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走近 Law Science

《法学》创刊于1956年,由华东政法大学主办,是新中国成立后最早出版的两本法学期刊之一。《法学》编辑部于2022年推出了《法学》英文版(Law Science)。办刊理念为“在国际层面传播中国法学声音,扩大我国法学研究成果的国际影响力,加强中国参与国际法治建设的话语权。”《法学》英文版为季刊;既刊登英文原创论文,也刊登中文论文的译文。

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1.Authorized Reform Pilots Should First Follow the Principle of Legal Reservation

QIN Xiaojian

Professor Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

2.The Social Theory Approach to Environmental Jurisprudence In China:Sources, Functions, and Fields of Study

QIN Tianbao

Professor Institute of Environmental Law Wuhan University

3.The Jurisprudential Basis and Functional Positioning of Victim Dogmatics

DENG Zhuoxing

Postdoctoral fellow Tsinghua University School of Law with a Ph.D.in Law

4.The Judicial Application of Criminal Responsibility Provisions for Young Minors

LIU Renwen

Professor Institute of Law Chinese Academy of Social Sciences School of Law Chinese Academy of Social Sciences University

5.Claim-Judgment Relationship and Trial-Enforcement Relationship in the Procedure of Creditor's Revocation Right

ZHU Yuchen

Ph.D.Candidate Law School of Peking University

6.On the Extension of Public Legal Service Function of China's People's Courts


Professor doctoral supervisor of the “Jingtian Scholar” of East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL)

7.The Balance of Interests between the Volunteering Rescuer and the Rescuee in Emergency Assistance

ZHANG Haoliang

Lecturer Shiliang law school Changzhou University

8.International Law in Central Asia:Factors, Challenges, and Prospects

Vladislav Tolstykh

Professor at the University of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia;Leading Researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences


1.The Challenging of ChatGPT to the Subjectivity of Legal Practitioners


Professor Law School China University of Political Science and Law

2.On the Chinese Approach of Administrative Rule of Law Modernization in the New Era

WU Huan

Associate Professor Law School of Nanjing Normal University;Institute of Chinese Modernization of Rule of Law;Collaborative Innovation Center for Regional Legal Development in Jiangsu Universities

3.A New Developmental Pathway for Chinese Criminal Jurisdiction from the Perspective of Institutional Isomorphism

WANG Dezheng

Ph.D.Candidate Law School University of International Business and Economics

4.Disputes over the Crime of Obstructing the Administration of Stimulants

LI Guanyu

Associate Professor Law School Huazhong University of Science and Technology

5.The Legal Attribute and Enforcement Mechanism of Paid Annual Leave

WANG Xianyong

Professor Civil Commercial and Economic Law School China University of Political Science and Law

6.Classification of Active Use of Personal Information and Relevant Contract Construction

WU Teng

Associate Professor Law School of Central University of Finance and Economics

7.The Legal Nature of Retention-of-Title Seller's Rights in Bankruptcy Proceedings

ZHAN Shiyuan

Ph.D.Candidate Law School of Chongqing University

8.Use of SEZs for Development:National Policies of China and India and the Potential Legal Implications

Rajan Sudesh Ratna;FU Jiangyuan

Deputy Head and Senior Economic Affairs Officer at United Nations ESCAP South and South-West Asia Office;Associate Professor Institute for Human Rights Law School of Law Huazhong University of Science and Technology


1.Determination of Infringement in Personal Information Leakage under the Accountability Principle and the Security Principle

LIN Huanmin

Guanghua Law School Zhejiang University

2.Restrictions on the Right to Performance under the Principle of Efficiency-Based Loss Mitigation

CHEN Yunxi

KoGuan Law School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University

3.On the Systematization of the Financial Supervision Laws

JIN Wenhui

Law School Chongqing University

4.Procedural Reform on the Grounds for Expulsion of Shareholders

LIU Shengjun

Law School of Civil Aviation University of China

5.The Legal Principle of Comparative egligence in Disputes over Suitability Obligations of Financial Institutions

SHANG Lianjie

Law School Nanjing University

6.The Rule of Law Dimension of the Right to Health of the Elderly

JIN Chenghua;YUAN Yinfeng

International Medical Law Research Center Shanghai University Law School;International Medical Law Research Center Shanghai University Law School

7.Liability in International Air Transport:The Montreal Convention's Limitations Clause and the Period of Carriage by Air

YE Ziwen

East China University of Political Science and Law

8.The Scope of the“Special Responsibility”on Digital Platforms:Is a Multi-layered Competition Law Regime an Effective Regulatory Instrument for the Platform Economy?

YANG Yichen

Law School Sichuan University Chengdu China


1.Evaluation of the Rule of Law in China’s Development of Administrative Law Promoted through Local Legislation

GUAN Baoying

Professor Shanghai University of Political Science and Law

2.Theoretical Development and Institutional Improvement of Caution in Prosecution

BIAN Jianlin

Professor Shenzhen University

3.Crossing the Rubicon:Conceptualizing National Security to Vanquish Competition

Joel Slawotsky

Reichman University Herzliya Israel

4.Personalized Recommendation, Publicness Erosion and Antimonopoly Measures in Digital News Market

YU Ling

Professor Law School of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics

5.Determination of Apparent Agency Responsibility in the Dual Structure of Actual Authority and Apparent Authority


Lecturer Law School China Jiliang University

6.A New Mechanism of International Law for Combating Cybercrime


Associate Professor Peking University Law School

7.Reform of WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism in the Context of Retaining or Abolishing the Appellate Body


S.J.D.case manager China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission

8.A New Development of Fiduciary Duties for Financial Advisors in Hong Kong:Pui Yin and others v Bank of Singapore Ltd

YOU Chuanman

Associate Research Fellow Institute for International Affair Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen);E&W Barker Centre for Law and Business NUS Faculty of Law

责任编辑 | 吴晓婧
审核人员 | 张文硕

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