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Digital transformation and green and low-carbon strategy are important areas of development for Shanghai. One of the advantage industries in Scotland is energy and low carbon transition. Scottish Development International (SDI) gives a high evaluation of Shanghai's institutional innovation in green and low carbon, and prove that the Shanghai's driving force of institutional innovation makes the cooperation potential between Shanghai and Scotland greater and greater with many Scottish enterprises investing in Shanghai.


Scotland has outstanding wind power and

hydrogen energy development achievements


Consumer industries, energy and low carbon transition, science and technology industries are Scotland's advantage industries and Scotland has an innovative edge in key net-zero areas such as the energy transition, climate technology and hydrogen. As UKs energy base, the Scottish government has committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2045, five years ahead of the UK's target. To this end, Scotland has made efforts to build a series of renewable energy projects to achieve energy transition. Among them, the most significant achievements are the development in offshore wind and hydrogen energy in Scotland.


Scotland is the "leader" of offshore wind power in Europe and is home to the world's first commercial floating wind project-Hywind, and the world's largest grid connected floating wind project-Kincardine. In 2022, Scottish offshore wind projects attracted a total of USD 54.8 billion in foreign direct investment, equivalent to the rest of the world combined.

苏格兰国际发展局中国区总裁贝立(Richard Baker) 表示,"苏格兰目前有超过45吉瓦的海上风电项目处于不同的规划阶段,这为我们与中国公司、中国投资者的合作,提供真正的机会:在苏格兰建立供应链,积累专业知识,然后将其输出到世界各地,并将知识与经验分享给中国,帮助中国实现能源转型。”

Richard Baker, president of SDI in China, said "with more than 45GW of offshore wind projects in various stages of planning in Scotland, there is a real opportunity for us to work with Chinese companies and Chinese investors to build a supply chain in Scotland, build expertise that can then be exported around the world, and share that knowledge and experience back in China to help with its energy transition."

氢能作为清洁能源,对于实现碳中和与净零经济尤为重要。苏格兰作为世界上较早开发氢能并应用的地区,目前拥有许多世界领先的氢能项目,比如,1995年成立于苏格兰的洛根能源(Logan Energy),是欧洲领先的氢能源应用技术公司,也是英国唯一的氢能和燃料电池集成商,拥有全套能源设计方案。

As a clean energy source, hydrogen is particularly important for achieving a carbon-neutral and net-zero economy. Scotland, as one of the first regions in the world where hydrogen energy was developed and applied, currently has many world-leading hydrogen energy projects, for example, Logan Energy, founded in Scotland in 1995, is Europe's leading hydrogen energy application technology company and the UK's only hydrogen and fuel cell integrator with a full range of energy design options.
