6月26日,全球首列用于商业化运营的碳纤维地铁列车“CETROVO 1.0 碳星快轨”在山东青岛正式发布。

China has unveiled the world's first commercially operational metro train built with carbon fiber materials, marking a significant leap in eco-friendly urban transportation technology.


Developed by CRRC Qingdao Sifang and Qingdao Metro, the CETROVO 1.0 train boasts reduced weight and energy consumption, paving the way for a greener future for subways.

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The innovative train utilizes carbon fiber composites, revolutionary materials known for their strength-to-weight ratio. "By using this 'king' of new materials, the train achieves an impressive 11 percent weight reduction compared to traditional metal models," said Liu Jinzhu, a senior designer at CRRC Qingdao Sifang.


Despite its lighter frame, the carbon fiber construction doesn't compromise on strength. Liu said the components offer superior resistance to impact and fatigue compared to traditional metals, ultimately extending the train's life span. The reduced weight also translates to less wear on wheels and rails, minimizing maintenance requirements.


That translates to a lighter body, with the weight savings directly translating into a 7 percent reduction in energy consumption, leading to an annual decrease of 130 metric tons of carbon emissions. The environmental benefit is equivalent to planting roughly 6.7 hectares of forest.

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来源:央视新闻 中国日报