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Never be anxious in advance, life is nothing but playing tricks.

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I used to think that persistence would make us stronger, but later I realized that sometimes what makes us stronger is letting go.

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Everyone goes through this stage and when they see a mountain, they want to know what is behind it. I really want to tell him that maybe when you go over the back of the mountain, you will find nothing special, and when you look back, you will feel that this side is better.

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When tired, know when to rest; when depressed, know when to pass; when dry, know when to stop.

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True wealth is the smile on your face.

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People often look the same when they are alone, and when many people come together, they become completely different.

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Life is a ten thousand meter long run. If someone criticizes you, then you need to run faster, so that those sounds will be behind you and you can no longer hear them.

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True love often begins with feeling the principles of one's life ideals from the other person.

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Slowly move forward, leisurely enjoy the process, gradually discover life, and let the sweetness of life gradually release.