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The more people you come into contact with, the more you will find that those at a higher level encourage you, those at the same level appreciate you, and those at a lower level will belittle you.

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The rise and fall of a person's emotions are inversely proportional to their perception of facts. The less you know about facts, the easier it is to develop emotions.

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A person is interesting because they read extensively, get used to thinking, slow down, engage in deep conversations, and create a rich inner world for themselves.

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Reckless people need to learn to think, while thoughtful people need to overcome hesitation. The goal can be perfect, but there is no need to be comprehensive when taking steps.

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In this lifetime, there are only a few people who truly care about you and also care about you. These few people are your entire world.

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Everything must be voluntary. Willingness to do the same thing is enjoyment, otherwise it is abuse.

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Remember one sentence: Don't argue with people with different perspectives.

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Many things will gradually improve as long as you think in a positive direction.

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No matter what happens, in the end it's just you who's left.