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7月2日,欢迎旗帜飘扬在哈萨克斯坦首都阿斯塔纳街头。新华社记者 王建华 摄

上合组织 (the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, SCO) 成立23年以来,始终对内遵循“互信、互利、平等、协商、尊重多样文明、谋求共同发展”的“上海精神”,对外奉行不结盟、不针对其他国家和地区及开放原则;始终照顾彼此利益诉求,坚持共商共建共享原则,强化发展战略对接,积极推动贸易、交通、能源、科技等领域合作。





A State Should Regard Righteousness as a Benefit.


A state should regard righteousness as a fundamental benefit. The debate over righteousness and benefits has been a constant theme of discussion in the Chinese history of philosophy, because benefits were often seen as personal profits that might be wrongfully gained. Taking righteousness as the most important kind of benefit was a basic concept upheld by ancient philosophers. Neither a person nor a state can survive without benefits. However, ancients emphasized the integration of righteousness and benefits. They believed that benefits could be materialized only when combined with righteousness, and the two should stay in harmony. One must not seek personal gain at the expense of righteousness. According to this concept, a government must not vie with commoners for benefits, nor should a state vie with another state for benefits for itself only. One must always strive for mutual assistance, shared interests, balance, and win-win outcomes.



A state should not take pecuniary gain as benefit, but righteousness as its benefit. (The Book of Rites)


Turn Disadvantage into Advantage.


This expression is a war fighting principle proposed by the ancient military thinker Sunzi in The Art of War. It means that a commander should have an accurate and full assessment of one’s own and the enemy’s deployment and not be distracted by temporary setbacks or difficulties. He should skillfully use unfavorable factors or situations to lull the enemy into a situation to his own advantage, and thus gain the upper hand. Such a military tactic is also used in social activities in which there is competition.



When two armies face each other, the biggest challenge is turning a twisting road into a straight one, or turning disadvantage into advantage. So a commander should lure and distract the enemy with tactics to his advantage, move after the enemy but take a shortcut route and reach the battleground first. This is how to turn a twisting road into a straight one. (The Art of War)


If Two People Are of the Same Mind, Their Combined Strength Can Break Metal.

两人同心 , 其力量犹如利刃可以斩断金属。“二人”可以指兄弟、夫妻或任何当事的双方;“同心”,有共同的愿景,思想认识一致;“利”,锋利;“断金”,斩断金属。此术语比喻只要当事双方一条心,就能发挥强大力量,克服任何困难,犹言团结起来力量大。它强调的是齐心协力、团结合作的重要意义。

When two people are of the same mind, their combined strength is like a sharp blade which can cut through metal. “Two people” here could mean two brothers, husband and wife, or any two persons working together. “Of the same mind” here means the people sharing the same vision and thinking. This metaphorical term means that people of the same mind will create great strength and can overcome any obstacles. It stresses the importance of concerted efforts and cooperation, which will generate great power.



If two people are of the same mind, their combined strength can cut through a piece of metal. Words of people with the same mind smell as fragrant as orchids. (The Book of Changes)


Justice Brings Wealth, and Wealth Enriches People.


A ruler must generate wealth in accordance with justice and rules, and then use such wealth to help people prosper. Yi (义), originally refers to righteousness and can also be understood as appropriateness and rules. Shengli (生利) means to generate wealth and make profits. Fengmin (丰民) suggests enriching the people. This is to say that the ruler must ensure that what he does conforms to justice and rules, benefits the people, and improves their livelihood. It is a combination of the concepts of “justice bringing wealth” and “keeping wealth with the people.”



The reason people need a sovereign ruler is because they want him to uphold justice and establish rules. A ruler must generate wealth in accordance with justice and rules, and then use such wealth to help the people prosper. (Discourses on Governance of the States)


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