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part.3 万




There is a Soul in Everything

Flower-and-bird painting is a traditional Chinese art form that takes plants and animals as its subjects. Whether it’s flowers, grasses, trees, birds, beasts, fish, or insects, all of nature’s lively creatures are the objects of artists’burning creativity. This practice sprang from the Chinese view of nature as a unified whole and an external manifestation of human character. Thus, the plum blossom, orchid, bamboo, and chrysanthemum are called the “Four Gentlemen.” Each symbolizes a distinct virtue: the plum blossom represents resilience and steadfastness as it blooms in winter; the orchid signifies elegance due to its pleasant fragrance; bamboo stands for uprightness and modesty; and the chrysanthemum embodies seclusion and poise, as well as aloofness from mundane pursuits. Artists use their subjects to metaphorically express their personal ideals and moral integrity.

Flower-and-bird paintingstudies the forms of plants and animals through painting from nature. Technically, gongbi flower-and-bird painting meticulously depicts the dynamics of its subjects with intricate and lifelike details. In contrast, xieyi flower-and-bird painting emphasizes expressive brushwork and ink arrangement, using seemingly spontaneous but carefully composed strokes to convey the artist’s feelings and ideas emphatically. Flower-and-bird painting has been quite popular. Today, it has expanded its range of subjects, adopted extra-large formats, and incorporated many Western techniques. This not only demonstrates the high artistic skills of Chinese artists but also represents people’s aspirations for a beautiful life.

Chinese artists’ continuous depiction of the animated natural world is driven by their artistic philosophy, which holds that, ultimately, the value and function of art lie in “promoting morality and assisting in ethical teaching,” attaining inner harmony and tranquility, and creating a better world.

Xu Lian

吴迅 龙马天高  136cm×68cm 2024年
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吴迅 龙马天高 136cm×68cm 2024年
邢少臣 鹤舞一枝春 136cm×68cm 2023年
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邢少臣 鹤舞一枝春 136cm×68cm 2023年
陈鹏 熠耀阳华 136cm×68cm 2024年
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陈鹏 熠耀阳华 136cm×68cm 2024年
贾广健 紫茸弄清寒 136cm×68cm  2021年
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贾广健 紫茸弄清寒 136cm×68cm 2021年
郭子良 热带写生系列-弯子木之花 90cm×63cm 2018年
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郭子良 热带写生系列-弯子木之花 90cm×63cm 2018年
雷苗 轻纱三 80.8cm×135.2cm 2014年
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雷苗 轻纱三 80.8cm×135.2cm 2014年
徐冬青 摩诃曼珠沙华 68cm×68cm 2013年
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徐冬青 摩诃曼珠沙华 68cm×68cm 2013年
周午生 果熟来禽 136cm×68cm 2023年
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周午生 果熟来禽 136cm×68cm 2023年


编辑 | 赵 墨

制作 | 闫天蒙

校对 | 安亚静

二审 | 李振伟

三审 | 冯知军




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