese painting through their brushwork. Yun emphasizes the importance of studying the techniques of these masters in his youth, but true achievement lies in respecting tradition without being confined by it, upholding integrity, and pursuing innovation.

Chu Yun believes that Huang Binhong's artistic thought is ahead of its time. His works are rich and vigorous, combining both strength and elegance, reaching the highest realm of brush and ink. In his calligraphy essays, Yun writes, "Binhong deeply studied bronze inscriptions, capturing their essence. His lines are like mountains moving stealthily, with the strength to lift great weights." This expresses Yun's understanding of Binhong's ideal brushwork state. The phrase "mountains moving stealthily" implies that while the lines appear calm, they possess immense inner strength and enduring, rounded vigor.

Although Chu Yun has achieved much in the field of calligraphy and painting, he believes that true masterpieces are rare and serendipitous. He cites the ancient saying "discarding three thousand paintings" to illustrate the randomness in the creation of art, noting that finding one excellent piece among hundreds is already difficult. He believes that a good work requires the artist to capture fleeting inspiration, build upon years of accumulation, and employ exquisite brushwork. The creative process is full of chance, requiring the balance of various elements; only through deep accumulation can a work resonate with others.

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Chu Yun regards Chinese painting and calligraphy as the essence of Chinese culture, blending the insights of scholars on nature, society, politics, philosophy, and art. The brushwork contains profound cultural significance and unparalleled heritage value. Yun states that the first step in inheriting national art is to study the works of predecessors, absorbing their essence and broadening one's perspective. Huang Binhong's great achievements resulted from integrating the strengths of many masters into his own style. Yun reiterates that the roots of Chinese painting must not be abandoned, and the spirit of national painting must be preserved. Inheritance should advance with the times, delve into the people, and create art that pleases the public, while also upholding the brushwork tradition of the ancestors. Huang Binhong remarked that national painting, in some respects, surpasses Western art, and its foundation must not be lost. This is the principle Yun has adhered to for many years.

With a pure heart, Chu Yun works silently, dedicating himself to the inheritance and promotion of Chinese culture. He seldom participates in exhibitions out of respect for traditional painting and calligraphy, believing that blind conformity is detrimental to the emergence of true masterpieces. He asserts that artists in the new era must uphold a sense of responsibility—to themselves, to their art, to history, and to future generations.
