
Belarus officially joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) on Thursday, and became its 10th member state.


作为迄今唯一以中国城市命名的国际组织,上海合作组织(The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, SCO)是做什么的?有哪些成员国?“上海精神”又是什么?2分钟,双语君带你了解上合组织!



The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, or SCO, was established in 2001 in Shanghai by China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. In 2017, it expanded to eight states to include India and Pakistan. Iran joined the group last year and Belarus has completed its accession this year.

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Over the past 23 years, the SCO has evolved from a regional heads-of-state meeting mechanism into the world's largest and most populous comprehensive regional organization. The population of its member countries accounts for nearly half of the world's total, their combined area covers one-quarter of the global landmass, and their total GDP exceeds $23 trillion.


Since its founding, under the guidance of the Shanghai Spirit, the SCO has brought together countries from different regions and successfully charted a new path for development featuring partnership rather than alliance, dialogue rather than confrontation.


Over the years, the SCO has become a prototype and model for a new, fairer mechanism of international interaction. It serves as a platform where states with different political traditions and diplomatic practices meet, negotiate and establish connections.


Looking ahead, the SCO has the potential to play an even greater role in shaping global governance and fostering a more inclusive international order.


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