Huairou, Beijing
July 16 - 22, 2024
About SECUF-2024
Dear Colleagues,
It is our great pleasure to announce that the 3rd Conference on Physics under Synergetic Extreme Conditions and the accompanied Summer School of SECUF, together briefed as SECUF-2024, will be held in Beijing, China from July 16 to 22, 2024. We cordially invite you to participate in SECUF-2024.
SECUF-2024 consists of two parts. The first part is a Summer School, which delivers tutorial lectures on fundamental knowledges of researches under extreme physical conditions, together with the introduction of the experimental conditions available in SECUF. The second part is a Conference containing one plenary session and five parallel sessions, for exchanging newest research progresses under extreme physical conditions. There is no registration fee.
For the Summer School:The number of on-site participants in the summer school is limited to 150.Registration for summer school is now closed.You can attend the summer school remotely through the KouShare via live streaming link
For the Conference:Please log onto the website to register and reserve hotel room before July 10, 2024.
QR code for the SECUF-2024 website
SECUF-2024 Sessions
Summer School
Plenary Session
Session 1
Emergent quantum materials and phenomena
under high pressure extreme conditions
Session 2
Physical properties under synergetic
extreme conditions
Session 3
Quantum transport in low dimensional materials
and quantum devices at ultralow temperatures
Session 4
Ultrafast physics and technology
Session 5
High-pressure and high-temperature
large-volume press techniques and applications
Dates and Venue
Online registrants will be guaranteed to stay in suggested hotel with a discounted rate upon the confirmation by the secretariat.If you need to book a suggested hotel, please be sure to complete your hotel reservation on the website July 10, otherwise we cannot guarantee that all participants will be able to stay at the suggested hotel.
Contact Us
If you have questions or inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yuwen Li
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